DraftHouse Media
via Podcasts
This podcast is so well done; I loved every episode!
I loved the series!!!
I was a little disappointed that there was only 6 episodes but they were all amazing and very entertaining!
I need more!
Will there be more episodes? I love them but have listened to them all. šŸ˜
Save earth!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE TAKE ROLL IN SAVING THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜«šŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µšŸ˜µ
I need more!
Excellent Behind the Scenes Story
As a physician Iā€™m always interested in the medical stresses faced by astronauts. This is great look at the dangers of space flight while not getting too technical and boring for non-medical personnel. Presentation is superb.
Tuffy 413
Im really sad I just found this podcast but there are only 6 episodes. Itā€™s well written and I wish there were more episodes.
Jac Janae
I love space and thought I new all about it, then I found this and well... I love it! This is a really great podcast and I enjoyed listening and learning about space!
Educational and Interesting
You learn many things while also being entertained and your kept interested.
Makes you feel something.
Time will tell
The first 3 of this 4 part series are generally well produced and entertaining podcasts. While lacking in much substantive content they are enjoyable and informative for those who have no background. Sadly, the fourth and longest episode was little more than a liberal diatribe setting forth unsubstantiated claims that both NASA and the Russian Space Agency are both misogynistic and racist. Hopefully this podcast will focus on the fascinating subject of space and leave politics for another venue.
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Fascinating and well done
I really like this podcast and am learning a lot as well as being entertained. Great to get a sense of the space program past, present and future from those who participated, and to learn the behind-the-scenes stories. I appreciate the knowledgeable and enthusiastic presenter as well.
Was interesting.
Don't much care for the sensationalism/radiolab aspect, really stuck out in The Privilege to Launch episode. So unfortunately had to drop the series.
This is a wonderful podcast. If youā€™re facilitated with space, and space travel, you will thoroughly enjoy this podcast.
Listen to this. As soon as you can.
I was never interested in space - until I listened to this podcast. Gonzalez-Roberts makes space accessible to people who know nothing about it. He breaks down the science, and tells human stories. This is one of my new favorites.
For some of us, what we know about the history of the space exploration takes us back to the black and white images of our all TV sets. This podcast with the extraordinary eloquence of Thomas Roberts, allow us to be behind the scenes of the fascinating journey of the space exploration.
A science pod for everyone
Thomas provides a nuanced and interesting take on the history of humans in space that makes me eager for new episodes. Iā€™m two episodes in and already filled with the same wonder about space that I had when I first learned about a man on the moon as a wide-eyed elementary schooler. I canā€™t wait for whatā€™s to come with Moonstruckā€”this is a pod for everyone interested in the limits (or lack thereof) of human exploration.
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Aussy P
Podcasting Done Right!
Perfect? No. Near perfect? Yeah. ... I listen to a ton of podcasts - history, science, philosophy, current events, technology, sports, etc. In other words, Iā€™ve got a base in which to make comparisons. And my vote is 5 STARS for Moonshot. These young people have figured out a number of things about storyline, about interviewing, about the power of quality sound effects that many others in the field have not. Bravo! Keep up the good work.
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Spade & Archer
Eloquent and Accurate
As someone who was married the year after Sputnik and went on to participate in an ancillary role with the space program, Moonstruck's presentation of this major story in human affairs is simply a delight. I am looking forward with great anticipation to each new episode.
Space stories you missed in history class
Thomas Gonzalez Roberts has created something specialā€”history lessons in a entertaining and suspenseful format. My heart was racing listening to what happened to the first astronaut to walk in space (not Yuri Gagarin). Canā€™t wait for more!
OMG DRAFTHOUSE IS BACK LIKE A FIERY COMET SPIRALING INTO MY EARS. Love the Moonstruck so so so much. The first episode just fully took me there and back. LOVE IT!
Alex patttyyy
Engaging and Inspiring
Space is cool! Moonstruck by Thomas Roberts does a great job of covering interesting space-related topics and breaking them down in a way anyone can relate to and learn from.
Out of this world!
Did I catch your eye with the cheesy title? Good, because this podcast deserves it. Just one episode in and I canā€™t get enough. I listen to many podcasts and this is up there with the best of them. The incredible use of music and narrative are only the start of the seemingly endless talents of the host, Thomas GonzĆ”lez Roberts, and I cannot wait to hear more!
New favorite podcast!
This podcast about humans in space explores all aspects of the greatest human pursuit of exploration! A must-listen for anyone that wants to learn more about human spaceflight from its complex history to whatā€™s ahead for the future!
Maggie April T
This podcast is very well-done. Thomas is a skilled storyteller, moving at a perfect speed and using enough gravitas to ensure that the reader stays on the edge of his or her seat. His knowledge of Russian is insightful, adding a much more nuanced analysis than would otherwise be possible. This allows the listener to become connected to and immediately immersed in the high-stakes era that was the first space age, replete with uncertainty, doubt, and even death. Already looking forward to more from this podcast and from Drafthouse!
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