Money Peach
Money Peach
Chris Peach
EP011: Your Kids Are Watching You
11 minutes Posted Sep 22, 2016 at 12:00 am.
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Where did you learn how to manage money? The old saying: "More is caught than taught" is how most of us learn about money. We unknowingly picked up many of the bad money habits our parents struggled through when we were younger, and surprise, surprise; now we are making the same mistakes they once were (or still are). This doesn't have to be the case for the next generation - our kids. What can you be showing your 4 year old AND your 16 year old about money? In this week's episode, I am going to walk you step by step with the best possible ways to teach your kids about money at every single age. It's never too late to start, but the sooner the better! You don't want boomerang kids (the ones that move back in when they're 30) and you may need a little help from some financially stable adults in 20-30 years!