Money Peach
Money Peach
Chris Peach
EP010: Don't be Duped by the 30 Year Mortgage
9 minutes Posted Sep 15, 2016 at 12:30 am.
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Housing is the BIGGEST expense most of us will ever have to deal with, and yet it's kind of a big mystery. Why do we choose a 30 year mortgage and what are the better options? If I go to a 15-year mortgage, what happens to my payment? What happens if I can add just a little bit each month to my mortgage and what does that look like over time? The reason why we ask these questions is simple: we were never taught how. Instead we sign our lives away without a clue of what is really going on and what other options are available. If that's not enough, we are then thrown into the bank's wonderful plan of making payments and interest for the majority of our lives and wondering why we can't seem to get ahead. No thanks. In this week's episode of Money Peach TV, we are going to break down the 30 year mortgage vs the 15 year mortgage, and some other jaw-dropping facts about what you can and should be doing to becoming ultra fit by paying off your mortgage early!