Mindful Parenting: Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting & Raising Kind, Confident Kids
Mindful Parenting: Breaking the Cycle of Reactive Parenting & Raising Kind, Confident Kids
Hunter Clarke-Fields
via Podcasts
A Must for Parents
The sooner you listen to this for your kids the better
I am so grateful to have found this podcast focused on lifelong changes, healing intergenerational trauma, and daily mindfulness. I’ve listened to four episodes and have 400+ to go 😆. Thank you.
This podcast is fantastic! I am so happy I found it. Society is in a “gentle parenting” era. Most of the time I just feel guilty and like a less then stellar parent after reading or listening to what I’m doing wrong with no advice on how to fix things. Hunter offers up great advice, steps to handling the situation, and ways to focus on internal reflection before addressing external situations.
Janiffer Hadley
Such Actionable vs Tips To Counter Reactive Parenting
I’m a big fan of Hunter and her work! After reading Raising Good Humans, my own parenting practice changed to incorporate more mindfulness. This podcast helps me continue that. Amazing!
Love this podcast it literally saved my coparenting relationship!!!
I’ve been practicing mindful parenting, since my daughter was born at seven years ago. Unfortunately, her father at first did not believe in any of this and it was a hard road to convince him that this was the right way but after sharing episodes of this podcast with him he’s come to understand a lot better what’s going on with our child and that she doesn’t do things on purpose to hurt us. That she is hurting inside or needing something for myself those moments. Now we’re able to co parent successfully! So thank you!
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Lilly momma
Highly recommend!
This is my go-to podcast when I need a boost and practical answers as a mom of 5. Her recent episode on having self-compassion is just one of the many reasons I tune in. So thankful for the work of Hunter Clark-Fields!
Informative, enriching podcast
Hunter provides so much information about mindful parenting, giving tips to be more aware of children's emotions and development. While providing advice of what can be done in the future she is also very forgiving of how people reacted in previous situations. We are human after all. Even hearing Hunter's voice calms me a bit, so I love listening to the podcast. ❤️
Life changing. For myself and my family.
I have been reading the “Raising Good Humans” book this amazing woman wrote. I cannot express my gratitude enough. I am at the part of effective communication. It is a challenge for me. It is just like learning a new language. Thinking of what words to use to kindly meet your own needs. I see so much change in myself. So, adding this podcast to the readings is only improving the skills she teaches. It’s refreshing and keeps your mind on the right track while you build and maintain your positive habits. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Hunter. I hope you have the most amazing day 🫶🏻
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5-Star Review - Dr. Tay
I am so thankful to have come across this gem of a podcast because of Hunter’s perspective and presence on how to give the tools to become a parent who thrives. As a licensed child psychologist, I love the insights shared. PS episode 403 about play was incredible!
My go-to parenting podcast
I have been a long time follower of Hunters podcast. I stumbled on it when I was going through a tough time with my oldest. It really helped me feel less alone. Thank you for providing great tools and information for all parenting struggling out there !
New mindful Mama
I’m so excited to have found the podcast and her book. I’m am ready to be the best mom / parent that I can be. I share this with all my parent friends!
This is my go-to parenting podcast
On my good days, on hard days there’s something for me in every stage of my parenting journey. This is an absolute must-try!
Jacky Paige
Highly recommend!
I recently discovered Mindful Mama and I’m so glad I did! I’m consistently impressed with the engaging conversations, insightful content, and actionable ideas. I truly learn something every time I tune in. Go ahead and give it a “follow”, this podcast will quickly become a favorite in your feed!
This podcast has helped me so much with my parenting. Thank you Hunter!
Simply amazing
Hunter gets it and me! She covers so many great topics to keep it fresh and digs into the modern questions I can’t quite get guidance on from the previous generations.
She Who Rides Far
Pretty good
I like the general message. Sometimes I feel as if Hunter has this holier than thou tone where if you don’t see this light you’re clearly doing it wrong and she’s been doing it right since toddlerhood. You only know until you know and sometimes we don’t know until our kids are older. No one should feel ashamed for not getting the message sooner. I also feel she sometimes talks over her guests. Which is unfortunate because she is a practicing mom and podcaster with a good message but her guests often have actual training and degrees.
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I have the raising good humans book and I’m listening to the podcast! Highly recommend!
Love This Podcast!!!
I’ve been a subscriber to The Modern Art of Parenting blog for a year and stumbled upon this podcast there. I’m so glad I did! I have a 7 year old with Down Syndrome and these podcasts have provided great information.
Wonderful podcast for hectic, stressful times
Patience, mindfulness, keeping it real and staying focused on the positive - these are all lessons I am constantly receiving from this wonderful podcast. Hunter provides such a strong voice of reason and calm. Grateful for this community.
So helpful for moms!
For all of us moms who love learning more about the parenting journey and having someone confidently help us along the way to being the exact mothers we want to be.
So helpful and Informative
This podcast is so helpful and reminds me to take a breath, be more present and constantly practice non-reactive parenting.
Little A's Mommy
I love this podcast, I love the book. Just one stressed mama trying to better herself with all the resources available to me. The only con I have about this podcast is that the volume of their mics is really low so I have to turn my volume almost all the way up, and when the ads come on I about jump out of my chair bc of how loud they are. I do want to say thank you to hunter for this, and for the book. You have no idea how glad I am I’ve found this resource and I’m so glad you put it out there for us to enjoy being a mom a little bit more, and having the connection we crave with our kids.
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Hunter is awesome and the real deal!
Everything Hunter puts out into the world - her awesome book (RAISING GOOD HUMANS), her courses, and her podcast - is amazing. Her approach is wise and compassionate and so, so present and real. She offers amazing insights and advice without every overwhelming parents. I highly recommend MINDFUL MAMA to any parent who wants to feel calmer and more confident in their parenting!
Very mind opening!
This is great. I started listening to the podcasts after I read the book. My fuse is not as short and I take the time to calm down before reacting. I notice how it has been affecting my children too.
Nicole VN
My go to
This podcast always helps me on hard day. Thank you all your episodes
Practical, compassionate advice
Hunter’s podcast is so valuable. She and her guests share practical, compassionate advice for parents trying to have mindful, positive relationships with their kids. As someone who is trying to be more mindful in all areas, this podcast feels like a breath of fresh air.
Packed with value
I have found so much value in Mindful Mama through Hunter’s interviews and authenticity about mom life. Raising my five children, three who are differently abled, is challenging and learning mindfulness completely changed my motherhood game. Thank you Hunter for such valuable content!
Great insights
I really enjoy this podcast and have learned a lot!
New way of life
I’m addicted to mindful mama. I got more out of one episode of this podcast than 8 weeks of therapy. Honestly incredible guests and perspectives that have helped me make a 180 change in my life. I love listening to this podcast it helps me realize and answer hard questions within myself as well as feeling like I am part of a community of people who have the same stuff on their plate. If I could rate 10/5 I would.
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Kristi Kat
Life changing
Listening to this podcast has really changed my parenting style for the better and greatly improved my joy in life.
momof3 Emily
Very helpful and informative
I started listening to this podcast last year. I think. But I have learned so much from Hunter and she’s helped me transform more parenting into a more peaceful one. Some days are better than others but I’m grateful for this podcast that I can turn to when I need to be brought back to peaceful and mindful parenting. Thank you Hunter!
Such a great time out for moms to feel understood and heard. Very important information and resources shared for moms who want to be their best self.
Awesome Podcast
Thank you Hunter for sharing what has helped you as a parent. A new parent myself, I am so grateful for your showing me how important meditation is.
I love this podcast
I’m working on building a closer connection to my toddler and being a happier, more present parent and I often find myself turning on this podcast to a random episode while I’m cooking. Even if often rambling and long, I find the conversations to be insightful and thought-provoking, and I’ve discussed them with my partner and recommended them to friends.
Decompression in a pinch
This is my favorite podcast to throw on when I can start to feel myself getting overwhelmed with my kids and my day. The advice and things talked about always help me ground myself and focus on what I want my day to be. Thank you so much for this!
Just a huge thank you!!
What a great outlet this podcast will be!! I just got the book ( first I might add ). Due to my sons sensitivity I began reaching out to understand his big feelings and I began realizing that my daughter also is sensitive although she shows anger and he shows sadness. It’s already began to be helpful and I’m just at Chapter 1 and one podcast in. I’m excited for my journey with you and Carla Naumburg. Thank you for pushing for our kids.
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Full of helpful information and inspiration
Finding someone who fills up my need for inspiration and information is key. Hunger does that in a loving and knowledgeable way.
I am Natalie T
Mindful Brilliance
Love love love this podcast! Hunter is a delightful teacher and mentor. Her teachings and guests offer a straight forward approach to parenting in a powerful yet mindful way. Thank you!
Great empowering insight
Hunter creates space for meaningful and productive and useful conversations!
I am so grateful that I have stumbled across this podcast! Each episode leaves me feeling inspired to continue to strive to be a better parent.
Very helpful
I came across Hunter through her book. This podcast was very helpful to help me parent differently to my anxious child.
idk but pokemon man
Best Podcast!
I just realized that despite this being my favorite podcast, I hadn’t written a review!! (I totally thought I had) This podcast is so incredible with so many really great interviews that always teach me so much and keep me captivated the entire episode! Even episodes that sounded like they weren’t “for me” were really valuable once I finally gave them a listen. I don’t listen to every episode of other podcasts I subscribe to, but I never miss an episode of this one! And I am constantly sharing episodes with others when they have a question on something. “There’s an episode for that!”
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Sold out
It’s very unfortunate that you had to sell out and use your influential platform to promote an experimental gene therapy for Covid 19. I will no longer be supporting your platform.
Mindful Parenting: Mindful Mamma
I recently found this podcast in searching for parenting podcasts. It has become my favorite. My husband and I have a business helping families when they have children with behavior issues/ anxiety issues. I have read many books over the years and continue to research snd expand my mind and beliefs. I wish I had found this podcast years ago. It is completely inline with my parenting beliefs and philosophy. I listen to the podcasts and it inspires me to write, I have had a blog for years on conscious/ attachment parenting snd child-led learning. It has also been a great way to start my day to set my intentions. Thank you Hunter!
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Good Podcast !!!!!!!!!!!😝😝
How the burden of motherhood is a symptom of capitalism
I appreciate that we have more and more podcasts like these that address the issue of raising good humans. My main issue with what is being put forward is that it suggests that the burden of raising these good humans rests on mothers, families and the small village around them. If only mothers could develop better tools to balance work and life? If only families could be more aware of the work involved in raising children? On and on it goes! Why is the question not: why do mothers, fathers, parents, caregivers work 45+ hrs a week? Why do we not have free quality childcare for our children? Why do we not have access to affordable housing? The wellness culture has a lot to offer but not to most low income working families who only have time to figure out how to survive. Like the single mothers working the line in Amazon factories who continue to ask for free childcare from their employer Jeff Bezos because they work more than 18 hrs a day/5-6 days a week for less than minimum wage. He is one of the wealthiest men in the world! Yet, he continues to refuse and fires anyone who tries to organize. To really understand and address the issue of how we raise our children, we will have to begin asking what it means to raise children in a capitalist society and if this is what we want for ourselves. I know I don’t!
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Hunter is authentic
Hunter is such an authentic soul, who acknowledges her mistakes and growth as a mother which makes her listeners feel comfortable enough to see our own truths and growth. She has incredible guest who add to mindfulness revolution.
Excellent interviews
Hunter asks excellent interview questions to her expert guests that really allow you to deeply understand parenting, life, and yourself.
Inisghts that truly change the way I think and parent
My friend Loraine turned me onto this beautiful podcast. I cannot express enough gratitude to my friend and Hunter. Hunter’s sensitive, timely, profound, and thought-provoking topics are literally changing the way I think and parent — in the most positive ways! She inspires and reinforces ways to connect to, see and hear our children — and ourselves — on the deepest levels. It took one podcast for me to prioritize my time so I can listen to more. Thank you Hunter!
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Hollywood Yogi
I truly appreciate this podcast. After purchasing and starting Raising Good Humans, I downloaded episodes and it has truly helped me learn and practice. I would not have been successful with the practices and work of the book without the guided meditations. It has been HUGE in helping me apply what I have learned. Thank you!
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