Making Conversation
Making Conversation
Making Co.
via Podcasts
Inspiration and learning
Great place to get inspired and learn about all different kinds of making.
Lars Garvey
Talking about Creativity and MH
Too little discussed - very good conversation with resources!
Feels just like sitting around crafting with friends with easy going conversation, learning and talking about our current WIPs!
Love it!
I just started listening to this podcast. I feel like I’ve spent time with friends while learning new things!
Grateful for Goldens
I love these people and want to be friends with all of them and also they’re talented and lovely.
The perfect companion to my WIP
What a great way to spend my crafty time or time out walking my dogs! I love the diversity of guests and crafts. I look forward to ever Friday and so does my knitting and other projects!
Return of Making
Was delighted for new episodes! The prior 95 have had a lot primal influence on my evolution as a fiber artist. I look forward to hearing, learning, growing more.
So enjoyable
Loved listening to Leila Raven today
All Things Must End.....
Loved Woolful. Liked the few episodes of Making. But then it disappeared. Shame.
The Giddy Gardener
Love this podcast!
I’ve been listening to this podcast for a while and love when a new episode comes out. Love hearing and learning about the journeys of those being interviewed. I find it very inspiring! Keep up the great work!
Needs work to be a modern pod
Really poor representation. This is a podcast for white Women. It’s overall not very inclusive. What I find I want the most from this podcast is a sense of humor. The thing is, fiber arts, natural dyeing, knitting, sewing- these are all crafts that require a large amount of disposable income, ESPECIALLY if you are buying natural fibers. A single sweater can cost 200 dollars to knit. Not to mention the amount of time a person needs to have in their lives to work on it. I’m an avid knitter, I do my best to thrift shop and take part in slow fashion, but I’m disappointed that this community so rarely addresses how privileged those are who take part in it. In 2019 I want to see more major platforms like this doing the work to recognize their privilege and to engage people who may not have the disposable income that a LOT of these (mostly white) women have. Also let’s see more representation, huh?
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For cozy listening!
I love to listen to this podcast on grey drizzly days or long nighttime drives. As a life-long maker I identify so much with all of these people, but as a hobbyist I am inspired by how most of the interviewees have created businesses out of their passions. Hearing about the hard work and drive from these makers is pure inspiration. Thank you!
Genna Klein
Making - Same vibe just a new name :)
I was a long time listener of Woolful and at first I was so sad when the episodes had stopped coming out and I was a little bit worried that the entire show ended altogether but then it was revealed that Ashley and Carrie would be collabing together to make a new podcast called Making. I am so thrilled about this and always love listening to Ashley and now Carrie, their stories and the stories of their guests are always so incredibly inspiring and relatable. I'm looking forward to many more podcasts about Makers - literally so excited. You ladies are amazing! :)
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What the podcast world needed!
This podcast is riveting. I just found it and can’t stop listening. The emphasis on natural fiber and love of wool makes me so happy to listen to it.
Thoughtful take on craft
Love this podcast, both for its fascinating take on sustainability and craft but also for its on-going conversations about what it means to balance work and family.
Very Enjoyable & Informative Podcast!
I love to listen while I knit, and it was very inspiring to hear about Green Bow Farm this week. I loved how knowledgeable the Mr. was about so many aspects of his years farming, but slightly disappointed not to hear more from the Mrs! Having kids myself I wondered if they've ever considered homeschooling? I do homeschool my kids and have always wished that I could do so on a farm! (I have MS though, so it limits our physical activities quite a bit.) But I have found that though it took some getting used to, it is wonderful to have the freedom and time with them. Anyway, Love the podcast, and I intend to listen to many more!
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So much to learn
I love how much I've learned about fiber and farming while listening to this podcast!
Exceptionally produced & deeply moving
This is one of my favorite podcasts. The producer, Ashley Yousling, has done an incredible job-her sound quality, thoughtful questions, conversational progression and her ability to interview people in a way that builds a very thorough story of the fiber folk that she interviews is phenomenal. There are a lot of bad podcasts out there. This one is fantastic! Ashley has generously crafted a very professional yet emotional podcast. It is easy to listen to, deeply moving and inspiring. I am a young professional who studied Fibers & Textiles in college. I really connect to her story and those of the people she features in each episode. Sometimes, I feel pretty alone in this world. When I listen to Ashley’s podcast, I feel connected to the world and reminded that my kind of people, are out there. Thank you Ashley Yousling!
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Excellent podcast.
This podcast does a great job conveying this amazing community. My favorite podcast to knit to and I always learn something new each episode. Keep up the good work!
Just discovered your podcast- love it! So interesting & I appreciate that you dig into the details of the creative process, not just technique.
One of my favorites
This is sincerely one of my favorite podcasts. Always very interesting interviews. I am always so glad when there is a new episode.
So relaxing!
I love far away from my friends and loved one. Especially my knitting friends. I love to sit down with my project and have some coffee and listen to my yarn sisters visit. I save this podcast for when I have time to enjoy it. Simply delightful. Keep up the good work dear!
Redeemed wretch
Love this podcast.
Just discovered this podcast and I’m really liking it. I love hearing from a range of voices in the fiber industry, and that is just where this podcaster goes. Thoughtfully edited and well-done.
Easy Knitting Design
How does she do it?
Ashley is amazing & brings amazing people's stories to the world of yarn lovers! I have no idea how she does it but I'm so thankful to have her voice & heart in my world.
Thankful Sadie
Love this podcast so much and appreciate it every time I listen. It's so inspiring to me as someone who's hoping to someday open up her own fiber business, and gives so much valuable information. Thanks Ashley for all the hard work that must go into it!
Wonderful inspiring podcast!
Wonderful inspiring podcast!
Addicted froggy
What the Heck?
Turned this off after 40 minutes of someone talking about going to college, then joining the army, then getting married on a lighthouse with a couple "you knows" in every sentence. Do we need details of a stranger's whole life How is this about wool?
Fantastic Podcast
I love this podcast and keep a number of them in my pod catcher to reference later. I also feel like I need a notepad with me at times to keep notes on some of the fantastic info! Ashley does an amazing job and I look forward to each and every podcast! I am a bit behind due to having a baby, but am looking forward to catching back up while I baby wear and spin or sew!
Inspiring, but too many yurts
Love the podcast, the interviews are inspiring. Constructively, interview some midwesterners and less yurt-talk.
Beautiful and educational
Listening to Woolful is like sitting in front of a roaring fire on a cold night when you're all wrapped in a big fluffy handknit blanket and sipping a cup of hot apple cider. It’s comforting and blissful, full of tranquility and quietly piercing insight. I love her genuine interest in her guests’ stories and the gentle humor that comes through alongside such inspiring curiosity and creativity. I delight in listening to this podcast week after week and hope that she continues knitting, spinning, and recording for a very long time.
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Makes me want sheep!
I’ve learned so much from Ashley and her interesting guests about the fiber world.
Professional and fascinating
This is a very professional quality podcast that is well paced, organized, and interesting to listen to. Looking forward to listening to more of these podcasts.
Inspiring and informative
Woolful has taught me so much about the ins and outs of the fiber industry. I've discovered new fibers, yarn companies and creators that have inspired my weaving practice. The variety of interviewees and topics of conversation is excellent! I love listening to new episodes or old favorites while working on my own fiber crafts.
Smart and professional
One of the most intelligent knitting-related podcasts out there. Extremely well-done, including production quality and smart, in-depth interviews that bring life to this craft.
Very inspiring
While I am not a huge fiber artist, I do raise sheep and market the wool. This podcast is a delight to listen to and has completely inspired me to continue learning to knit and experiment with fiber arts. Ashley has a knack for finding the most amazing people to interview that are just a joy to listen to. Thanks for a fun podcast related to sheep and wool- I am always anticipating the next episode!
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Educational and interesting!
I’m so thankful that the Woolful podcast exists. I’ve learned so much about fiber, as well as the people (and animals!) who make it. Ashley does a wonderful job interviewing each week’s subject; by the end, I feel like I know each person and what they’re up to in the fiber industry. Educational, interesting, and fun… Love Woolful so much.
Brooding Bohunk
A wealth of information
I've been knitting for 30 years and I learn something new with every podcast. The information makes me a better knitter and a more informed consumer of fibers and supplies. I look forward to every episode and sometimes listen twice.
Urban Farm Wife
Addictive knitting/fiber podcast!
This is a fabulous podcast for any knitter, weaver, spinner, dyer, or fiber enthusiast! I look forward to it every week!
Reviving the Fiber community
Where this podcast really excels in comparison to others is both in content and format. Woolful has minimal banter and is primarily an interview where the interviewee is able to discuss their place in the fiber industry, path, future, goals, etc. Most other podcasts are the host discussing their current projects, weekly personal events, purchases, etc. and this is great and appropriate if you’re interested, however Woolful is significantly more educational and insightful. This podcast is highly informative to both seasoned and new knitters alike covering subjects from wool chemical processes, to sustainability and water usage, animal productivity, sustainable and green dyeing, etc. Additionally Ashley is doing a fabulous job bringing the fiber community together by introducing us to so many industry professionals and engaging everyone on social media, ravelry, and with knit-a-longs.
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Fiber junkies rejoice
This is hands down one of my favorite podcasts. It covers all aspects of the fiber industry that I love. The interviews are enjoyable and insightful. Ashley does an amazing job week after week by bringing great people into our lives and asking the perfect questions. I look forward to the new episodes and I am never disappointed. If you have interest in knitting, fiber, farming, and yarn you will love woolful!!!! I promise!
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This is a wonderful and unique podcast. I love the format and find all of the interviews very interesting and I'm in awe of the hard work and creativity each person interviewed puts into following their dream.
Love the topic
I love that this podcast not only talks about wool and knitting, but also about other aspects of the fiber industry, and that it has a strong bias toward small business owners, small farm owners, entrepreneurs, and homesteaders. It's right up my alley! Only negative is poor sound quality on some of the episodes. I couldn't even listen to 2 of the 14 so far because the audio was so bad - I couldn't understand what the guests were saying.
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YES! Thank you!
I spent all day sewing listening to almost all of the episodes of Woolful — my first time listening. I am subscribed, and leaving a review because I found the podcast so wonderful. I absolutely love hearing everyone’s story, how they arrived to their fiber craft, or how they found their way to offer classes or supplies. The show is polished, thoughtful, and I love the “man of the street” section. Overall it’s such a good show. I find often that banter is really hard, and a drawback for many listeners who are new to podcasts but Ashley does such a good job letting her guests speak. listening, and asking such good questions, and does a fantastic job editing. I also absolutely love that there is a focus on sustainability, waste, and being conscientious about where things come from. Well done. I’ll be telling everyone about it. Can’t wait for more.
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Meighan O'Toole
Unique quality
My audio listening has been bumped to a higher level. Woolful is unique amongst other knitting podcasts. It is not a knitter sharing his/her latest stash enhancement and what problems she/he had with a pattern. Woolful is quality audio interviews with people in the industry. Often unsung people who have a passion and knowledge in the fiber arts. I'm am so happy to have stumbled upon this podcast. I will be looking for more episodes in the future.
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Right to the good stuff.
Finally a fiber focused podcast that gets straight to the good stuff! Definitely NOT your typical chitchat knitting podcast but one that has you marking the day in your calendar when the next episode is out. The Woolful podcast features open conversation with fiber folk, from all corners of the fiber industry. What has always been a passion of mine it is SO GREAT to find not only a podcast, but also a new community, that is more and more conscious of where our wool and yarn comes from. Ashley gets right there in the midst of it, connecting you with shepherds to knitters, shearers to yarn dyers, designers to weavers. You can't but get hooked.
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by Annie Claire
Excellence in the world of fiber podcasts
I’ve been a sheep farmer for 15 years and wished I’d listened to this when I’d started. There are excellent guests from all walks of the fiber industry that are pertinent to the production and art of wool. I have listened to varied experienced and talented interviewees that have taught me something and have definitely left me inspired. If only there were more hours in the day. I am addicted to this podcast. It makes me sit down and spin when I might otherwise find some other work to do. It’s the perfect accompaniment to the wheel! If it goes longer than I have time for, I just pause it and pick it up later. I also think the website is extremely well done, and is an excellent companion to the podcast.
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Informative and
I think Ashley is doing something really important with this podcast. It fills a niche I didn’t realize existed, but now I can’t imagine my knitting routine without it. Each episode has given insight into many fiber folk I have admired online and wanted to learn more about. Her “Man on the Street” segment is a great idea - it embodies the idea that this is a community and we all have a voice. Ashley has a perfect balance of letting the guests tell their stories, while also being conversational, and I love that you can tell she is also learning and having revelations during each interview. No complaints on the length from me — I’m very happy that I can listen through a nice long knitting session, and I like breaking up the episodes into separate listening sessions so that I can savor them throughout the week. I look forward to seeing the podcast evolve — especially hearing about the progress on Ashley’s fiber mill, and seeing what other ideas she comes up with for specific segments.
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Very inspiring!
Woolful is by far my favorite fiber related podcast! I've learned something new with every episode and always come away inspired. As someone who lives in a rural area I often feel disconnect from like-minded people. Ashley's interviews bring me closer to the amazing community that exists amongst fiber artists and shepherds. Her enthusiasm for single flock yarns is contagious and exciting….not to mention a great service to small fiber farmers and people who are interested in buying local fiber.
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I heart Woolful!
I have really enjoyed each episode so far. Ashley has introduced me to some wonderful new people in the global fiber community and let me get to know better some of my favorite designers and shop owners. I can't wait to listen to future episodes and see what else I'll discover!
My Weekly ME Night
I look forward to listening to this podcast each week! I have developed a bit of a ritual that involves chocolate herbal tea, spinning yarn, and Woolful! The interviews are full of information, but also introduce you to new fiber folk from around the world. It’s just a relaxing way to learn more about one of my passions, and inspires me to learn and create more.
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