Let's Not Panic
Let's Not Panic
Adam Wolf and Maggie Tokuda-Hall
via Podcasts
Podcast of entitlement
Listened to the Machu Picchu podcast and was turned off by the complete entitlement of these two. You should be thankful you’re allowed to visit these places afar and that the people are so welcoming. Complaining about everything doesn’t make for a good podcast to me.
All-time fav
I can’t believe I haven’t reviewed this podcast already. I have listened to it all the way through 4 times now, and I still love it. Want to vicariously experience a sweeping adventure while you’re, say, stuck inside for weeks? Need some entertaining pointers on co-existing in close quarters? Try this. Also, episode 36 closes with one of the best GI distress stories I’ve ever heard 💩
Lindsay KB
Thank you!
Although I’m very late to the party, I love this show. Thank you for being so realistic and candid. Enjoying going along on the trip!
Thanks for the trip
This podcast was so enjoyable I am listening to it again. Thanks for sharing your trip with me.
They’re Back!
Just listened to Death Valley camping cast - wonderful to hear about Taco’s adventures again. Oh, and his humans. If you want death defying feats, historical accuracy and unbelievable vistas - I’m sure there are podcasts that supply them. For me, these adventures of Taco and his well trained humans are what I’m looking for! I personally have an old black miniature poodle named Dante who has trained me to change his water daily, get him treats when he poops, and add hot water to his food to make it more palatable. So when Adam hand feeds Taco, I’m just glad I listened through earbuds so Dante didn’t hear. This show is delightful. I recommend listening from the beginning- even the pre-Taco episodes!
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This is one of the first podcasts I listened to and remains my favorite!
Funny Folks
They are charming and relatively normal. And a joy to listen to! Maggie is cheeky and delightfully silly. Adam attempts to be the "serious one" but I can tell that it is a scam - he is just fulfilling his duty as the straight man to Maggie's ascerbic charm. I will follow these folks wherever they roam and enjoy the delightful ride!!!
Big Ben 63
So funny and such good travel advice!
Anyone contemplating a vehicle-dependent extended road trip, especially to South America from the US, but really anywhere, should listen to all the episodes of Let’s Not Panic. You won’t find two more thoughtful, well-prepared, observant and freakin’ hilarious guides than Maggie and Adam.
Craig Reece
My Favorite Podcast To Date
I was reluctant to get into the podcast game for many years, despite my status as a millennial, but Maggie and Adam changed all that. To be fair, I still don't listen to many other podcasts, but I love Let's Not Panic! As a fellow adventurer and traveler (though I've never done anything as long-term as Adam and Maggie detail here), it was fascinating to hear about not only the countries they traveled through but also the process. I am a nerd for details and logistics and it was so great that they touched on everything from what they brought to the modifications they made to their 4Runner. Plus, they're hilarious! Highly recommend this podcast.
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Alicia Sprague
Listened Through the Journey
Sorry for a SUPER late review... I found this podcast a couple episodes after you started as I was packing up my life and moving to a new place with no plan. It was such amazing timing and I had the pleasure of listening to you throughout our collective journeys. Having traveled to some of the countries you did, it was a blast to listen to familiar struggles and hear of new places to explore. You two are a trip and I wish I could befirend you in real life. Your podcast is very relatable. It felt like you both stayed genuine throughout the process and not like you were putting on a fake overlay to how you each generally behave, think, and act. Thank you for sharing your life via podcast!
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Very enjoyable
I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to this podcast. Very brave!
MJ Mcd
Let’s Not Panic
Witty and intelligent banter between two genuinely nice people as they endeavor to get out there and explore our wondrous world.
You’re Greaattt!
Fellow Bay Area homie started listening as an escapist technique for my office job several months ago! All my friends were traveling to cool places and I was vicariously living through your trip to Patagonia. It’s been inspiring to listen in and makes traveling to Patagonia seem attainable! On my bucket list. This isn’t so much a review as ‘ I appreciate you’. Haha 😂 Now that I’ve catched all the podcasts to date I’m looking forward to your Bay Area adventures. I guess podcasting motivates you to get out and explore- it’s your job now ;) also love how your personalities compliment each other..do you need more compliments? :) keep rolling!
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Adventure & Joy
I loved joining Maggie and Adam on this adventure. As someone who struggles with anxiety over unknown situations, I left like I was following along in a live action adventure novel. Some of these reviews criticize the hosts for being "too political" or talking about themselves too much. I find these flawed because I didn't subscribe to receive entirely educational episodes about how to do a trip like this. I subscribed for the human interest of the adventure, which is perfectly portrayed. I'm personally looking forward to all of their future adventures! <3
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Intercontinental adventurers
This podcast is so much fun! It was a weekly treat following Maggie & Adam’s overlanding trek to Patagonia and beyond. This is a trip my husband & I want to take one day, after retirement, so a lot less “on the edge” than giving up job & home! Kudos to M & A! The podcast remains a weekly delight now that M & A are home what with a new doggo, new job & new “build.” Keep the spark going! It warms my heart!
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The Absolute Best Ever
The title says it all, pals.
Trash Lizard (Roecean)
Love this podcast!
So happy you’re continuing to let us listen in our tour adventures coming back home and continuing to live an adventurous life! (Also Drunk Safari is ani-mazing-badum TIS)
A shared journey
I started listening to Maggie and Adam’s road trip around the Western Hemisphere last fall when I just couldn’t listen to the news on the radio on my commute. Being able to vicariously travel with them and listen to their shared joys and challenges was exactly what I wanted to listen to. I’d been to SoAm a few years back, but did nothing to the extent they did. I thoroughly enjoyed their light-hearted and sometimes serious reports along the way. Now that they’re back in SF, I enjoy hearing how their more domestic life journey continues. I feel like I know them and can relate, and I highly recommend this podcast to brighten your own commute and journey through the “beautiful, brutal, and bizarre.”
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Erik from Kailua
I love this show!
Adam and Maggie make me laugh aloud, and I've gotten more than one friend hooked on their adventures. Warning, however: listening may make you want to travel the would.
So funny!
I love your guys podcast!!! Been binge listening to it for a few days now.
Sequel suggestion
I love this couple and this podcast, and would especially like to request a sequel on pregnancy and parenting an infant (once entering that phase of life, of course!). I can just see Maggie worrying, and Adam planning and researching....And you wouldn't even need to change the title of the podcast as it would still be so very applicable!
Great podcast
Maggie and Adam, keeping me sane.
Just discovered this podcast
Loving this podcast!
Love this podcast!!!!!!
Adam and Maggie are so genuine which makes their escapades so much fun to listen to! This podcast has definitely taken the stress out of my commute! You guys need to make this your life plan! Travel and podcasting!!! Thanks to you
Trash Lizards
Excellent podcast for vicarious travel while you're chained to a desk. Maggie and Adam cover a lot of topics during the trip and I really hope they continue podcasting when they're settled back into SF.
Friends That Travel
Love the Podcast, listen to the host make it feel like I'm traveling with friends.
Enjoyable Podcast
Great summer listening. I enjoy hearing the personal details of their adventure. How they set up and planned for their trip and the issues they deal with everyday. The brutal, beautiful, and the bazaar of overlanding. Nice job!
jesus cristo
11 well produced, insightful, and entertaining podcast stars out of 5 well produced, insightful, and entertaining podcast stars for a well produced and entertaining podcast. I can't BELIEVE someone would go out of their way to give you a poor review. Don't change a thing. You don't need those people. You guys just need to keep creating quality content and people will keep listening. You're doing a trip that I'll be doing at least part of in the coming years and you're a lovely, smart, funny couple. I love every part of the act, from Adam's technical corner to Maggie's pillow fort. I guess if I had a critique, I don't care of Adam's meat corner but it's not cause I'm a hippie it's just cause mammal meat grosses me out. Now I guess I'm going to have to support you on patreon even though I'm just a poor English teacher in China, paying off Uncle Sam so I can travel South America with the undiscovered man of my dreams.
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This podcast will make your drive to work fly by
If you enjoy travel stories and hilarious people, you will love this podcast. Keep up the podcasts Maggie and Adam!
I really tried to like this podcast.....
The idea behind this podcast seemed well worth a listen so I downloaded the first eight episodes. After each episode I was undecided on whether I wanted to listen to the next episode. Personally, I didnt find the hosts that interesting even though they were undertaking a monumental road trip. The best episode was when they interviewed one of their Dads who seemed way more interesting and articulate than either host. Maybe its a generational thing. Probably would not have downloaded any more episodes anyway, but from reading other reviews and hearing it went political at some point will definitely not download more episodes.
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Very entertaining and unbelievable
Hard to believe these 2 young people have the wherewithal and courage to undertake this phenomenal adventure
Love it!
This is a great podcast. I started from the beginning and am trying to catch up before it's over. So fun listening to their travels and crazy experiences!
Making me want to drop out of Grad School
My partner and I have been thinking about moving into a van together after grad school is done, this show is making me want to just grad school and live in a van tomorrow. Also to learn how to code so that I never really have to leave the woods. Every podcast leaves me wanting to hear more about their adventure. Its awesome.
Love on the Road
These folks are on an amazing trip. Maggie and Adam chucked it all and hit the road. They share their love and respect for the earth, for all its creatures, and for each other, and I can come along and listen in! What fun. Thanks. af PS: Blue Bell loves Shadow.
Great Podcast!
Love listening to this podcast - super entertaining and interesting. Plus, Maggie and Adam have a really cute banter.
Really great easy listen
These two are great together. And their trip sounds amazing!
My weekly getaway
Thank you Maggie and Adam! You guys make my couch/PJ me-time that much more adventurous.
Relationship goals
Maggie and Adam are fun and entertaining to listen to! Their adventures (and occasional misadventures) will make you want to leave behind your life and take off on an over-landing adventure. You'll tolerate Adam's technical corner (just kidding...mostly)
Loving this podcast
I listen to a lot of podcasts and just found this one. I am enjoying every minute except for the politics. Some of us listening are conservative. Could do without the politics. I respect your political views please respect mine.
Sweet Couple, Awesome Trip
What makes this podcast so great is the dynamic between Maggie and Adam. They are so sweet! I skip ahead when they get political since I have an aversion to politics these days, but that doesn't happen too often.
Lost and disappointed_ga
Late to the party
I am late to the party but I am hooked!!! I just explained in great detail to my family about Shadow getting stuck in the mud! Thanks for bringing us all along on your journey!
Very entertaining
A whole new view of life. I found it very entertaining. Great podcast
Wsj addict
Fantastic Podcast!
I have enjoyed listening to this podcast so much! I work a pretty boring office job and listening the your adventures while I work brightens my day. You guys have increased my desire to travel and I'm so thankful for the knowledge you have shared! Fun, interesting, and creative anyone who wants to travel of is wants to learn more about it should listen to this podcast!
Great Lighthearted Listening
Love Adam & Maggie's chemistry. My coworker and I both listen to this at the office and sometimes our other coworkers give us looks for chuckling out loud. Love following along on Instagram too. It's great - the perfect blend of humor and insight/challenges of doing a trip like this. Be safe, enjoy, keep up the good vibes!
Binge time!!
I'm a quintessential binger! You give me one or two good episodes, pages, minutes and I'll take it and run with it! I haven't listened to a lot of podcasts, so I'm not an expert by any means. But the chemistry of Maggie and Adam makes this one even more enjoyable. This podcast makes me want to figure out a new online career and travel like these two. Such a fun adventure so far!
I'm (not) panicking with you!
I just recently discovered your podcast and I love listening to your adventures and commentary! Kudos to you both for taking this life change and break to follow your dream. And thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. :-)
Great podcast
I love listening to your travel stories and I think you sound like great pople. Hope to hear much more in the future.
I feel like I'm listening in on someone's boring phone conversations with their parents. No narrative, structure or worth while format. Like the idea, but terrible execution.
Great Adventure So Far!
I have really been enjoying listening to this podcast. This is something my wife and I have talked about one day doing ourselves so it is great to listen to the trials and tribulations of others that are doing this. Thanks!
Makes me happy and takes me back
What a delight! Never did anything as magnificently complex and exciting as your adventure but brings me back to my younger days when I too had my share of crazy wild adventures. Just found the cast so I have started listening at the beginning. Addictive!
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