Katie Dalebout
182 | Dr. Samantha Boardman on Positive Prescriptions, Overwhelm, Connection, Being "un-you," + more.
1 hour 41 minutes Posted Jul 31, 2017 at 10:00 pm.
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Show notes

This episode makes me so happy. From the experience of the recording to the interview itself, I'm so proud of this conversation and excited for you to hear it.  I talk with the amazingly wise psychiatrist and founder of Positive Prescriptions Dr. Samantha Boardman. We spoke for over almost two hours on an array of tools the uses to help her patients and wisdom she accrued over her years as a practicing therapist in New York City. Dr. Sam radiates a kindness and has an energy that is so pure and inspiring. In re-listening to her episode I was inspired all over again. Her website, Positive Prescription is dedicated  to sharing inspiration around tweaks and changes people can make that are life-enhancing and resilience-building. We discuss many of these little changes and additions people can add to their lives to enhance the good and joy in the everyday. Everything she offers is all science-backed, research-driven, actionable, productive and digestible. I hope you get something valuable out of this episode, I know I've already applied much of what she shared into my own life.  And let us know what was your biggest take-away over in the Facebook Listener Group! and sign up for her weekly dose which I also love.

-Dr. Samantha's Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

-Angela Duckworth's talk about Grit 

-Books:: Theft by Findings by David Seders, Flourish by Martin Seligman, Influence by Robert Cialdini, A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara, You Must Change Your Life by  Rachel Corbett

-Moon Juice products

-Other favorites:: Rudy (movie) & U2 (music)


Cool Things to Check-Out:

-I'll be doing a podcast listener meet-up and LIVE recording at The End in Brooklyn on August 24th

-The Good Fest will be in L.A. on Feb. 3rd, 2018 !! Get $10 off with the code "KATIEDALEBOUT"

-Sign-up for my newsletter to get updates on where I'll be and what I'm loving!

-Join the listener Facebook Group

-Get my book Let It Out: A Journey Through Journaling or leave a review if you have read it.

— Show Sponsors 


Nudu Skin Care Products


I'm super excited to have one of my favorite new skincare products as a sponsor for the pod!  Nudu's products are 10% natural and honestly have been a life saver for my skin in the past couple months. They have products based on your skin type (so it's not a one size fits all) and I've been loving the small bottles which I carry with me when I travel. No matter where I go I can treat my skin to a mini-facial each day.  I highly recommend giving the products a try + in addition to the discount below they have a 60 day money back guarantee!

Use the code "LETITOUT" at checkout for 20% off any order.



I'm so excited to have Ellebox as a sponsor. They are a company with a mission to bring 100% natural products to woman in an easy and affordable way each month. Plus if you want to they can add some extra self-care goodies to your shipment. AND if you have a young girl in your life (weather it's a daughter, niece, sister, friend, neighbor...) they have created special First Period. This box has everything you need to have a better first period and reduces fear and anxiety around having a menstrual cycle.

Ellebox is offering listeners a FREE  Box.

I highly recommend giving them a try and sharing their cool product with other women in your life. We care so much about what we put in our bodies and sanitary products shouldn't be any different.
