Jon Ronson's Escape and Control
Jon Ronson's Escape and Control
Jon Ronson's Escape and Control
Internationally acclaimed journalist and filmmaker Jon Ronson (Adventures with Extremists, The Men Who Stare At Goats and New York Times Bestseller The Psychopath Test) turns his attentions to the Internet. Specifically, those people who try to control it -- for good or bad. Escape and Control: Stories About People Trying To Control The Internet It can sometimes feel like we're creating a new kind of democracy online, where we control and regulate each other instead of being told how to behave by those in authority. But there are people out there who don't like this idea at all. So they want to come up with ways to control it. Sometimes maybe even secret ways... With searing interviews, unravelling mysteries and some great fun along the way, Jon Ronson sets off on an adventure that may mean you'll never look at your mouse in the same way again.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 16 days
Latest episode
12 years ago
May 17, 2012
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