Jack P Taylor's Political and Historical Curiosities
Jack P Taylor's Political and Historical Curiosities
Jack P Taylor
via Podcasts
I enjoy the well researched and varied material, however, I wonder why podcasters are reluctant to get vocal lessons to address speech impediments or improper pronunciation? As a child, I had a severe speech impediment. It can be minimized with professional assistance . The podcaster on the Murdoch podcast, finally addressed her vocal fry. It took me the entire episode here to understand what “choolip mania” was.
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Bite-Sized Delight
The material is varied and interesting, the show length is neither too long nor too short, and the audio and show quality are good. I really enjoyed this podcast and would recommend it to a friend!
Great podcast man
Here from Imgur too
Okey Pokey
Great for such a new podcast. Tackles stuff you may already have heard about with a nice charisma
A little snarky, and it adds to the nuances of each episode's topics, which sound well-researched and are not overly long. Like a cross between "Ten Minute Podcast" (without the profanity) and Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. Full disclosure, I was turned on to this podcast from the author's Imgur post, so I was engaged from the beginning. Well done!