Inside Salem: Days of our Lives Podcast
Inside Salem: Days of our Lives Podcast
NBC Entertainment Podcast Network
via Podcasts
Too bad it’s finished
I really enjoyed this podcast!
I Would Like New Episode’s
I really enjoyed listening to this Podcast. I would like to know if there’s going to be any new episodes?
Why in the world would this Podcast be cancelled???
How could this Podcast be cancelled? Really. So beautifully produced & presented. Such a great way to connect the fans with the show on a very personal & “real” level. Drew new listeners in to watch the soap. With all the nonsense podcasts going year after year; this awesome one is thrown away? I do not get it...really disappointing. Michael, please inform us of your present & future projects; you clearly loved doing this & deserve to continue. Greg
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Bring back the podcast PLEASE
This podcast was pure joy.... the host, producer, and cast were fabulous!!! As a 45 year fan, it was nice to see Days branch out in such a positive way. Come back!
Come back.
I loved how this podcast lifted the veil. Hearing the actors talk, custom and make up, acting coaches .... it all gave me a better understanding and appreciation for the behind the scenes. Maybe make it a bi weekly or monthly podcast???
Bring it back!!!
I love this podcast!! The host is awesome and I love the interviews! What can we do to bring it back? I can’t imagine it is an issue with money!
So sad!!
This was one of my favorite podcast!!! Is there a petition or something that we can sign to bring it back? I love the layout and hearing from the actors and writers. It was really great to get an inside scoop of something I watch faithfully everyday. So sad that it’s over. Whatever we can do to bring it back; I’m in!!
Great podcast!
One of my favorite podcasts! So sad it’s ending. I looked forward to hearing from the actors and Michael is just a fantabulous host of the show. Really wish it would continue. Thank you for all the GREAT episodes we had!
Rain Agony
This podcast was so good, I’m really disappointed that it is ending!! 😭😭
So sad!
I listen to several Podcasts, this was one of my favorites! I have been watching Days since 1967 and you rarely get to hear interviews with the actors. This was a fun show! Please reconsider and bring it back!
Why would you cancel this?
NBC, you are making us nervous...,
Love it
Love the show love the podcast
Podcasts usually don’t hold my attention but this one SO does!!! I’ve been watching Days for over a decade- these interview are so fun! 💗
Days is the best
I remember watching Days since I was 12 years old... when John was Roman and Sami and Eric were just kids themselves. Jack first left Jennifer and Abby, then Jennifer later turned comfort to that Peter Blake. Bo Brady was being played by Robert Keller-Kelly and Bo was with Billie. Who could forget the famous role of Marlena being possessed by the Devil? Those were the best part of Days....
Days of our Lives
I love everybody! My favorite right now is Xander ❤️. I’ve been watching since I was in elementary (early 80’s). The storyline lines are awesome and I can’t wait to see how they end!
Royal Nivness
My favorite show
I watch day of our lives sense I was a teenager
the pink stockbrokers
Caught up after spending the day in Salem
I love this podcast! I have been watching Days since I was 12 years old in 1990 with a brief break between the end of VCRs and the early days of streaming. I’ve been current for about three years now and it’s better than ever! I love the camaraderie of the cast. It’s such a pleasure to watch people who genuinely care about each other and enjoy watching each other’s work. One of my favorite parts of the podcast are the dressing room segments, especially the parts where the cast member talks about who had their dressing room before they did. The interviews are fun, the games are great and the clips are perfect showcases of the talented performers. Excited for the next episode!
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Holly Merriday
I have been watching since I was 16 and my first episode was Bo and Hope making love for the first time! I am 50, now! Still watching everyday!
This is the days of our lives..❤️
So glad the show now has a podcast along with an app! I am huge fan of the show, having this podcast make it more interesting to get too low the actors/characters on a more personal level through conversation.
Miss christinaxo
Thank you for bringing this to us dedicated fans!
Really feels like Inside Salem
Excellent listen -- RSW knows how to make an interview interesting, and the conversation with MBE and JR was full of insider stuff. I could listen to MBE talk with the whole cast -- she's a natural.
Such an exciting treat for those who cannot get enough of Days of Our Lives! Thank you to the cast and crew for putting this together! Days is not just a television show, it’s a hobby!!! It is such a part of American culture.
Inside Salem
What a treat for Days fans!! Thanks to the actors and interviewer for fun behind the scenes talking about their characters and stories of the actors. So fun to listen to. Thank you NBC and Days Of Our Lives for making this available! So fun!!