How It Began: A History of the Modern World
How It Began: A History of the Modern World
Brad Harris, Historian of Science & Technology
How It Began: A History of the Modern World
Brad Harris, Historian of Science & Technology
A thrilling podcast about the History of the Modern World. Humanity has been hard at work for centuries to empower itself with better tools and insights, from science and surgery to electricity and the Internet, and this series celebrates the history of those triumphs. Compared to our ancestors, we live like superheroes and sorcerers, endowed with powers they could never have imagined. But how did we achieve all this? Historian Brad Harris tackles that question head on, revealing how the most important scientific, technological, and cultural advancements in history began, and inspiring us to keep reaching for new historical triumphs along the way.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 495 days
Latest episode
3 years ago
April 24, 2021
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