Freethought Radio
Freethought Radio
Freedom From Religion Foundation
via Podcasts
A great way to stay on top of FFRF news!
I’ve been n FFRF member for many years. The hosts, Dan and Annie Laurie, the timely topics and the music, including Dan’s masterful musical talents, all combine to entertain while informing. A solid show!
Best way to start my week
Keeps me up to date on separation of church and state. This show is how I start my week. Thank you, FFRF!
Excellent Podcast
What a relief to hear that sanity and intelligence still exist. I was raised and indoctrinated into a Baptist religion. Forced to go to church. Being told the Bible was reality . That is until I started thinking for myself and reading as many books as I could on the subject of religion. I have since joined ffrf and now believe there actually might be hope for the human race. Keep up the good work and thank you for lifting my spirits.
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So glad ur here
I live in a town in the Bible Belt. On Sunday a local TV station aired a commercial from FFRF. I was shocked to see it but in a good way. Some of us are suffocating here amongst some very devout believers. Dogma still rules around here. Thanks for paying attention to us. Ik commercials aren’t free so thanks for that.
LeCrisha Leigh
Much moe interesting than I expected
I resisted listening to this podcast because, although I’m aligned with the values of FFRF, I figured the show would be predictable and somewhat boring. I was wrong. The hosts (along with others who help to make the podcast) do a terrific job of keeping things interesting. I not only listened to the whole episode, it riveted my attention for the duration. Check it out!
Ironic Genre Assignment
Why is Free Thought Radio—a self proclaimed un-religious platform—in the “Religious” category? It’s more of a news program, covering politics, culture and—yes—religion.
I like the music breaks (contrary to several reviewers) and the speakers are rational and not angry. I am still angry from having been raised fundamentalist.
A huge thank you to the Ron Reagan commercial for getting me in touch with FFRF! Love the podcast. So informative!
Great news, too much music
It’s a great podcast for atheists, but there is way too much music, like extensive classical musical numbers. Like I end up skipping over half of the podcast due to breaks and musical numbers. Worse yet, I feel like the music is not representative of the genres most enjoyed by the audience. Just because the hosts are musically inclined doesn’t mean this is the podcast to host the music, perhaps a second, music-focused podcast is in order. More news and interviews and less music please!
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Most Rage and Sarcasm
It's a fun podcast about the relgious nonsense going on in the nation and how FFRF is trying to defend against religion encroachment. Could use less of the music but whatever
Rallon Wolfheart
New listener
I am 57 years old and it is only in the past six months that I have rejected all the religious garbage I was raised to believe and call myself an atheist. I did a google search and was reminded of the Freedom From Religion organization. And thus discovered this podcast. Leaving God was the first episode I heard and will certainly continue to listen. I also joined FFR as a paid member. Thanks for doing what you do. The sooner people reject gods and religions the better our world will be.
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Bill from Minnesota
They give me hope.
FFRF podcast is a breath of fresh air giving me important information about current events affecting separation of church and state. I always learn something that is enriching about important historical free-thinkers, artists, and musicians. I am always surprised to hear of people who were rebels in their time and who have things to say that are relevant today. In the podcast I hear about legal actions that have been taken to help protect Americans who are being abused by religious organizations. I feel community with these people.
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The Gold Standard for Secular News
Perfect. Thank you FFRF!
Excellent shows & FFR is a much needed organization
Enjoyed listening & learning from these presentations. Voices are soothing. My ears enjoy these broadcasts! Hope you, yours and your surroundings are safe & Covid free! Be Well!
Atheists don’t have to be leftists
I’m a long time listener but no more. I always liked to check the news of how the foundation was stepping up and creating legal church/state challenges around the country. Perhaps I have evolved. I find my atheism is stronger than ever but I am beginning to hate the leftist political lean exhibited by the atheist community in general, including this show. They say they are not political, and it may not be overt, but it’s obvious they are left-leaning with the guest choices, race apologetics, commentary, and lack of conservative viewpoints. A belief in gods is irrelevant to belief in republican government, fiscal conservatism, anti communism/socialism, and a pro life abortion view. I’ve declared that it’s ok to be conservative and atheist at the same time. But it’s mostly the music. Sorry.
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I always learn a great deal from this podcast.
The freethought perspective given in this podcast always informs me about the aspects of the news dealing with the potential rise of theocracy in the US and around the world. This perspective is lacking often in mainstream media. Keep up the good work!
Dan, I like the music, but then I’m a musician.
One bad joke too far
I have listened for years; not after this last episode. It’s one bad joke too far. Bye
Cerebral Nonconformist
Still listening but the music is not a plus
Dan is great but the music doesn’t help. Increase the news percentage ... take a cue from “Thank god I’m Atheist” and play clips from pastors that underscore how hateful and devisive religions are. Keep up the great work!
Great commentary but music is eh...
I'm not an atheist but I'm becoming more and more frustrated with religion and religious people. We definitely need to keep up that separation of church and state. The more I listen to this podcast, the more I like it. However I find myself skipping the music. I usually do that anyway on a podcast *cough* nightvale weather.
A Much-Needed Breath of Fresh Air
The FFRF podcast is a welcome oasis from the majority extreme-right Christian rural community where I live. I enjoy the variety of speakers, news and music presented. Keep up the important legislative work as well - separation of church and state is vital to maintaining our founders’ creation of a secular nation. Thank you for all you do!
Slow down a little
I am a regular listener and I sometimes feel like the speakers are going too fast. Maybe you have packed too many ideas into an episode and then are rushing to get through all of them or maybe it’s just a little matter of engineering but I found the most recent episode easier to listen to.
Great source of free thinking news
Great podcast!
I love FFRF and Annie Laurie and Dan's positive humanist atheism. They stand for far more than just the first amendment. They stand for humanism and ethics in movement atheism which is sadly lacking amongst many of its leaders who lately have been men found sexually assaulting women and advocating and ends-justify-the-means attitude. We need more diversity and humanism in atheism and Annie Laurie is a bright light in that effort. Thank you!
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Great updates
I like the legal updates on state-church separation cases, the music, and many interesting guests.
Freedom is vital
I love this podcast. Good information and interviews. I learn about issues not covered by the media, plus books and music that I would not hear about otherwise. I am a member of FFRF and a humanist. Thank FFRF.
Protecting our rights
Like all the news upfront. I am pressed for time and just want to get the news and what progress you are making. Would love more interviews. Can live with the music. Glad to be a supporter.
Thank you
Thank you so much for keeping me informed and fighting the good fight. I listen as soon as the podcast becomes available on ITunes. Have you considered doing a show on Jesus Christ Superstar? I find it interesting that this is being redone and shown on Easter as I find the musical to be sacreligious.
Great show for a great organization
While not an atheist, I’m a firm believer in the separation of church and state. The degradation of that separation with the new administration and Congress makes the work FFRF does even more important. I really enjoy hearing about what you’re doing for all of us who don’t want religion in our government.
I was attracted to this podcast because of the title. I am agnostic and can’t prove one way or another. And was hoping for a un biased discussion. However the problem with the episode I listened in on was how they TARGET schools for religious insignia or beliefs. While I’m not a believer one way or another this county WAS founded on the belief in Christianity. Targeting schools is not helping the youth in this county with the moral identity problem of this new generation. Wow...
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Mixed feelings
I love hearing about their court cases, but all the music, oy vey... I always attempt to listen but some weeks are way less interesting than others.
Love the new Q and A show!
Thanks, Annie Laurie, Dan and visiting Andrew on the new show. Very informative and fun. Well, mocking religionists is fun anyway I can get it but you guys do it smarter.
Great Show!
Love all the work these guys do. Keep it up!
Becoming one of my favorite podcasts
A great way to learn what this organization and others are doing to maintain the separation of church and state. Especially enjoy the interviews and updates from the legal team at Freedom From Religion Foundation (which owns this podcast).They have a newspaper that covers the same material but the podcast provides additional detail and color commentary that helps you better appreciate the importance of keeping church and state separate and how determined faith leaders and some lawmakers are to mingle the two. Agree with some previous reviewers that the musical numbers go a bit long - perhaps consider playing clips from the songs vs playing the entire song? Anyhow, keep up the important work you do!
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Very boring and could use a format change. There's too much music for a talk show. The music is corny and they only spend a few minutes with interviews, leaving the listener wanting more. Lose the music and become a real talk show!
Fighting the good fight
This unassuming little podcast has TEETH! Wish I had known about your show when I lived in Madison. Just found it and I love hearing the background on current lawsuits and church/states violations. Keep up the good work!
I'm an atheist and unlike some reviewers I do care whether local governments endorse Christianity. FFRF is on the frontline of defending the secularism that our founders designed America with. We can no longer be called a representative secular democracy when government officials promote their brand of religion above others and try to govern all citizens by the tenets of their religion. Even the tiniest promotion of their religion gives the appearance that the promoted religion is preferable to our government all others. This makes us no longer equal and takes away our ability to be free and our right to liberty.
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The Godless
Great start to the week
I start my Monday mornings with this show and it make a refreshing start to the week. To hear two great leaders in the freethought movement every week gives me hope that it's getting better for those of us who are good without god. Annie Laurie and Dan, thank you and FFRF for all your work.
Jeff L Adler
Great Show
Dedicated Podcast listener. Thanks for all you do!
great legal briefs, unbearably corny music
i can't think of a better podcast to update those who are interested in court cases involving separation of church and state. but the music and jokes by dan barker make it unlistenable. i really really want to listen, but turn it off after a few seconds of dan.
The best
I listen to several atheist podcasts. I love them all but none make me feel more human than this one.
Important subject matter
Important and pertinent. Agree with others on some deficiencies in the presentation.
George Bush Library
The podcast to FFRF
FFRF is the best organization out there to defend our rights against religious infringement. I look forward to listening every week to hear about the incredible victories won throughout the country. I enjoy the interviews and historical lessons regarding separation of church and state. I value this amazing organization and encourage everyone join FFRF.
Enjoy this channel
Thank goodness I have unlimited data. I listen to this in my car a lot. Excellent work.
Gets put last in my playlist
Most of the subject matter is good, interviews could be better, but I agree with others; the jokes are lame and Dan's music is "fast-forwardable". When I put this on my iPod Shuffle to listen on-the-go to all the freethought/atheist podcasts I get, Freethought Radio is put near the end. I think if the podcast ended, I wouldn't miss it at all.
Good message, horrible delivery.
I thoroughly support the work that the FFRF does but this podcast is killing me. The intro, including music and the introductions is often over two minutes. The piano/show tunes are incredibly dated and dull. It’s great that host Dan Barker is such an accomplished pianist and I think he’s very talented, but the style of music only appeals to a small number of people. The constant inclusion of Dan's songs are a huge turn-off. The show needs a lot more energy and I just don’t know if Dan and Annie Laurie are up to the task. I’d like to see them hand over the broadcast reigns to some fresh talent and relaunch the show. Until then, I don’t know that I can keep on downloading the show. Based on the work they do, I give them 5 stars. Based on the listenability and enjoyability of the podcast, I can only give them two stars.
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More fair and balanced than another media source...
I just started listening to this podcast last week, and find it refreshingly balanced. The hosts present a balanced look at atheism, which contrasts the sometimes shrill pro-belief crowd. I could be wrong, but they seem very live and let live - they don't seem to want to impose their beliefs on you, but by the same token, you have no right to impose yours on them, either.
Not a very professional program.
You would think that for the years that Annie and Dan have been doing the show that they'd stop trying to talk over one another. Happens all the time. Also, WAY too much time is spent on Dan's religious parody music and no enough time on news and interviews that freethinkers would prefer to hear. On a recent episode they cut off a guest mid thought...but 5 min was wasted on a stupid song. A cutesy song is ok once in awhile but this happens too often. Seth Andrews of The Thinking Atheist has screamed by them in professionalism and entertainment.
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EricG from Chicago
Very interesting
These are the people at the front of the battle to get religion out of our public schools. They do important work and their podcast is great for news and interviews, but I prefer the irreverent humor and fact-checking of religious fallacies in Irreligiosophy.
Good hard honest work.
I listen to and enjoy this podcast. I wish I had an ounce of the energy these two have. I do my little things in my little way and live my little atheist life. But these two are dedicated go getters accomplishing a wide variety of things on a daily basis. How could I criticize them ever? Yes, Annie is outspoken (you go girl) and Dan can be corny (you go guy). So what? I know They are real people whose skills may not be rooted in broadcasting. I love that about them. A & D are honest hard working dedicated people contributing their skill set(s) so that we all might be better off, more informed, able to participate ourselves if we so desire. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I enjoy you both just the way you are.
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