Eagle Nation Podcast
Eagle Nation Podcast
Team RWB
via Podcasts
Focus on the topic
Haven’t tuned in lately, because so many of the podcasts spent an inordinate amount of time of the guest talking about their life, instead of focusing on the topic at hand. I understand qualifying a guest, but it seemed to go over the top. Maybe it’s better now.
EMA Dave
Thank you for valuable information that your podcast brings to the forefront. I can now refer fellow Veterans to the podcast to get their questions answered. Keep up the great work.
Good stuff JJ!
Good stuff JJ!
Loved the Yuengling episode! Keep it up JJ and Team RWB.
Eddie Ravert
Recommendation for future Podcast
Marcus Aurelius Anderson author of the Gift of Adversity
I will be honest and say I have never listened to a podcast before this series. I absolutely love it! They are great during a run or driving around town. I love the speakers and the hosts. I am always wanting more after each episode! I have started training for some races on my bucket lists and I realized I was tired of listening to the same music on my long runs. These are great for long runs and getting your mind off the run and on important topics. I am able to process them better and apply them to my day to day life better.
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Ted Talks have nothing on these guys
As a civilian who is curious about leadership and limitless potential, i'm challenged every week by JJ and Blayne to get in touch with my best self. The content is amazing, and the interviewers are better than most professional journalists on the talking head circuit. Thank you thank you for sharing your ideas, your perspective and your spirit with us all!!!
Great diversity and applicability to veterans and civilians alike
I was turned on to Eagle Nation by an episode with Sebastian Junger after recently reading "Tribe" and finding a lot of peace in its pages. Ever since I have been hooked. Covering topics ranging from entrepreneurship, community, combat, and more Team RWB has done an amazing job speaking to veterans but also creating a forum that civilians or families of veterans can listen to. They are breaking walls between the veteran community and civilian sector with every episode and providing ways for both parties to find ways to get more involved. Overall outstanding podcast and my new daily drive listen on the way to work.
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RWB rocks
Wide variety of genuine topics
I'm really enjoying the honest and intriguing interviews. Blaine does an amazing job with heartfelt conversations with truly interesting people. I can't remember the last time I have found a podcast to add to my repertoire that I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every week. Look forward to what comes next
Awesome insight into our veterans, their lives and truly amazing achievements.
Appreciate and enjoy the program
Eagle Nation has earned its way into my podcast rotation with inspiring guests, authentic interviews that prove motivating, and a genuine concern for veterans that rings true through my speakers. Kudos for the vision to add this to your communiation arsenal, and thanks for the work to deliver a quality program. #AimHigh
great show
Love tuning in to this show, learning something new, and coming away very motivated. Really interesting collection of guests. Great show
Tom Morkes
Awesome Job!!!
Great work Team RWB! Very engaging conversations that are applicable to all vets, athletes, as well as veteran supporters! I learn something new and gain motivation every episode. Keep it up!
Kneel & Bob
RWB Podcast
These are amazing! What a great way to get even more Eagle Fire out to the world. I get both personal and professional development from Eagle Podcasts. Thanks for taking the time to provide this valuable resource. Great discussion with great leaders....
Eagle Nation Podcast is FANTASTIC
This is really my first time taking time out of my day to listen to a podcast. I can honestly say that I have learned a lot of things that will help me in my work with other veterans. Some of the information provided has been enlightening and informative. I have recommended this podcast to many of my teammates for a positivity boost and a learning experience. Keep up the great work Blayne and JJ!
Chief Honeypie
Must hear content!
JJ and Blayne are killing it!!! Keep up the great guests and great conversation. Thanks for this!
francese iTunes
Eagles Soar
Keep driving Team RWB. You have inspired so many including me!
Team RWB makes a great podcast. The guests are top notch, the dialogue crisp and entertaining, and I feel that I learn something every episode.
Army G8R
Inspiring and Reflective
As a team RWB leader and Army Soldier, I continue to find this podcast inspiring. The guest speakers are phenomenal and really offer a great opportunity to reflect on individual growth.
Amazing podcast
Please continue to provide excellent and relevant interviews and information. I'm a huge fan of your podcasts and have benefited greatly as an Army veteran from this! The quality of the audio is first rate. Cheers, R Estevez
Vet Centered
Thanks for what you guys do! Sometimes I wish you would delve deeper into the guests and issues. Otherwise, great info and tidbits.
Thank you!!!
RWB is great!! Glad I found this. Much needed Goethe military veteran community.
Mission-driven Podcast!!
Thank you for this podcast - great inerviews, great insight, and great work on behalf of military, veterans and those who support them. The interviews manage to be in-depth while still conversational. Way to go! Note: Team RWB actually sent our CrossFit box in Kandahar t-shirts for Memorial Day. Great folks.
Great Vision
Connecting people with the everyday stories of veterans. I believe in the organization and how the podcast is showing the trials and triumphs of our generation. Its not a glossy photo or a whoa as me story. Its about the conflict within all of us and the will to overcome it with the help of community. Bravo. Keep it up
The Eagle Nation Podcast has helped this veteran in more ways then they will ever know... Thank You!
The Eaglet
Sebastian Junger
Wow!!!! You nailed it!!! Love it, very inspiring.. After listening I felt that I can make a difference. I am a veteran, served in the Army Nurse Corp in the early 90's.. Thank you for all you are doing..
Love this podcast!
Very well done, Team RWB! I have enjoyed each episode. Great conversation about important topics that matter to veterans. Keep up the awesome work!
Removing the sand with my earbuds
As a Veteran and a member of Team RWB, it is great hearing conversations focused on Veteran Life. I listen to all types of podcasts while working. I need the constant chatter in my ear to settle the brain while working. Excellent conversations, topics, and guests. Highly recommend, morning smoothie for the brain, healthy and enjoyable, see you at the next event!
Eagle Nation
Outstanding! So great to hear from like minded people doing positive things in the world. I have found something to relate to in every episode. Keep it up!
Motivating Podcast
So stoked Team RWB put together a podcast as they are one of the strongest veteran communities in the country. Being a member of the San Diego chapter I have seen and personally benefited from the Team RWB community. The Team RWB community has a wide reach so guaranteed you will find motivation from this podcast and the individuals who are interviewed and the organization itself. If you are a veteran please share this podcast with your sister or brother veteran.
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Theresa Larson, DPT
Motivating and Inspirational
These podcasts really resonate with me as a veteran. I appreciate the personal stories Blayne and his guests have shared about separating from the military, struggling, and then adjusting. I also love the discussions on building local communities. I feel so motivated and optimistic every time I listen. Team RWB has been such a good influence in my life and now these podcasts are adding fuel to that #EagleFire. Keep it up!
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I am in love with this podcast! I listen to it as often as I can while at work. It reminds me to maintain my servant's heart while dealing with unappreciative people all day long. Just keep smiling & keep serving!
Loving the podcasts! I really enjoy the insight from those you interview. KEEP IT UP!
Soar Eagle!!!!
Proud member of Team RWB and I love this podcast. I check my phone everyday hoping for a new episode and drop everything when I have one to listen too. Keep up the great work!!!!
I have listened to all of the podcasts and these have become my favorites. Honored and privileged to be a part of this amazing team to enrich the lives of America's veterans and our communities. I personally have become stronger and better because of Team RWB. These podcasts share the courage and commitment of real people who I look up to in this world. Each week, I look forward to a new Eagle Nation podcast.
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Team RWB is the BEST
Worth the listen
You don't have to be a veteran to enjoy and appreciate these podcasts. Keep these up, RWB!
Leaders one and all. 360 degrees of Positivity. My only complaint is that there is only one episode a week. 😉
Enriching discussuions about life, business, Veterans, and communities.
The Eagle Nation continues to inspire
Love.this.Podcast. I was really touched and motivated by my first RWB podcast with Lisa Jaster. Her "woman in the arena" discussion was exactly what the doctor ordered. I'd tried, but failed at a similar feat in the Army. As someone not accustomed to failure, that experience beat me down, broke my heart, and killed my motivation. I still loved the Army, but I was almost ashamed at what I tried to accomplish but wasn't able to. I'd read the Man in the Arena before and I kept telling myself it's better to have the guts to try, but until now I haven't been able to get over this hurdle of disappointment and shame. Her talk was so inspiring. I was pleased and so proud of her as the other Rangers. She inspired me to motivate again and get back after it. This is yet another example of what RWB continues to provide--inspiration and motivation. Love the new format! Looking forward to hearing more. RLTW and Eagle up! Thanks again
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SBUX Mocha
Only a few so far but the topics and discussion and great. Keep it up!
Right topics, right message
I look forward to more insights to some guests who have really found many things to share about Veterans, Communities, and Fitness!!
You live in a Community? Listen to this podcast
I am thoroughly impressed with Team Red, White & Blue as a volunteer led organization. Strong leadership with a powerful message of the inclusive community.
Eagle Up
Really enjoy hearing the Eagle lifestyle in this podcast form. Great to hear from guests who live the ethos of the organization. Very positive messages.
EN Podcast!
Loving the new Eagle Nation Podcast! Keep up the great work Blayne and JJ!
Great Content
Thanks to Team RWB.... Love the podcast, keep up the great work
Great content with actionable advice
Highly recommend this podcast. Great guest conversations and actionable advice that listeners can take away. Put this on your list of must listen podcasts!
Authentic Leadership on Display
Awesome!!! After only a few minutes of listening to each podcast, it’s abundantly apparent that Blayne and JJ are connecting with genuine leaders and having rich conversations regarding veterans, community, nonprofits, fitness and leadership. I’m hooked and ready for the next episode!!!
Z Armstrong
Blayne & JJ-great discussion of important topics
Two long-time friends/co-workers/veterans chat about issues important and relevant to all aspiring to be the best they can be! Thank you for another inspiring podcast!
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