Dear You - Personal Development & Mental Health
Dear You - Personal Development & Mental Health
Nabeelah Munshi
Dear You - Personal Development & Mental Health
Nabeelah Munshi
Need a little pick me up? Get a fresh perspective or learn something new, this is for you. As an entrepreneur, personal development is non-negotiable. To have a successful business, you have to always overcome obstacles or get growth hacks to take you to the next level. I'm always looking for ways to get the most of life and this is just me sharing my findings, tried and tested methods. You'll be surprised by how much we have in common. I hope this show makes you feel warm and fuzzy! Also, gives you a boost to give your best to the day ahead and in general, life. I'm a great believer in self knowledge, everything around us is a mirror of everything we carry within. It's worth to take out time to improve yourself so you can have the biz and life you want :)
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5 months ago
December 7, 2023
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