Dear God, Are we there yet?
Dear God, Are we there yet?
Dear God Are We There Yet?
S5/EP 3:The Why versus the What "Ask yourself what am I going to do rather than why am I doing it"
14 minutes Posted Dec 9, 2021 at 12:39 pm.
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šŸŽ™ New Podcast Season 5 šŸŽ™
S5/EP 3:The Why versus the What "Ask yourself what am I going to do rather than why am I doing it"

Primos y Primas, When the topic of conversation turns to change, life, dreams or goals itā€™s not uncommon to hear people ask ā€œwhat's your why"? But when all that inspo is put in the universe whats's next?

Join me, Grab that cafecito y vamos hablar!

Episode Highlights:

šŸ’”The memories we hold on to that hurt us
šŸ’” The "Why" is powerful but "What" are you doing about it
šŸ’” You're allowed to change
šŸ’” Everyday we should celebrate our Birthday

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I hope you blast that merengue all week! and GRACIAS sooo much listening.
