Dear God, Are we there yet?
Dear God, Are we there yet?
Dear God Are We There Yet?
S5/EP 2: Doing Nothing Bring Clarity "It's easier to do nothing than to stress"
16 minutes Posted Nov 30, 2021 at 2:35 am.
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🎙 New Podcast Season 5 🎙
S5/EP 2: Doing Nothing Bring Clarity "It's easier to do nothing than to stress"

Primos y Primas! Have you ever tried to sit still for five minutes doing absolutely nothing? I think you’ll agree that it’s pretty uncomfortable. Having nothing to do but listen to your own thoughts might feel about as exciting as watching paint dry.

Because we’d rather not subject ourselves to that kind of torture, we rarely give ourselves time to do nothing. Instead, we try to fill every minute of the day, often with insignificant things like scrolling through social media stressing over mundane things and the list goes on. I’m back, with amazing stories from REAL people and real conversations we are all facing at one point in our life.

Join me, Grab that cafecito y vamos hablar!

Episode Highlights:

💡 What is the value of doing nothing
💡How we are all connected
💡Sharing your story about doing nothing
💡Letting Strangers help and not judging ourselves

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I hope you blast that merengue all week! and GRACIAS sooo much listening.
