Culture Matters
Culture Matters
Culture Matters
via Podcasts
Always challenged.
The variety of topics, guests and perspectives is always challenging, helpful and encouraging. Loving the latest season!
Texas CM listener
Able to see multiple perspectives
I am a bit of a podcast junkie and this is one I listen to regularly. I love how the hosts are able to look at issues from multiple perspectives in an effort to really understand people and events. It’s a skill many of us have lost in recent years but one I really value, regardless of my position on any particular topic. I particularly enjoy the recent episodes on technology and formation. Keep up the great work, guys!
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Applicable and challenging
The Christian life is not one to be done in isolation. Culture is beautiful and this podcast encourages me to think differently about it. It challenges me toward my own metacognition. I embrace the cognitive dissonance. I’m grateful for what the Lord has taught me about the gospel and culture. It is so encouraging to me in my walk with Christ, my relationship with my brothers and sisters in Christ and the world. I highly recommend this podcast to all who are willing to lend an ear and not assume the political beliefs of the hosts. May you use this as an opportunity to listen to different opinions without labeling as the world quickly does. The beauty of nuance is helpful and godly.
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Great Conversations
I’ve enjoyed this podcast for quite awhile but have especially enjoyed the most recent conversations with Jon Guerra, Andrew Peterson, Daniel Nayeri, and Jen Pollock-Michel
Balanced and loving
I always look forward to this podcast coming out. I love the way the variety of hosts address current events with an attempt at being as loving as possible. They always bring it back to “how can we love as Christians in this” instead of just left/right bashing. I think too many of the reviews on here are from people who want to see their politics reflected back to them but forget that we are servants of Jesus before we are servants of a political party. Keep up the good work! Oh and I also love that Tymarcus always has a CS Lewis quote at the ready for every topic 😂
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Center-Left Christian Perspective on Culture
I’m a (white & female) Center-Right or a slightly right leaning Libertarian Christian. I enjoy this podcast. I like listening to people I think I’m going to disagree with. I wish those who are dismissing this podcast as dangerous woke leftest propaganda in the church would listen to what people are actually saying. I listened to the anti-racism podcast, and while I was concerned at first I let them define the term for themselves without projecting CRT or Marxism on it. While I disagree on some points and some of the language the overall goal is something I wholeheartedly can get behind. I think the left and the right talk past each other a lot due to language and this should not be in the church. We are family and need to show grace and hear each other out. Our identity in Christ comes before political or nationalist allegiance. It’s super troubling that people are more committed to their political beliefs than their religious beliefs. Christ comes first and we owe it to Christ to treat our Christian family “with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,”
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Tracker of Church Culture Liberalization
This is a great podcast for monitoring the incremental descent of the current Christian cultural analysis into the revolutionary liberal frameworks of our day.
I used to love this show. Several topics in the past raised eyebrows for me but I’m unfollowing after the anti-racism episode. I don’t mind having a conversation on racism for it is evil and unpleasant to God. You had me until you started talking about how “whiteness” absorbs people from other countries. Really?!! I came from another country in Latin America and I am whatever I am. I didn’t come here to be “white,” but just because I don’t ascribe to American black Culture doesn’t mean I have been absorbed by a different identity. I also have plenty of friends that grew up and were raised in Africa. They’re all really successful and they don’t ascribe to American black culture either. They did not grow up in that. However, they’re proud to be black and African and celebrate their cultures to this day. Please stop trying to say that ascribing to American Blackness is the only way to not be “racist.” I’ve been a victim of racism myself and I celebrate my culture and my identity as a foreigner. Stop acting like there’s only one “culture” that has it all “right.” There’s plenty of cultures in this country that are victims of racism but still should have the freedom to choose to be who they want to be. Also, saying EVERYONE in a particular race is guilty of a sin is blatant heresy. Clearly, not all white people are racist. Not all white Christians are racist. Also, how about the black people that are racist towards Latinos? That’s all of a sudden okay with the Lord, right? You bashing “white culture” makes you a racist. You’re guilty of the same sin that you are accusing a whole other race of. Despicable. Not to forget… have we thought about the whole movement that is “anti racist” but is trying to enable black women to have abortions??? And it is, in fact, white Christians that are calling such hypocrisy out. It is white Christians that are providing for black moms in need so they don’t abort their child. You know what leftists are saying? “Let’s enable black women to kill their children. God forbid if a child is born black or Latino.” I’m really disappointed by how this got handled. Racism is clearly evil so I don’t understand why we have to blame people that might not be guilty or omit topics that are rooted in racism (like Abortion). Slavery is being taught in schools. You know what is not being taught? How the public school and welfare system is designed and run by leftists intending to keep black and latinos poor. And it is conservatives (Both black and white) speaking out against it so that minority groups get better opportunities. Please. Stop calling everyone that doesn’t agree with you “racist” or “uneducated.” It’s not true and you know it.
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As a young adult navigating the faith amidst a divided culture, unsaved friends, and satan’s attacks from all angles, this podcast is helping me think through things deeply and biblically.
Episode 167 is Excellent
I think I’ve listened to every episode of this podcast. I personally felt the show lost it’s way for a little bit, as it attempted to tackle difficult subjects but did it (in my view) in an unbalanced way. I firmly believe this was not intentional, but just got swept up a bit and erred in not providing balanced points of view (which I believe was unintentional). I do however applaud the show in taking on the difficult topics and doing so from a position of compassion and love. While I found myself yearning for the same overall goal of reconciliation, I personally thought there were other ways to work towards those goals that I wish were explored. I would encourage the show to return to these topics someday from a more balanced perspective. But I love my brothers and sisters in this show and thank them for doing their best to bring grace and love to difficult topics, even if I differed on the methodology a bit. :) This past season the podcast seems to have found itself and hit a good stride. The mental health episodes were terrific, as were the church denomination episodes. I loved episode 167 on Christian education.
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Boring now
I loved this podcast, but ever since Adam left, it’s become a total snooze fest. I’m glad mental health has been a topic but for 6+ episodes? Idk if Adam was the one that chose what to speak about, but whoever is doing it now should consider sprinkling in some other episodes in between a run like the Mental health series
Steady Decline
The change of format and hosts has lead to a steady decline in recent years. My wife and I looked forward to these episodes in the past, but now we avoid them. I’m unfollowing.
Lacks research on certain topics
Some topics such as political topics are taken on face value without listening to alternate news about the same article. I like the constant note of trying to be in the middle but that should be considered by the hosts as well while collecting the content to speak about as well. Example would be the topic is insurrection, it has ignored the former president’s view regardless of its true or not. Also one important thing to note is one of the speaker speaks way quietly than the other so it’s hard to hear them on the same volume. I would appreciate more political content if it needs to be but I’d appreciate an approach that’s more than just a news title conversation. Thanks
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Too partisan
This was a great podcast when it was a part of the village church. Since then it has sadly gone downhill. Specifically my issue is with the hosts and speakers who are clearly partisan in their politics. it’s obvious to the listener. Your personal political convictions are fine-but a”Christ “ first podcast needs balance. I can get caught up on cultural stuff from any secular podcast. Unsubscribed.
Monty Smith
Used to like it
I used to listen and like this podcast a few years ago but it has steadily become an echo chamber of left wing politics with a “Christian” overtone. Very disappointed. If I want to hear this I’ll just listen to MSM
Biblical based and encouraging!
Especially during COVID times it has been a challenge to connect with people, and all of us have seen the tension that exists in our nation. How refreshing to listen to a podcast which addresses current issues using Scripture and Biblical truth. Thank you thank you for providing a Christian perspective that is wholistic and based in Truth ❤️
runs with dog and kid
Should be called “Cultures Matters MOST”
I can’t do it anymore. I loved this podcast when it originally started out of The Village Church with Matt Chandler. Since this podcast has separated from that church, it has gone further and further downhill and away from Jesus. It seems to claim biblical truth, while holding Culture as its ultimate truth. I tried to keep listening even while it made me increasingly more and more uncomfortable, because it eventually only became about me wanting to hear what other believers think even when I disagree with them. But they’ve gone too far to where now I feel it’s feeding my heart with a harmful untrue voice that I need to guard myself against. Hosts of Culture Matters - I know you claim Jesus and truth. I know you want to share truth with your community and the country at large. I beiebe your intentions are good. Please turn your tv off. Please get off social media and internet articles. Please quiet the voices in culture that are speaking too loudly to you that you’re letting have authority. It’s becoming harmful to your listeners because I fear you are leading your community astray, all for culture’s sake.
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Refreshing truth
I want to thank the hosts & tech team for this podcast! I find it to be faithful, charitable & informative. Loved what you did with the SBC series & enjoyed the fun cultural round-up eps. Just really grateful for an enjoyable podcast that I don’t have to leave questioning if what I just heard actually aligns scripturally. What a blessing! P.s. Someone let Adam know that more seasons of Alone are on Hulu!!
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No thank you
It’s clear they don’t do their proper research. They’re basically an echo chamber of the mainstream media, not realizing how corrupt and full of propaganda they are. Praying the scales be lifted from their eyes and that they gain the wisdom and discernment that God intended for them.
Luke 8:17
Refreshing & bold
Anyone bold enough to put their opinion out there in this climate is brave, but even more so is anyone who is willing to speak of Christ, the Church, and the Truth of the gospel. I’m incredibly thankful for the thought-provoking conversation, the careful exploration of different sides, the noted attempt at gaining understanding and context on these complex issues before they form an opinion, and the reassurance in every episode that “there is nothing new under the sun” and that our God is a “light unto our feet and a lamp unto our path,” guiding us through this present darkness. I’m grateful to all involved in the making of this podcast; you help me to be a more well-informed and thoughtful follower of Christ, praise God!
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No political balance = no thank you.
I used to appreciate the Culture Matters podcast and have listened to just about every episode to date. I previously enjoyed well rounded & lively discussions on current events, and while I didn’t always agree with everything said, I appreciated thought provoking discussion and various viewpoints from a Christian worldview. That said, I have noticed a clear political bias taking over that is no longer balanced in its approach — for example, Biden is touted as the desired presidential winner in spite of his position on abortion, Elizabeth Woodson promotes Michelle Obama’s book, and in more than one episode, the NY Times and other widely recognized liberal media are surprisingly esteemed as having accurate and balanced reporting (take a look at the July 2020 resignation letter from NY Times editor, Bari Weiss** if you want insight and balance to this view). This podcast seems to be evolving into an echo chamber for liberal political views — no thank you. ** “... the lessons that ought to have followed the election—lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society—have not been learned. Instead, a new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else.” - Bari Weiss
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FW 24/7
What is your truth?
I have been thinking for an hour how to respond to your latest podcast. I’ve listened to you guys for a long time, and up until now I haven’t seen red flags. You know church history, and I feel like your the Catholics mocking Martin Luther, but yet you teach the opposite, but live differently. When it comes to electing a president, we must elect them on their policies and their moral beliefs, because not one is out sin. I feel you guys are so out of touch with reality it’s scary, and to know people follow you makes it that much worst. It’s time to lift your head above the sand. We live in a time where darkness is being exposed by light, and the devil is right in your face, and yet so many so called Christ followers don’t even recognize him. To get your info from the very darkness just shows how deep in the sand your head is. I truly encourage all of you to stop watching the news, stop reading biased propaganda and to pray the light comes through. We are at war in the church, and in our culture right now. There’s a lot of voter fraud (watch today’s briefing), and a lot of evil among us. I will pray the scales are lifted. I don’t know who was talking on this recent podcast, but Marxism is something you all need to study. Be blessed, and I pray you search for truth.
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This is such an INCREDIBLE podcast! These three bring the truth every week and help reframe cultural events in light of the Gospel! I know a few of the other reviews are saying that it’s just a worldly view on the God, but those claims couldn’t be further from the truth! They approach every issue from a distinctly Christ-centered perspective, not aligning with any worldly ideology (republicanism, liberalism, humanism, etc.) Any criticism of this podcast being worldly is completely unfounded! Great pod!
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Liberal Rubbish
There’s so many better podcasts out there. Avoid this one.
Important Podcast for Believers
Happened upon this culturally relevant show and am so pleased I did. While we are called to "be in the world, but not of the world", we cannot simply ignore what's happening either. Great perspectives from all. Thank you for listening to Holy Spirit and creating this content.
Social justice infiltrating church
SJW has infiltrated the church. Truth doesn’t matter. Reality doesn’t matter. What matters to these folks is keeping up a false narrative.
Great conversations
This show is very conversational and helpful. The hosts may not be fully knowledgeable about the variety of subjects they discuss, but I think that’s why I love it so much. They don’t pretend to know everything. It’s very relatable and always points me back to the Gospel and God’s word!
Please do your research
Instead of speculating on so many of these issues, I wish these hosts would do their research before coming to the mic. They are often correct in their observations and acknowledgement of anecdotal evidence, but there is also a lot of value in looking at the data. Unfortunately, this group leaves that out.
Elizabeth is my friend
Seriously loving this podcast. It feel like having a call with great friends and someone asks a big life questions. This last episode I have fallen in love with the fact that all of the hosts are people. They are not holier than thou that can be common with culture and church podcasts. They are real people asking big questions from a Biblical perspective. I love that so very much. Thank you!
Great Audio Quality
I mean, yeah, the substance of the podcast is great, but what does it for me is the audio quality and choice of music. Someone give that audio editor a raise!
Chicken Tender Pub Sub
One of my fav podcasts!
This podcast is one of my favs. I enjoy all of the speakers, but especially Elizabeth. The speakers speak on current cultural issues, and I feel that they are lead by the Word of God—not by politics. Keep up the good work, y’all!
Great Podcast, but!
I love this podcast. These guys do a great job of discussing faith and culture and how Christians and the church as a whole should respond to culture biblically. BUT if you like movies and don’t like spoilers, don’t listen to them talk about movies you haven’t seen. There are no spoiler warnings, they just go right into critical plot points assuming you don’t care, or would have already seen it if you don’t want it spoiled.
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Love this podcast!
This is one of my favorite podcast to listen to! I think it is a very good combination of cultural knowledge and biblical/Christian application. I feel like I’m not always updated on what things are going on and the world around me and this podcast helps me understand different topics and issues with a Christian perspective. Thank you for keeping it going!!
Thought this would be a little more biblical based...or even a little more in pursuit of truth. You can definitely hear the echoes of pretty much any popular news outlet. When you’re friends with the world where does that leave God..?
worship in soirit and truth
Great podcast! 💯
This is the first podcast I’ve ever actually subscribed to and have listened to week in and week out. Keep up the awesome job! Love the show.
Encouraging and Convicting
Adam and Adam do a wonderful job of addressing issues that are difficult to talk about, but also necessary to talk about, in a way that is engaging, entertaining, encouraging, and convicting. Excellent podcast
I’ve loved listening to these podcasts over the last few years. Being in the field of social work, I have been confronted with a lot of these questions and it’s great to hear them being talked about in a Christian context. I appreciate all of the guest speakers that are invited into these conversations to provide an inside look on the different issues. This is my favorite podcast by far!
A great listen
I have binge-listened through all of the available episodes and now I look forward to the new one every week! These conversations are so helpful for me to think through culture and current events and they have helped me to have conversations with people in my own life about some of these things.
I was really excited to listen to this podcast to get some Christian commentary on current events in our culture. I have listened to all the episodes, and while some of them are a decent listen, most of them come across as extremely patronizing and like the hosts are explaining how us peasants should think about this or that. In fact, one of their favorite things to discuss is "what should we think about this?" I've found most of their views to be very world-centered rather than Christ-centered, and they often chastise and belittle Christians for not being more accepting of wordly viewpoints. (Until it comes to Donald Trump, and any sort of Christian sentiments such as praying for his soul or being hopeful of him deciding to follow Christ go out the window since he just isn't worth their prayers because they don't like the things he says.) Very dissapointing, I was looking for Christian views on the world, not world views mascarading as Christian in an attempt to pull me closer to the world and farther from Christ.
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Thoughtful, deep, and encouraging
This podcast is so wholistic. I really appreciate how the hosts discuss things so deeply and from multiple angles, bringing on the right guests. It is rooted in truth. It discusses hard things but in a light that also reminds Christians their call to action. It is not one of those “oh no the world is falling apart” podcasts- more like, “what is truly going on, and what is our response as followers of Jesus?” Truly feel encouraged by this podcast and know I’m learning a lot. It has sparked some really good conversations with friends too.
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Good Baseline Thoughts
I appreciate this podcast for it’s dedication to helping the Christian think critically about engaging in the world around - from politics to fitness- out of a biblical, Christ-centered worldview. The hosts do an excellent job of presenting their material in a thought-provoking and winsome way.
Great Perspective
The podcast critically discusses current issues from a Christian perspective. It’s good at stripping the anger and vitriol surrounding the current discourse to a civil, Jesus-focused perspective.
Fun and Edifying
Awesome podcast. Very thankful for the down to earth hosts Adam Griffin and Adam Hawkins. I enjoy the ultra practical episode themes from Lord’s Gym: Faith, Health, and Fitness #98 to The Evil Empire of Pornography #93 to Jordan Peel, Nipsey Hustle, and Hamilton #90. I have been listening for about 3 months now since 04/2019 after my wife found it and recommended it to me and have been very satisfied. I would recommend to others. With all the available Christian podcasts I would recommend adding this one to ur subscription list for a light hearted yet thought provoking and edifying podcast. Particularly, I found it good to mix with more theologically deep material to give yourself a fun break but still feed ur mind truth.
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Great Podcast!
Culture Matters does a good job in bringing me into conversations that I’m interested in hearing with people who are sharp intellectually, theologically & relationally. This is podcast is worth listening to! It will sharpen you with a biblical worldview as you process through the matters of culture.
Love it!
Love the show. Love the Adams.
Excellent Podcast
This podcast truly embodies its title. There is a great balance of culture and Christianity displayed in every episode. These guys expand my way of thinking and turn it all back to Christ. I am not a member of TVC, but this is hands-down my favorite podcast. I’m always eager to hear of the current topics and fruitful conversations that follow. Everyone should listen to this show. 5 stars.
Great show!
I love the variety of topics and issues that this show has covered. The Adams, and their guest hosts balance the seriousness of some topics with the quirkiness of other cultural issues in a really grounded and considerate way. I learn something new and walk away inspired every episode.
Great stuff!
Well worth your time and attention. Thanks for this resource!
Love it
A great podcast on the intersection of secular society and Christianity
I’ve been listening to Culture Matters for over a year now, and with each episode I’m amazed by the new insight I gain. Every Christian should give this podcast a listen. For each discussion topic I come with my own strongly held opinions only for my biases to be unraveled. It’s been so good for my faith! My only gripe with this show is the lack of diversity among the speakers. When talking about culture, I think it’s essential to have people from all walks of life giving their input. I don’t want to diminish the opinions of the hosts, but it would be nice to hear from different perspectives. For example, when discussing toxic masculinity or the #MeToo Movement, how valuable would it have been to have a female guest share her views? The Kingdom of God will reflect the nations, so this podcast should give it a shot.
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