Cracked Movie Club
Cracked Movie Club
Earwolf & Tom Reimann, Abe Epperson
Cracked Movie Club
Earwolf & Tom Reimann, Abe Epperson
Almost every movie you love is secretly insane. Cracked Movie Club is here to show you why! Join co-hosts Tom Reimann and Abe Epperson (plus special guests) for a journey through the secrets, strangeness, and fan theories behind movies you’ll never see the same way again. And every month focuses on one director’s work, building a case for exactly why Hollywood’s greatest minds are weirder than you ever thought possible. Looking for the archives? All episodes older than 6 months can be found exclusively on Stitcher Premium, ad-free. Go to and use promo code EARWOLF for 1 month free (and $5 off the annual plan!).
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