Confessions of a Bikini Pro
Confessions of a Bikini Pro
Celeste Rains-Turk
Confessions of a Bikini Pro
Celeste Rains-Turk
The Confessions of a Bikini Pro Podcast is the only place where IFBB bikini pros share their struggles, strategies, stories, insights, and advice in a real, raw, and vulnerable setting. ​ ​The goal of this podcast is to educate, inspire, and remind other competitors, athletes, or the every day gym goer that even the most elite professionals face hardships, health problems, mental obstacles, and other adversities. All show notes, time stamps, links, and information can be found on this page, just search the athlete you want to listen to in the alphabetized categories section or keep scrolling. ​Make sure to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast if you love it as much as we do so we can continue spreading the message to people worldwide! And be sure to follow @celestial_fit on instagram too for behind the scenes, sneak peeks, and more! Tag her and the guests in your posts and stories loving on the podcasts too! Make sure to rate, review, and subscribe so you never miss an episode!
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
2 months ago
March 8
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