Let It Shine with Angie Elkins
Let It Shine with Angie Elkins
Lifeway Podcasts
via Podcasts
A Podcast that Matters
Chatologie is one of the most fun and relevant Christian podcasts out there. Angie Elkins leads brilliant guests in conversations that matter. And it’s colorful and fun along the way! Covering a wide range of relevant topics, I also get useful, thoughtful, and practical nuggets of wisdom that make my day better and brighter.
Dave Wernli
Meaningful & Impactful
I recently found Chatologie and immediately fell in love with this podcast. I feel like I am in the room with friends. I love listening to this when I’m doing things around the house and driving around town. It has impacted my life because there are so many meaningful conversations that I’ve dealt with personally and alone and finally feel like I have found relief that I am not alone!
So Inspiring!
Angie's episodes are packed with inspiration and encouragement from the most wonderful guests who share their own experiences of how God showed up in their lives. I loved Asheritah's episode where she shared how God redeemed a difficult season in her life to show his glory and goodness.
Katrina @ Healthy Free Life
Good company while I work at home.
Angie is adorable. I enjoy listening and find that many of the broadcasts coincide with personal concerns of mine and things I’ve been praying about. Looking forward to meeting her.
Iris de Vi
Great show!
Angie, host of the chatalogie podcast, highlights all aspects of faith and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
An absolute favorite!
Looking forward to Season 4!
Thank you!
Just found you a few weeks ago. Love that you are not focused on the pandemic. Inspired by Matt Barnett story. A faith builder!
Mimi in TN
Jamie Golden on Popculture
Loved how you realized when you were young that...“Not everyone is Baptist! Not everyone is Christian!” I just laughed at your stories, it is sooo like me! I can totally relate! I have just started listening to your podcast Angie Elkins and you are so entertaining and inspiring at the same time. I am getting hooked! And SUBSCRIBED totally...
O' Creatives Events by Dee
So encouraging!
What an incredible podcast and message! I always love hearing from Whitney Capps and so thankful for this peek inside of her new book, Sick of Me. Excited to subscribe and hear more 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Holiday Miller
Real Conversations Matter!
Listening to this podcast is like sitting on the front porch sipping sweet tea with a friend. In a world where texting and emojis replace real conversation, Angie’s authenticity draws out the heart of each guest and it is so refreshing! I am inspired to slow down, dig deeper and be more intentional in my own relationships and conversations!
Addicted to Chatologie
I absolutely love Angie and Chatologie! She has such a warm friendly way of interviewing that just draws you in until before you know it, you’ve listened to four in a row! Everyone of her guests have been so interesting and personal! Do yourself a favor and subscribe now ❤️
Just listen, I dare you
I love this podcast. Angie is so genuine and has a heart for God that shines through. The content is encouraging and true to real, everyday life.
Like talking with a friend
Love this podcast...it’s like sitting down with a girlfriend over coffee. 😌
So, so great
Angie is easy to listen to and makes everyone feel heard and offered a place at the table. Definitely give this show a listen!
I can’t tell you how this podcast has been blessing me and I feel it is enriching my life. Thank you SO much!
Inspiring conversations that are authentic and encouraging. Enjoy listening to your podcasts
Love Chatologie!
Angie is a darling host! I love her voice and I think she does such a great job - just a natural. Great interview with interesting people! I have learned a lot from listening to it. I love the concept of conversations that matter in a world with so much noise about things that don't matter. Just a great podcast all around!
Refreshing and thought provoking
I’ve really enjoyed listening to Chatologie. Angie features diverse guests but no matter who they are, they offer great insight. As a Christian woman, I really desire to be encouraged and challenged and this podcast does both.
Relatable, Fun, and Life-giving!
Angie Elkins has the most warm and soothing voice. She carefully curates the best guests and candid conversations. I always learn something to help me be a better human, while feeling uplifted and inspired. Keep up the good work, Angie!
Modern Martha
Angie brings authenticity with every Chatologie!
I love Angie’s heart and authenticity as well as her discernment in conversations with guests on the show. I’ve been encouraged by each episode I’ve listened to. It feels like I have just grabbed a cup of coffee, joined them at the table of vulnerability, and filled my heart with such encouragement from the Word and from their personal experiences. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone longing for connection. You may not be there with them, but you be spurred on to reach out and in conversations with life changing potential with others!
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Tabitha Deller
New and attached listener!
My favorite part about chatologie, even more than the applicable and relevant content... is feeling like I’m the one sitting beside Angie’s sweet and soothing voice and being part of the conversation. I’m a new listener and absolutely love it!!
amberly deavours
So much variety. . .
Each episode features an interesting guest sharing an unforgettable, faith filled story from a variety of perspectives. Angie’s guests are beloved or will be soon. Bonus: she covers topics that my husband and I can both appreciate!
This girl is the real deal, her podcasts prove it! I love each episode!! I can’t wait each week for the next one to come out. Not only is Angie Elkins authentic, her show each week speaks volumes. Whatever topic her guests share, it’s always so enlightening and makes me want to hear more. Thanks Chatologie!!! (The name is cute! 😉)
J Livings
Love this podcast and everything it stands for! Appreciate you Angie!
Angie is great! I love her heart and spirit that makes her insight so fun and helpful. This is a great podcast!
LifeWay Worship Guy
Just what I needed!
God caused me to “stumble” onto this podcast in a time when I really needed it. It is so refreshing to know that other believers have the same thoughts and feelings. Satan does such a good job of making us feel isolated in our problems. This podcast reminds me that I am not alone. God is with me through it all!
So Good!
I love how genuine and fun the conversations are.
Love it!
These really are conversations that matter!
I asked for a smile and he gave me a laugh!!!
This podcast was wonderful. Jennifer Is such a blessing to all her students and their families. She is the real deal. I will definitely listen to more Chatologie!!!!
Angie is great
Angie is a great host for a podcast. Has had a wonderful guest lineup and continues to bring relevant content up for her and her guest to talk about. Keep up the great work Angie!
Great way to start the day!
I have so enjoyed and been encouraged by Chatologie podcast... The interviews are fun, thought-provoking, and always remind us to look to Jesus... One of my very favorite podcasts!
Topics we need to hear about
Thanks for tackling topics we as parents and married believers need to hear truth about. God sent your last topic right on time!
WOW! Just amazing!
I have been listening to this Podcast for a few months now! Angie's ability to make you feel like your sitting in the same room and chatting with them is so wonderful. Her honesty and realness with the interviewees is amazing. Angie thank you for taking the time to have real conversations in a society that is ever changing!
Tammy L Mashburn
I love Chatologie, the guests, relevant conversations to today's culture. The variety of guests, emphasis on faith and spiritual growth makes this a favorite for me!
Maggie K.:)
Real women talking about real life!
Real women talking about real life! I love the mix of fun and serious! I look forward to each week and hearing the newest episode! I would recommend to any lady who wants to feel like she is sitting and chatting with friends and gain encouragement in her Christian walk.
Great podcast!
Love the variety of guests and topics. Angie is a wonderful hostess. Episode 40 is a must listen!!
Chat with Betsy DeArmis
So thankful this episode was shared on First Orlando’s FB page! As a fellow sufferer of insufficient serotonin, Betsy’s transparency and story is a blessing to me. I look forward to enjoying more great talks here at Chatologie. Thanks Angie!
Loving this podcast
So happy I found Angie and this podcast I love her interview style and all the variety of guests ..
binky vee
Love Chatologie
Angie Elkins does an amazing job interviewing interesting people who I enjoy listening to. I look forward to each one! Check them out!
Jeff's Gift Card
Interesting interviews with a Christ centered view
Great podcast!
This podcast is well put together and enjoyable to listen to. It’s like overhearing some friends talking while you do dishes or whatever. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💗💗💗💗 Keep up the great work!
New favorite!
Check out this podcast. Angie is so funny and energetic. Love it!
I love this insightful and inspirational podcast. Its definitely worth the listen.
Love Chatologie!!
I love Angie's podcasts. It's like chatting with a best friend. So informative and encouraging.
Fun chats with girlfriends!
Discovered your podcast from your chat with Amy Hannon. Love her and your chat!! So much Truth and encouragement and inspiration. I’ll be catching up older podcasts too.
Ki Cole
Fun and encouraging...
I’ve only listened to this podcast a handful of times but every time I have it’s been wonderfully encouraging and fun!
Euna Mae
Loved learning a little more about Amy Hannon!
I have been a Chatologie listener since the beginning and the episodes just keep getting better and better! The last two with Jo Saxton and Amy Hannon have been some of my favorites. There is no doubt that Angie is truly a great conversation starter and more importantly, she gets us talking about the stuff of life that matters most. As a leader in my local church, I am careful about the things I share on social media and who I point my people towards. Chatologie is a podcast I look forward to sharing with anyone who will listen! Keep up the good work, Angie!
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So cute
I love Angie’s podcast! I found her through Amy Hannon’s appearance and it was so good I subscribed and went back to old episodes. You should subscribe, you won’t regret it
One of my favorites!
Angie is the perfect companion for my Tuesday commute! Listening to Chatologie feels like spending time with a longtime friend who introduces me to another new friend each week. I love how open and honest Angie is. She has a heart for God and for others, and that comes through in every single episode. I can't wait to see how this seed Angie has planted continues to grow in 2018!
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