In a post truth political landscape there is plenty of blame to go around. Join comic's Dave Sirus and Maryssa Smith on their Blamestorming journey. Dave Sirus is a comedian from Brooklyn. He's worked as a writer for the 41st season of Saturday Night Live, The Triumph Election Special and Election Watch series on Hulu, The Comedy Central Roasts of Justin Bieber and Rob Lowe, CBS Interactive's TV Briefly, and his own film Archie Black: The Worst.Maryssa Smith is an emerging talent on the New York City comedy scene. Born in Brooklyn and raised in Westchester, New York her style is both edgy and sophisticated.She has performed at many of New York City’s premier comedy clubs, such as Caroline’s, Comic Strip Live, Gotham Comedy Club, Eastville Comedy Club, Broadway Comedy Club and The Stand just to name a few. Follow us on Twitter! @theblamestorm @DaveSirus @MaryssaSmith
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Latest episode
4 years ago
January 23, 2020
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