Big Grande Teachers' Lounge
Big Grande Teachers' Lounge
Earwolf & Big Grande
via Podcasts
It has everything.
You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. Your hair will grow long if you let it.
Popsicles Yo
Best Piece of Art Ever Created
You wouldn’t think the world’s greatest piece of art would be created after the year 2000 let alone in the form of a podcast but here it is.
Big Grande is the funniest group.
Old Slobs already know. Everyone else just dive in and enjoy yourself. Also support their new releases on their website. They’re never not funny (so Jimmy Pardo can GO. SCREW.)
Pill-bo Schwagginz
Soooo funny
The funniest podcast hands down. I have listened through many times. If your looking for new stuff it is now release on their website
The gold standard for improv. These guys are truly incredible. One of the few times I’ve been happy to get behind a paywall.
One of my faves
These awesome guys and their harrowing adventures are the best. If you’re thinking of jumping in, some of my fave eps that are good to give you a taste are #6, 19, 22, 26, 35, 37, 39, and 40. But once u get into it, you’re going to want to start from the beginning because there are running jokes and allusions to previous events throughout. I crack up every episode. Enjoy, I know I will!
Knitting project ruined
You made me spit coffee all over the afghan I was working on. I have no regrets.
Well worth giving it a shot
It’s pretty funny and enjoyable if not downright hilarious, but I don’t care for some of the parts because it can be seen as offensive or taken too far. It’s still hilarious and is more joking satire, but I know some people can take things more seriously. Still, it’s a hilarious podcast and I love it, but just a warning for people who might not like that sort of humor!
Three of the best improvisers to ever do it.
Hilarious! Please make more!
I love this podcast! I laughed nonstop from beginning to end! And I listened to all of season 1 in one day bc I could not get enough! I love it so much I actually paid for Stitcher Premium to listen to all the episodes and the minisodes, and I do not regret it.
My brain is gone
I wanted a new podcast to listen to to turn off my brain during quarantine and picked this one cus I’m a total Tarver Head. 9 months and 143 listening hours later i can sufficiently say that my brain has turned completely to mush. Thanks guys! I wouldn’t trade all those days where i was laughing out loud alone in bed while my roommate texted me “what’s so funny?” from the other room for anything except probably a normal brain if one was offered to me by a well reviewed doctor.
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It stays where you put it
No exaggeration, I have never laughed harder listening to anything else, much less a podcast.
Old slob
Old slob here What’s up other old slobs! Been catching up with the show for about three months now. It’s easily one of the funniest things on the planet. I’m more of a barge man myself, but this show hits the spot.
More Wanda!
Have been listening for a while, but the chaotic hilarious ness of the ep with Wanda was non stop laughter. Loved it!
Beef Diaper
Funniest. Podcast. Ever. Some of the sharpest and most hilarious improvisation in all of comedy right now. Great guests and perfect show length. Amazing. Old slobs know...
For the old and new slobs
Stay flippy
son of a mohel
This is the funniest podcast I’ve ever listened to! The episode with pearl is my favorite Don’t go!! You guys are the funniest group of people ever!! I’m excited to see what’s next
Calling all CBB fans
Jumped into this after listening to CBB for years and hearing it plugged. What really brought me in was seeing Drew Tarver on Bajillion Dollar Properties and falling in love with Baxter! This group of guys is very, very entertaining. To paraphrase another reviewer, this is a master class in “yes, and...” I may not roll on the floor with laughter every single episode, but I always smile while listening. They’re just so creative. Thanks Big Grande!
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I love these guys. Got on premium to listen to the shows I missed. 3 shows left! Best of luck on your future endeavours, boys.
Don’t retire
Please work forever!
Magically Hilarious
This pod is deeply funny and an amazing distraction during lockdown. Ever seen a great improv show? Have you also had to see many, many awful ones? The consistency of quality in this podcast is amazing; it always makes me laugh out loud and is completely absurd.
Why don’t more people listen to this?!
These 4 guys are so brilliantly hilarious!! Every ep is the most impressive example of “Yes and” I’ve ever heard!! So. So. SO GOOD.
Franks Spanks
Best Education/Politics/Self-Help Podcast
No amount of praise is too high for the brilliant, cultured, rational, and balanced minds behind this podcast. Big Grande’s Teachers’ Lounge offers poignant insight on the plight of the selfless educators of Hamilton High school. If you are interested in passionate, informed debates on the state of the education system in our country, please listen. These teachers have been through so much in their careers. I find that their words of wisdom and general grace under fire provide me with the motivation I need to make it through my work week. I am truly inspired by their dedication to their students and community. The weekly episodes are perfect for anyone who finds themself in need of a tranquil island of peace and meditation in the tumultuous seas of their daily life. Listen to this.... just listen. It will change your life. Stay Flippy
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Pieter Bruegel
We're Normal Now
First as someone who trained in medical school, I can confidently say these boys are not normal physically, emotionally, or psychologically. I've been listening to comedy podcasts for years: Comedy Bang Bang, Super Ego, everything Paul F Tompkins, and other Earwolf and headgum podcasts, and I have to say the moment I was hooked on Teacher's Lounge, l lost track of most podcasts as I listen and relisten to this. This podcasts competes with many of the best iconic moments in comedy bang bang's history. There is just something magical about the continuing maddening narrative of these insane boys. The more you invest in this podcast, the more you get out of it. These are some of the best improvisers out there who bounce off each other in the most aggressive and insane Yes-Anding out there. Give these teachers some love, they deserve insane success together
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شريف حلويش
We’re normal now
Edit: I’ve learned so much about Judaism from this show. Mohels and the certain behavior on airplanes, just to name a couple. This podcast alone makes me subscribe to Stitcher Premium. It’s that good. Also, it’s safe for all ages as Bill ain’t gay no more and Howard is a virgin.
An endless, absurd font of hilarity
The most consistently “laugh out loud until you cry” comedy content I’ve ever been fortunate enough to stumble upon. Four improviser friends play a group of unhinged, wildly selfish and insecure teachers turned criminals turned LA hopefuls turned denizens of hell turned mall workers turned teachers again. There’s a gleeful joy and chemistry to this podcast that makes it a genuine pleasure to listen to, and that translates perfectly into hilarious riffing as every reference, misspoken word, and left field idea becomes a golden improv prompt. Cannot recommend enough, if that wasn’t clear.
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sloblo picasso
They ain’t gay no more!
But Howard is still a virgin.
Excellent Podcast!
Found through comedy bang bang. If you like that, you’ll probably like this.
My weekly reminder
Not only do I know all the info on Hamilton high, I also know it is recycling day because this team has been releasing an episode every Wednesday, just like clockwork. Thanks guys and stayyyy flipy
Old Slobs Know
This is the most consistently funny improv podcast I’ve ever listened to. I love it so much.
Cravey Baby
I mean it’s a great podcast... but I’m just worried about my lil’ baby cravey. My sweet, sweet beef diaper selling baby boy. He is being crazy right now.
The best
This is the best improv podcast ever created hands down. Listen.
Timmy Corona
Funniest Improv Podcast - No Contest
This show is absolutely hilarious. The world that these four weirdos have constructed is too vast to chronicle, but every episode adds new levels of insanity. As an improviser, I also really appreciate how well they play off of each other, honor each other's ideas, and force their characters down rabbit holes of discovery. Definitely also check out the Stitcher episodes and the mini episodes and start from the beginning.
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Best podcast, you will cry with laughter
I owe so much to these guys! I went though a really bad depressive episode and listen to their entire back catalog, it was one of the only things that kept my spirit up. For the love of god listen to their minis too, your missing out if you don’t! Thanks for helping this old slob out 💖
Sometimes A bit far...
Sometimes they joke about things like suicide that go a bit too far, but overall it is an amazing improv podcast. It’s a great example of comedians that accept each others’ offers and go with it until it gets beyond absurd. They laugh at themselves and each other a lot, but I love that.
MY beef diaper stays where I put it.
Thanks, Bill!
I looove the Teacher’s Lounge and legit tell everyone about it. They are amazing improvisers. It gets ridiculous 😏 and it’s the best.
A Harrowing Look into BPD
Four people with Borderline Personality Disorder cope with their illness by constantly changing jobs, location, and through confused sexual adventures. Five stars.
This is truly the funniest podcast out there. It makes zero sense and is literally insane and that’s what makes it so wonderful.
The funniest
Old slob here. Listen to this show. Eat a fafeeta. Be the lunatic in the lighthouse. Learn to drive a car.
The best group you’ve Ever heard
Absolutely great
This podcast is enjoyable. I recommend this podcast. Because it’s funny. If you don’t like funny podcasts, this one is still worth listening to. Why are you over complicating this? Just give it a listen.
This is consistently the funniest podcast I’ve ever heard. I’ll never skip passed an episode, and every episode nearly makes me cry with laughter. Absolute genius improv. Backing someone into a weird corner has never been funnier.
Favorite pod
Guinness’ funniest podcast. Guinness is back.
If you ever wanted to stand idly by while four minds unravel before you, start from the first episode of Teacher’s Lounge and don’t stop.
Floobity boobity
I used to think this was just the best improv around, but now that I am working as a substitute teacher I am starting to think this show is very funny and a bit more realistic than I'd once thought.
Ronald McDunwald
Let’s Roll!
This podcast regularly makes me cry laughing. If you’re nervous to check it out, don’t be - they’re normal now! #OldSlobNation
Mama Ern
The Best!
Listening to this podcast in public regularly makes me look like an insane person. But being able to keep a straight face through any episode would surely be the mark of a sociopath! These guys are FUNNY! I’m grateful for the genuine joy and delight they bring into my life. Never stop!!
One of the greatest
This and Comedy Bang Bang are best podcasts out there!!!
Ozzy the fisherman
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