Better Than Happy
Better Than Happy
Jody Moore
via Podcasts
Wonderful show!
Such a great show! So many helpful topics that help improve my mindset and show up as the woman I want to be! -Elizabeth
Emotionally Healthy Legacy
Best podcast ever!
Thank you so much! This podcast has changed my life. I just went though something really hard with a friend then my aunt showed me this podcast and now I listen to it before and after school everyday and I have learned so much and I’m reallly great full that you take the time to do this for so many people.
New Intro, thank you!
Thank you for changing the intro and dropping the “little bird…let’s fly” part. I enjoy your show so much for practical life skills, elevating my thoughts and thinking in a new way and the “little bird” part felt condescending. Thanks for dropping that part of the intro!
Bobby zoney
I love this show!
The best!!!
My most favorite podcast ever! All of this advice is keeping me balanced 🤍🤍✨
This is the podcast I have been missing all my life!
Jody thank you so much for the topics you bring up! So many have resinated very deeply with me! There are so many things that you say that just get me to look at things in a different way.
flower girl 15
LDS view
While I understand why she took out her LDS views from her podcast, so she can reach more people. Part of the reason I so much enjoyed her podcast, was because she talked about the LDS faith being a part of her daily life and how it also brought her to being better than happy. Sadly the show has just lost that little bit of extra comfort for me. She still has great material that can be helpful (if it’s not just the business talk). But I miss the old feel and the feel her book had.
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Love Like Jesus
This episode almost made me cry. I am Catholic. The responses of “I try to connect with God,” “Ask him where he wants me to be” were such a beautiful responses. Everyone wants solid answers. A thought that crossed my mind is that the heart doesn’t “check boxes,” it “feels.” I know so many wonderful people with good hearts who let a check of a box overrule a feelings in their heart. This was beautiful. Thank you! 🥹💛
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Look forward to this podcast every week
This is the podcast I look forward to every week. I enjoyed the conversations that Ramit has with the couples. I don’t think I’ve missed an episode.
Everyone could benefit
I absolutely love this podcast! It’s like free therapy. I’ve grown so much and had so many light bulbs go off in my mind listening to Jody! Can’t recommend it enough!
Brit 22
Just listened to my first episode and really enjoyed the useful tools shared and the way you so gracefully called out and challenged the thoughts while not calling out the person. I loved the examples here on facts vs thoughts. Thank you for the valuable insight.
High value podcast
This podcast is always worth your time and I always prioritize it on my podcast list! You can learn so so much from Jody moore’s free better than happy podcast. I have now been a member of her paid subscription podcast for almost three years and still find the words and lessons incredibly valuable in my life. They have really helped retrain and balance my brain to think about things through the lens of the model she teaches. I am 38 years old and I feel like my maturity has grown exponentially since joining joeys “better than happy, the lab” (originally “be bold” when I joined). Worth every penny.
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Helpful, educational approach to improving behavior, thoughts, and feelings
Five stars. No cost sharing of these tools is very generous. I recommend this podcast to reinforce the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, and a number of other models used in a therapist’s office. I do caution (as life coaches recognize) that it is not therapy. If this doesn’t help, if in fact it leads to feeling worse, you might consider working with a licensed professional. Like physical health, sometimes we have a cold and sometimes we have pneumonia. They require different levels of care. If you find you are suffering common emotional cold symptoms, Jody Moore is a great treatment option. Five stars.
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Little bird 🐦
Sorry, I crack up inside and somewhat cringe every time I hear, “Are you ready little bird? Then let’s fly!” She probably means it to be cute. I can’t get over how weird of an intro it feels. As a listener, I don’t necessarily like being called a little bird 😜
Brightplus app user
Shira Gill needs to do a little more research.
I love Jody’s podcast, but the interview with Shira Gill really grated on my nerves.. Really? No one was doing Home Organizing or Niche Organizing in the last 15 years? She needed to do MORE research.. the GURU of organization was/is Julie Morgenstern, who has been doing this for 30 YEARS.. and has had four New York Times’ best sellers “Organizing from the Inside Out”, “Time Management from the Inside Out”, “Never Read Email first thing in the Morning” (“Making Work Work was the audio version” and “When Organizing Is Not Enough” (which introduced the SHED process”. She founded TaskMasters more than 20 years ago while trying to find a means to support herself and her daughter after a divorce.. and she started with busy moms and busy people. So SHE was the trailblazer on this organizing area/genre. While I listened to the entire podcast, It really left a bad taste in my mouth with these “The LIFECOACH School” alumni who always act as if they invented the wheel/concept when they did NOT. She actually was describing the SHED process by Julie Morgenstern in this interview.
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Better Than Happy
Jody Moore's podcasts are awesome. I always learn something worthwhile listening. It makes me a better more positive person to listen to and apply the principals she teaches. I have been going through a difficult and challenging time in my life and listening to Jody has been a bright spot in my week. Thank you very much, Jody!
Better than TV
Binge listened to 400 episodes in the last 6 months! Best thing I could do for my emotional health to get me thinking for me instead of against me! Praise you Jodi for using your talents to help others! Hundred times thank you!
Jody, this podcast is ADDICTIVE❣️A friend introduced me to your podcast 3 weeks ago. I started on Episode 1, and just completed your 107th podcast! (I think that I hear your voice through the day more than your family does!) Thanks for coaching me and thousands of others to be “Better than Happy!” Bless you, Jody Moore!
UK Grammy
She Tortures Animals
I would have enjoyed the show maybe, but I when I found out that she has no problem flushing live fish down the toilet because she’s too lazy to take of them, I realized this person isn’t someone I want talking in my ear. You lost a listener, a potential client, and I certainly won’t recommend this show. Monster.
This podcast has changed my life!
Jody is brilliant.
DeeDee from Washington
Life Changing!
Your podcast has been a huge blessing to me! It has changed my perspective on so many areas of my life and helped me to improve myself and my marriage, while also accepting that I’m still going to be a hot mess sometimes 😜! It also helps me face the future with hope and courage, knowing that I can choose my thoughts about whatever comes. Thank you for the work you are doing. It is making a big difference!
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Loved by she lost me
She’s very insightful but after she joined the “pride” movement I couldn’t rely on her credibility anymore.
Crystal M-R
No Episode Left Unturned
I have listened to every single episode. Need I say more?
This podcast is awesome. I have learned so much about how to be a better person.
Great on so many levels! Not so with intro music.
Jodi you are amazing! Love love all your content and I gain clarity from each episode. The emotional health one was especially insightful! But, girl, the new intro music is not good. Sounds like a horror movie.
mina ashley
New intro
Love this podcast and all its content! So helpful! One comment that has nothing to do with the content…the new intro music sounds like something from a true crime podcast rather than a podcast about how to be “Better Than Happy”. I know those are my thoughts and what you choose is none of my business but just thought I’d give you some feedback as a long time listener and subscriber in Be Bold. :)
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Heavy Metal Poisoning
love how real you are and you literally talk about everyday life challenges/ struggles. Especially for new mothers and woman who just want their own identity outside of their children. Thank you!
Life changing!
The things she shares are literally life-changing! Just some of the tidbits she shares is amazing and I feel like I can honor my own feelings and not cause myself so much pain worrying about anyone else’s.
Life changing
Thanks Jody! I’ve learned so much from you and love listening!! Life changing stuff for sure🙌❤️
Equality in Marriage Episode 96
I was so ready to listen to this and let my husband know everything he could work on. I was humbled and glad that Jody let me see myself in a new light and that it takes two to have equality. Haha I love the new insight and change in thinking that I get from listening to this podcast. It helps me give myself grace and my husband. Thanks Jody!
Jody is so wonderful!
I love listening to Jody every week! She helps me simplify and calm down my very active and -sometimes mean to myself- mind. With her help, I’m learning to love myself and love every part of my life; even the hard parts. I love the guests she interviews as well and I’ve started following a few of them! Thank you for sharing your light and goodness with the world Jody!!!
I love Jody!
Ugh - I just love her. I started listening to Jody a few years ago, and I knew she was a good one. I Purchased her book. Loved it. I haven’t listened to her podcast as much recently, but just listened to the episode on cliques. She has only gotten better at what she does and she’s so wise and loving. I will never stop listening to what this lady has to say! Love you, Jody. God bless you.
Much needed podcast
I appreciate the wisdom shared on this podcast. Jody is relatable and doesn’t shy away from the big stuff. I recommend this podcast to those who want to dive deep, learn more about themselves and others and who want to be better humans overall.
Practical and helpful tips to access more joy!
I am so impressed with Jody and her podcast. She shows up with such integrity and commitment for her listeners week after week. Her strengths include being kind and honest, her empathy, and her ability to talk about the “hidden” subconscious things that accidentally run our thoughts and lives. Each episode is packed with value. 10/10 recommend!
One of my favorites
Absolutely love this podcast and Jody. She brings so much authenticity and insightfulness to SO many topics to help us live a more intentional, joyful life. I look forward to every episode and share many with my friends. Thank you, Jody!
Better than happy has helped me with school drama and my mind set
I have learned so much that I always have a good mood and a positive mind set I can help my friends when something is happening I just say change your thoughts and mood life can be better than happy I recommend listening to better than happy like today April 17 2023 I told my friend about better than happy and said start listening to this every day it will not hate yourself instead love yourself and you just change your thoughts when something is not ok like my mom always says What does Jody Moore say change your thoughts and have a positive attitude you will have a better life if you listen to better than happy my friends think I might be weird for listening to is on the bus on the ride home from school but if it was a tough day at school I just listen to better than happy and I have a better attitude when I get home I listen to better than happy at night when I go to bed because it helps me fall asleep at night just knowing that life can be better than happy
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keera and kajsa 4 life
So thankful!
I’m so thankful for this podcast, it is the first podcast I started listening to and I am fascinated constantly at how much Jody makes sense and how with a little tweak in my thoughts and a little brain gym time, my life is so impacted, my life and my kids’ lives. I love when my kids say don’t Jody Moore me mom😊. Thanks for the tools Jody!
Consistently Terrific Podcast
Recently came across the Better Than Happy podcast and really enjoy it! Especially appreciated Episode 403 about jealousy and how we can use these feelings to learn about our own needs and desires. Thank you for sharing so many amazing takeaways and tips in this podcast!
BP Writer
Love Her
She is absolutely amazing. You can learn something from every episode and apply it to your life. I’ve been listening to her for years and look forward to every episode. There is something for everyone.
Jody is phenomenal! She really allows listeners to feel heard and known. All of her podcasts are very real, raw, and genuine. She explains things so well in a way that always leaves me feeling empowered. Love her work and what she stands for!!!
Listen and learn!
I started listening to this podcast years ago, have binged nearly every episode and took copious notes! What Jody teaches has the ability to impact every area of your life. After studying and applying many of these principles I have seen how my relationships have improved. There really aren’t words to express my gratitude to Jody for all the good she brings into the world. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Life Saving! No seriously.
I was at my wit’s end my belief and my faith in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ guided me through my most difficult life challenges. There’s a time and a season for all things. I’ve been put through 17 years in a refiners fire that taught me so much and honestly changed bad habits, I was left with these thoughts that has been so heartbreaking and self destructive. A dear friend shared Episode one from Jody’s pod cast and recommended to start at one and don’t stop! As I became familiar with the thought work that she does, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, after coaching I saw the light! It’s like putting a principal into practice thus forcing my brain to change the way it thinks. It continues to teach me and I’m a new and better person! Understanding that loving Me, is my job and no one else’s and that what others think of me is none of my business has been freeing. coaching puts these thoughts in my brain in perspective and I’m able to discern better thoughts that serve me and thoughts that don’t. Thoughts that hurt me and thoughts that puts my mind at ease. My struggles with self confidence have been very real, as I continue this thought learning process I show up different and I’m happier. I can honestly say I find my self joyful more often, where before I just didn’t understand what was like to live in a state of “Joy”. Nonetheless to feel Happy. I always would say to my husband “very few things makes me happy” now I see life with a different set of glasses 🧐🤓 I still have much, much to learn, my faith in God is my compás, the Holy Ghost is my Guide, and Jody Moore well gives me a “keep me out the insane asylum card” Thought work along with the teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has enriched my life to a degree I never thought possible. Muchas gracias for this work and getting it out there. If you could change one life for the better how would you feel? Thank you for teaching me how to do that. Now I can too help my family much more. With gratitude, Marie.
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Behind the Scenes Mom
Love Jodi
I love this podcast—I can’t imagine how different my life would be without it. I’m so much happier and satisfied in life and more confident taking risks.
the real carlossss
I Crave This Podcast
Literally. I crave this podcast. Her insights and explanations are mind blowing. She speaks to my soul. Jody teaches so clearly, that it makes me grow, but creates peace around the growth. My favorite podcast of all time.
leah may nelson
This may be my second review a year into listening
I say that because I am writing (maybe again) from inspiration to do so (thoughts cause feeling cause action so...just saying). I was listening to Jodi and thought, this woman has this amazing combination of genuine religious faith and faith in a way of understanding the impact of our thoughts that may require a leap of faith for some. She embraces the model cited above, but she incorporates her faith in a way that is committed yet not remotely off-putting or offensive to the borderline agnostic like myself (NY Jew). Jodi at times blows my mind with her logical approach with advice that is so applicable and relevant. It is hard not to enjoy this and have at least one aha moment. I recommend the episode on quitting (spoiler alert, quitting isn't always bad). Lastly, she's just adorable.
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Thank you for clarity
Thank you Jodi for so much help with my brain across the years. Thank you specifically for the simple concise clear way that you briefly explained that the current advice you were giving was not for abusive situation, and if you were in an abusive situation where you’re being harmed you should simply get yourself out. You have no idea how confused I have been over the years a different pieces of advice and wondering if it applies to me, being an abusive marriage, or not. I am out now, and your words are such a balm to my soul. It’s not clear sometimes when you’re in situations like that and taking advice/perspective from other people. Your simple side note about the approach NOT applying if you are being harmed was perfect and I so dearly appreciate you.
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Every. Single. Podcast.
From one topic to the next, Jody’s podcasts are jam-packed with so much knowledge and wisdom that you may want listen multiple times for her concepts to really sink in and become part of you. Sometimes hearing what she has to say is hard, because change really is about YOU (ME). Lots of topics to choose from. Lots of take-away nuggets. Find yourself a Jody Moore podcast now and be ready for positive change. What I like most about Jody is that “she is real.” She doesn’t pretend that because she is a life coach she has it “all together.” She has challenges, too. So many terms that she uses throughout her podcast play over and over in my head in my day-to-day life. The CTFAR model goes with me. If not in-the-moment, I am able to reflect on a situation and apply it! Thank you, Jody, for helping me to be curious, show more compassion and acceptance, release of thoughts that do not serve me well, be better than happy and—BE BOLD.
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Learning + Loving = Life Changing!
Jody feels like both an intimate and supportive friend and a wise, insightful mentor all at once, and her beautiful, humble perspective on life makes you feel right at home. Please give this a listen. If you are ready to change your life for the better, I promise amazing results if you put the work in. If you are skeptical about these tools and this work, still please consider giving this a try. Learn that the only one who can really make differences in your life is you.
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The perfect pick-me-up
Jody, thank you! I have been listening to your podcast for years. I’m not consistent, but every episode hits home and leaves me feeling so much more uplifted and empowered. I saved your Success Courage episode so I can listen to it every time I’m feeling discouraged, and also in the good times. It was exactly what I needed. I’m so excited to move forward in my dreams and to pursue the talents I have been wanting to cultivate.
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Listener Beware
I’ve enjoyed a LOT of what Jody has to share! I’d give her a chance for sure:) but I’d also like to back the other reviewers who had concerns on her stances with certain topics. To me, there are circumstances in life that are not neutral. They are bad and negative and absolutely difficult to overcome. And only “changing your thoughts” won’t make the situation better. Healing is a lot more complicated than that. I’d listen with a grain of salt and take what works for you:)
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