Behind Enemy Lines Radio
Behind Enemy Lines Radio
Behind Enemy Lines Radio
Behind Enemy Lines Radio
Behind Enemy Lines Radio
Behind Enemy Lines is a national Award-Winning radio show / podcast broadcasting live out of the belly of the Democratic beast - "The People's Republic of" New York that airs on WJHC 107.5 FM (Jasper, FL), WDDQ 92.1 FM (Adel, GA) and WLBB 1330 AM (Carrollton, GA) as part of the Talk America Radio Network, as well as across premium networks streaming across the internet.The show highlights national politics with a conservative spin from "insurgent" Republicans fighting for every scrap they can get! Guests from the world of politics - candidates, elected officials, journalists, authors, personalities, pundits and prognosticators - stop by to discuss current events. The show and its predecessor, Brooklyn GOP Radio, has been recognized as a legitimate source - even shows like The O'Reilly Factor and CBS This Morning have cited the show and its blog for original source material!But it's not all business on air - in fact, there's rarely a dull moment. Sarcasm is a second language on Behind Enemy Lines, as evidenced by the wildly successful "Buffoon of the Week", where the hosts will nominate a public figure and hold him/her out for ridicule for some dubious distinction ripped from the headlines, culminating at the end of the year with "Buffoon of the Year" honors bestowed upon the truly deserving. We're surrounded. And taking heavy fire. But we stand and say "Bring. It. On." We're Behind Enemy Lines.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 10 days
Latest episode
5 years ago
December 12, 2018
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