Andy Frasco's World Saving Podcast
Andy Frasco's World Saving Podcast
Andy Frasco
via Podcasts
New subscriber and I love Andy
Hi my name is Connor Mcevoy I participate in I wanna dance with some body dance party. I love it so much I starting listening to these podcast and I love it so much thanks Andy and to your other host. Andy and the podcast makes me happy and get my head out of my butt and be happy and love his motivation Mondays speeches. Andy is the man and I am so proud of him and his success let’s GOOOOO in the word of Andy let’s go America. Shout out to Andy for making interviews and talking about mental health you help me out everyday. Shout out to Nicholas you are the man to not just today and making these podcast run and being a great co host these podcast is fire without Andy and Nic there wouldn’t be a world saving pod. Love the interviews with musicians and comedians. Let’s continue to smoke some minds. I love Andy and Nick episodes and doing interviewes on the pod. These podcast is smoking minds
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Halloween Show
Best episode ever! You guys actually had somewhat of a deep conversation. Michael should have his own PC what a great human! 🙏
It goes Kobe, Andy Frasco, then MJ.
Great insight
Tons of inside stories, history and laughs! Worth listening!
Easter Day
Indiana is not the Midwest
That’s my review of this episode, Love Wisconsin
Andy and Nick are a welcomed addition to my week.
Please keep the podcasts coming!
Love this podcast! Franco’s fun loving, not afraid to be real, dig deep and be a goof. This podcast is like a therapy session and has a unique take on mental health challenges of artists. I now play Eye of the Tiger every time I have to pump myself up for a job interview. Thanks Andy!
Satisfied in Minneapolis
I am so glad my friend recommended this podcast! It keeps me engaged and wanting more! Listening makes time fly while driving across the state! I love the voicemails! Hilarious enough to laugh out loud! Thanks, Andy, from a new fan:) Erika
Great Podcast
Amazing guests, great knowledge on music and appreciate the basketball knowledge as well. Keep it up
Jordan ATX
Amazing podcast about much more than music
Andy doesn’t seem to hold anything back his personal life including the struggles. His raw honestly makes for compelling interviews and deep, real conversations without forgetting the humor. You can tell he puts a ton of work into the show. Love it! You will too.
To the Critics, Much Appreciation Andy
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt
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Good guests, interviews need work though
While listening to the Billy Strings interview, the interviewer constantly talked over him and led him towards certain answers... it was extremely annoying and happened for most of the episode. If this is his norm, I won’t be interested in any more - he needs to improve his skills on interviewing.
Rad podcast
I checked this podcast out because of the solid get of Garrett of G Love... the conversation was wicked fahkin authentic. After hearing the Boston Busker talk, I hit subscribe. Rad podcast
Boston Robb
New Howard Stern
I didn’t really know Andy or his music - just that he shows up and plays with lots of my favorite bands and now he’s interviewing them.A couple months back I decided to take a listen to his podcast and I’m hooked. He somehow is able to pull deep and difficult stories out of his guests and shares is own intimate fears, stresses, hangups etc. I love his interview style - reminds me of Howard Stern but less obnoxious. This is my new favorite podcast and now I’m getting in the UN. Thanks for being real, Andy. Here’s to hoping your success continues for years to come.
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Frasco Slaps
I fux with Frasco. You should too.
Just Excellent
Discovered your podcast recently and am quickly downloading all episodes after listening to 3 during a long travel day today. Guests are incredible and the rawness of the podcast is much appreciated. Feels very authentic. Great way to unwind
The bee’s knees
If you don’t like this show you must have a big old dump in your pants
Frasco is the man
I don’t normally take the time to review but i made an exception for this podcast. Listen to it. Seriously. It’s everything
Andy’s know good Andy’s.
Frasco is a good Andy. The guy brings honest, compassionate, listening to every show....great interviews....wild stories....hard charging. Great listen to elevate your mood. Keep it rolling Frasco!
Love Andy’s honesty. He’s not afraid to ask the real questions. I’ve enjoyed every episode I’ve listened to! Thanks Andy!
Phish Chick Jackie
Great interview with Lyle
Great interview but… Andy needs to let people finish speaking. He’s very enthusiastic (understandably) but jumps in the middle of replies which kinda distracts you from what Lyle was talking about. Other than that very informative and very cool to learn about Lyle and his story.
What the...?
Eh. It was alright...I guess. Lol. The man, the myth, the legend. Makes me laugh and think. What more could you ask for in any interaction?
Alistair D
Truly Saving My World...
This is possibly the podcast to end all podcasts especially in the Jam world. After watching Andy Frasco and The UN live on Jam Cruise, I delved deep into this podcast. The honesty and openness by the host and guests, keep me on the edge of my seat. As my friend, Vince Herman told me, “Andy Frasco is the biggest thing on the scene ever” and this podcast is proof that hard work and determination pay off. Great sound editing, music and all around production. Looking forward to many more episodes in the future! Keep pushing the envelope. Stay raw, honest and real. 😘😘😘
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Andy mf'in Frasco. You inspire me to say the least. This podcast has opened up a world to me that I want to be a part of forever. You, Yeti, every guest you have on here are so genuine, creative, intelligent, absolutely hilarious, inspiring, the list goes on. Not to mention the stories you guys are telling. This is by far my favorite podcast, please never stop. Your words are my favorite. Keep it goin forever you beatiful freak of nature.
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Filling the Hole
That sounds weird but nothing was filling the hole in my soul after NSR binging was done, your my current answer for the hole, you need to be on Osiris like now , you are Hilarious, reAl, cool, and that’s alllllll love you keep it up
This guy is gonna be around a while
Favorite thing about Andy, he’s a real dude and a music fan. You can really feel that with these podcasts. He gets just as excited as I would when interviewing and hearing the stories. Keep up the hard work, off and on the stage buddy! Thanks for what you do and what you bring!
Rowdy Ali
Thoughtful and raw
Real and down to earth. Somehow thought provoking and funny. Great listen. Highly reccomend.
Great work Andy. The pod is awesome, great guests, awesome conversations!
Matt in Denver
It’s gold
A amazing interviewer, great Podcast. Really good details of who Andy Frasco is. A Funny Jew that loves Rock n roll! Rock on
Can’t wait to hear the others!
Just listened to the episode interviewing Brownie — great stuff. So real, unfiltered, and entertaining. I love that they aren’t afraid to talk about the highs and lows of partying, drug use, etc. in a real way without glamorizing, judging, pr patronizing — not easy to do as a public figure. Looking forward to listening to other shows. Keep it up!
Andy’s Pod is great
Great interviews, great insight.. makes me want to follow my dreams as well. Hands down one of my favorite podcasts out there. Give it a try!
AF is the best!
One of the best pods out there! Love to see Frasco be vulnerable about his life in this new age music industry
Hell yes.
Subscribe and listen. Not only do you get real interviews with plenty of interesting characters but they never feel like scripted media interviews. Just unfiltered real talk. And Andy and Yeti are hilarious in sharing their stories without a filter and being totally honest. Andy’s a real DIY artist and a genuine guy, gotta support these type!
Great App Dot Com
Love it!
Frasco and Yeti do a great job of keeping me entertained with every podcast. I have recommended it to many friends and family. Do yourself the favor and check it out!
Nothing wrong with not wanting to be vulnerable! We all want to protect ourselves in some way. Great show today!!
Can’t stop, won’t stop.
Excellent podcast. I like the conversation with Yeti to start it and the interviews are great. Really happy I found this one.
What everyone needs in their life
Andy & Yeti are so on point with their views on life, being good humans to other humans, and taking an Introspective look at themselves while being in the crazy world. The interviews are fantastic and so I formative if you’re a music loving person - like you should be. 💓 10/10
Fun, inspirational, informational, & a musicians therapy
Full of incredible stories, inside looks at the music industry, and comical interactions. As a musician, The World Saving Podcast is the best podcast to get a taste of an idols upbringing in the most down to earth fashion. Nothing is left off the table on this one. 11/10 times would rate this 12/10 every time!
Great interviews!
Loving the interviews with many of my jamband hero’s. Found this through Mike D post and I’m hooked! And can’t wait to see Andy live, don’t know how I’ve never heard of you before but now dying to see you! Keep it up guys! Jim in Austin
Great show! I’m really enjoying the talk about life, love and music. Great variety and guests are amazing! Vince was fantastic!! Thanks guys!
The Best!!!
Best Podcast out there!!!! Hands down!! Give me more!!!!!
Entertaining and Informative and stuff
Frasco and Yeti start the show off talking about life, love, drugs, music, or whatever else that’s on their minds. You can tell they have some chemistry as it sounds like two friends chatting it up. The interviews with the artists are great. Andy helps the guests open up and brings the lighter side out of some artists that probably would say as much if Andy wasn’t so good at getting them to share. Love it!
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This is the greatest podcast I’ve ever listened to. Andy and Yeti are the best hosts ever and everyone in the world should be listening to this pod cast! Thank you for saving the world Andy and Yeti one episode at a time!! Wooo!!
Adam Aseraf
Frasco is super entertaining and his guests are heavies! Karl Denson’s interview was super powerful, and they’re all great. I recommend for music fans and especially musicians.
Is Andy the music industry’s Bill Simmons?
Been waiting for something like this for a long time....only time will tell.
Cool podcast
Straight up hilarious! Also interesting information about music and the industry. Thanks Andy and Yeti.
Da bomb
Love this podcast. Helps get me through a work day - wish they were daily haha. Keep em coming!
Andy is the best ever!
Love these podcasts!
Anything Frasco is always good
Experiencing this Andy’s music is amazing as it is, getting the chance to listen to his stories about music and touring and just his life in general is great. Its a good fun listen and absolutely worth every minute.
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