Always Open
Always Open
Barbara Dunkelman
via Podcasts
A must watch
So I’m not one to watch a lot of Dr Phil or emotional talk shows/podcasts. But when this show originally came out, I was rather hooked due to how down to earth it was. This show acted more akin to talking like with friends rather than dealing with big issues, to where it made those big issues seem minor. An when it went away the first time, I was sad, as I enjoyed the weekly talks. Especially enjoyed the Gavin EE lol. But was happy to see it come back for a second life and play out a new course and happy to listen. But took a hiatus my self from listening due to a few other podcasts and only just now got back and finished the final 5 episodes. I just want to say, thank you to the crew, Barbara, guests, and RT for one of the best emotional/health podcast that I could have asked for. An to anyone reading, this is a definite must watch. An some references are dated but the discussions are rather timeless. πŸ’š Thank you.
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Welcome back
I am happy the podcast is back. It is awesome to see Barbara and her Guests. I was sad it stop in June of 2020. Now excited to see what next guest and topic will be.
Group Think: The podcast
It’s hard to listen to the cast fall victim to group think while answering questions and giving advice.
Glad it’s back ❀️
I’m happy it’s back! Im a trucker that drives all the time and this podcast i listen too weekly too get through my early mornings of my shift. It’s a positive podcast, not toxic or drama. Great topics they bring too the table. Love Barbara personality and the guest on the show are great. I like that it’s diverse, open minded and represent women❀️. Its hard to find a good podcast too listen too that represents woman well and feel relatable. I’m 28 year old female and this podcast fits well with my demographic. Give it a listen.
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Just bad
Should have stayed gone.
This has been one of my favorite podcasts. I’m so happy it’s coming back. So exciting!!
Love It and Want It to Continue
I couldn’t think of a better show where people are free to speak their mind and put everything out there to solve a problem. I understand that y’all have started to get fatigued of telling sex and relationship stories or advice, but I think that a new angle with relationships between siblings, friends, parents, children, or other family members could bring more opportunities for more useful advice
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10 out of 5
This podcast has helped me not only understand myself as a straight male who likes to paint his nails. To helping my family and sisters who experience the mental health struggle and need relationship advise. This podcast provides me with lots of motivation and wisdom
It’s all about the guests
If I like the episode or not all depends on who the guests are for the show. Marielle is the highlight of the show every time. I love when Blaine, Gavin, or any other AH personality is on the show(minus Fiona). Sometimes they go on about the same topic for to long and most of the box of issues questions they don’t actually give advise on. All this said, I’ve listened to 95% of all the episodes to completion so I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it.
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New season, Best season
This season has been the best season by far. The loose structure of the show has made things all the better as I feel the guests have been able to talk more freely.
Stvie S.
Thoroughly enjoyable podcast.
I’m caught up
As I write this, I have just listened to 117eps of Always Open (mostly backwards) and boy was it a journey. Thank you for all the laughs and making my 2 hour commutes to school bearable. I love all the honest dialogue between everyone and all the moments where I’ve learned things about people and life. My favorite ep is number 24 because I really appreciated Miles going off about the problem with the β€œfriend zone” and how sitcoms influenced that. I love the show and I hope anyone of my friends decides to give it a listen sometime. P.S. Bring back Mica Burton if you can
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Stumbled Across Something Special
I found this podcast during my search for a new Right Before Bed podcast that isn’t too PC and I am NOT disappointed. Though I’ve only listened to a few episodes, I grasp that host Barbara never changes but the guests do (Aside from the woman who says β€œIt’s Me” when naming herself). I might have to do some more research as to who everyone is since in the most recent episode they named a bunch of people who sound like regular listeners would know (first name kinda stuff). Overall I’d say it’s worth a listen for the laid back aspect of it all and all the relationship advice tea.
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Awesome Great Excellent
Amazing show. Wish it was more audio friendly.
Great show!
Love love love this show!!! It’s great to hear honest advice from a diverse cast! I always get a jolt of happiness when I see a new episode is up.
Vanilla E
Please stop having Tyler as a guest.
He kinda ruins the vibe it seems. Love the podcast otherwise though!
The youtube versions are worth checking out too!
ian sigman
Love this!!!
I just started watching RWBY (I know, get with it) and I was thinking, β€œThis Show is awesome!!! More!!!!” And lo and behold, I find this podcast!!! I listen to it everywhere, all the time!!! Huge shoutout to Barbara Dunkelman for being hilarious and not afraid to speak her mind!!!! This helps me get through the day cause I’m always laughing when I listen to it!!!!
Just yes
I love everything about this show. I usually prefer to watch it but when I don’t have the time or the WiFi the podcast always comes in for the save. Good job ladies and guests! Another RT win.
......a lion
Excellent host & guests make an enjoyable commute!
This is my go to Podcast for Monday drives to and from work. I highly recommend it!
Favorite Podcast of 2018
As someone who grew up in Purity Culture, it’s incredibly therapeutic to listen to a safe and friendly place where topics of sex, sexuality, relationships, and general adulting are frequent. Highly recommend.
Stover user
Always on!
Funny, sarcastic, on point! Just blue enough to not be safe for work and always hilarious, I love this show!
Funny as hell
Nothing beats listening Yang discussing vibrators on the first ep
They Doing Good
This is one of my favorite podcast Rooster Teeth has to offer, they touch on some pretty personal things to make people feel like they’re not alone in their struggles ❀️
Becoming sjw and feminism radio
This podcast used to be good and funny but it has slowly become a audio clip of annoying leftist rhetoric it's still funny but the hosts political views come on very strongly
I like that the girls on the show can openly talk about their sexuality, but it just sounds forced most of the time. I made it all the way to episode #32, mid way through before I had to pull my phone out at work and turn it off. Some episodes aren't bad, but most are like Amy Schumer. Just not funny, and it seems like it's trying too hard. I'll continue to support Rooster Teeth, but this podcast was a miss in my opinion.
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Barbara and her guests always give a great and entertaining show with a good message of sexual positivity and a relaxed atmosphere.
Ladies killin it
Barb's able to stretch her hosting chops in this hilarious podcast! She has great chemistry with her co host and is always hilarious! It's about time RT has recognized their female audience and I hope they do more along these lines in the future.
Great relationship podcast
Great podcast that manages to be both funny and have frank discussions about relationships. The main appeal is host, Barbara Dunkelman, and the rotating guests from Rooster Teeth, who give honest but funny talk on relationships, from dating to sex. Worth listening just for the laughes but great for the subject matter as well.
In Pod We Trust
Quickly becoming one of the podcasts I look forward to the most. Barbara does a great job keeping the flow of conversation casual, accessible, but also poignant and meaningful -- albeit in a way totally keeping with the irreverent Rooster Teeth zeitgeist.
Always delightful!
A fantastic podcast that is a balance of humor and serious discussion of relatable topics. I feel it encourages you to be more open and close to those around you. It's great!
Another great podcast from RT.
too sexual
the couple episodes of the first season were great but then the entire podcast got too sexual. every episode is about sex and every conversation turns to see. dont get me wrong, some sex is ok but its been overkill.
I love this show
All of the women you never get to hear from on the other Roosterteeth podcasts all in one place.
A Podcast for Me!!
I love, love, love this Podcast. Fun and honest and relatable. Keep the content coming. Every episode improves my mood and makes my week so much better!!
Hot garbage
If you're looking for comedy, keep looking.
Chat guy
Great Show!
Barbara is hilarious and I listen to this podcast every week! I would recommend to Rooster Teeth fans and non rooster teeth fans both!
Awsome Zelda Gremlin
Great podcast
Really enjoy listening to this.
Loved it
The Next Best Thing Since The Last Best Thing
It's guuddddddddd.
Great podcast!
The rooster teeth personalities are always fantastic, and a ladies' podcast has always been requested. Highly recommend a listen to make sure this podcast keeps going!
Refreshing and hilarious
I'm so glad this finally came out! The podcast is wonderfully made and so interesting! The ladies are so funny and entertaining, and the podcast is organized and classy as well as hilarious and crass! I love the various topics they talk about on the podcast. It's so refreshing to see certain topics talked about as well as hear some funny ladies joking around with each other. I'm so excited for this podcast!!!
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A wonderful new perspective
The ladies of Rooster Teeth have always provided a welcome alternate perspective to the mostly straight young male viewpoint (a category I am in myself). Starting a podcast to highlight those different stories, different views, different sensibilities and senses of humor is a phenomenal idea. I'm sure RT is hoping to grow their female following with this podcast, as they should be. But I think it's so important for the thousands of young men in their audience to be exposed to the views of so many amazing women who share their likes and hobbies. Always Open could really be something special.
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This is one of the best podcasts and its rooster teeth so it already had me hyped and went way past my expectations.
wyatt wilko
An amazing podcast!
I'm so happy Rooster Teeth greenlit this, it's definitely going to be one of my favorites. It's funny, but there's plenty of good, useful advice within the podcast that I think can be relevant to a lot of people. Highly recommend it.
It's good
It's rooster teeth, what more do you want?
The Dorr
Why do other podcasts even try?
This is by far the best podcast I have ever listened to πŸ‘
Mark Boling
Perfect c:
I love any RT affiliated podcasts aka the best comedy podcasts out there
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