AJ Benza: Fame is a Bitch
AJ Benza: Fame is a Bitch
AJ Benza
AJ Benza: Fame is a Bitch
AJ Benza
"Fame is a Bitch" with AJ Benza, deconstructs some of the biggest scandals and tragedies of our lifetime. These stories are about the powerful seduction and fateful grip of fame. Our tragic figures are those that couldn't fight off the influences, pressures, and distractions that worked like grease upon their grip. Benza brings an insiders perspective and his tough-guy demeanor, bold narratives and aggressive pursuit of the truth, distinguish him as an authentic and original voice. AJ knows as well as anyone that "Fame is a Bitch."
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
a month ago
March 23
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