AggroChat: Tales of the Aggronaut Podcast
AggroChat: Tales of the Aggronaut Podcast
Mark "Belghast" Temple
via Podcasts
A joyful mix
This podcast covers video games from the simple joy of whacking mobs with large swords to intricate digressions on how player fantasy and interface are affected by the realities of the game development industry. Digressions cover an entire joyous spectrum from tabletop games to comics to scouring used bookstores.
Great Show!
I have been enjoying each episode more and more! keep up the great work!!
One of my favorite listens!
Love listening to this show. They have great chemistry that covers a wide variety of topics.
There's no aggro here!
This is the easiest going group of gamers ever. I love how casual and yet informative these ramblings are.
Cray Ambler
Always an enjoyable mix of banter and insightful opinions on a wide variety of game types.