You Meet In a Tavern - A TTRPG Actual Play Podcast
You Meet In a Tavern - A TTRPG Actual Play Podcast
Dungeons and Dragons
via Podcasts
Absolutely love to binge listen
I found this amazing podcast through a one shot with Venture Maidens, and it has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. These guys always give me a good laugh. Some of the action scenes give me chills, and they’ve made me want to find my own DND group. Keep doing what y’all are doing. You’re making someone’s day better.
This is absolutely so good. Listened to all of the first campaign and I am working through Void right now while I wait for the new Void episodes. They take so much care with the characters and the emotions of the characters. The scene with Jill was absolutely emotion packed and wonderful in the RP sense. I have played D&D for 4 years now and you 4 have made me a better player!
It’s awesome. I love how much they get into the personality of the characters!!😄🙂
Just finished the first season. The story is amazing, phenomenally crafted with lots of detail and power. The players are clearly having fun but still manage to temper the levity with great character choices that can be unexpected but are absolutely perfect. The friendship is apparent and I love your guys’ laughs. The ending is impressive and honestly hit me pretty hard, all the psychic damage. Thanks for all your hard work!
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Zel Slate
Wow. Just wow.
This podcast. It’s just.. it’s amazing. I cannot put how amazing it is into words. I love it. If I were dying, this podcast would be played at my funeral. I like this, thank you so much for doing this podcast. Love to listen more!
Lovely Podcast!
Loving the VOID series! Great podcast, wonderful storytelling, amazing Pokemon system (RIP), and just tons of fun!
Simply the best
I love this show. Awesome storytelling and a group of great friends that makes me feel like I’m right at the table with them :) Keep it up guys! As a Pokémon fan I loved Season 2 as much as Season 1. It was so fun to follow along with the Pokédex, the music/soundscapes were fantastic, and I just totally nerded out.
Awesome Job!
This is my favorite D&D podcast. Reminds me a lot of my own D&D group. The humor is really good and the play style. Plus the actual role playing part. A lot of live plays I’ve listened to don’t get into their characters and these guys do. Definitely recommend and look forward to many more seasons!
Chey Winchester
These guys are idiots
But in the best and most endearing way possible. Reminds me of playing with my own friends. This is my favorite D&D podcast that exists. The humor doesn’t get in the way of the game but really adds to it which I feel other podcasts don’t do as well and the character development in season 1 is truly inspiring and it’s really great to hear these guys really grow into their characters. Season 2 was pretty unbearable to listen to. Have low expectations for season 3.
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robbie luna
I have no idea how I found this podcast, but I’m so glad I did. The storytelling and camaraderie make for a great experience. Both arcs were very well done although I admit I started getting a bit lost toward the end of the second (Pokémon) one trying to keep track of multiple Pokémon that changed forms and had given names as well. Probably it would have been easier if I were already familiar with that universe. Looking forward to Arc 3!
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Talia Anne
Love these guys
The trio is very similar to the cowboy bebop and samurai Champloo trios. Very serious but still comedic. Great story telling by the dm. Just what I need for inspiration in my PC in my own D&D campaigns.
Jon with no H
Great thing to listen to at work.
Trying to get into playing DnD for the first time with some friends. Listening to you guys is making me very excited to get started. You guys are hilarious as well!
Best DnD podcast
This exactly what I look for in a DnD podcast. Just some friends having fun. They don’t take it to seriously but you can tell the the DM has quite a bit of knowledge. It feels like I’m in a session with my own friends. Already got through the first campaign and I can’t wait to listen to the rest! 50/5 stars.
i JUST started researching dnd (for writing purposes) and i felt like it would be useful to kinda see how it actually played out. this is perfect! it’s hilarious and engaging and the storyline is awesome. always recommend!!
In love with these guys!
I recently started getting back into D&D and figured I’d look up some D&D podcasts and see what I could find. This was the first thing to pop up for me and fell in love right away. Still got a lot more to go but looking forward to my trips to and from work where I mostly get my listening time in!
The best d&d podcast I’ve seen! The story and characters are awesome! My real rating is 10,000 stars but I’ll just put 5
Best pod cast ever
These gentlemen are so funny I’ve just found this pod cast and am dying at work with laughter. The dm joe does amazing voices and love that he thinks well on him feet. Although tug is definitely my favorite. His I’m alway the best at everything cracks me up. Keep up the amazing work guys
Great Show!
The show has been amazing do not get me wrong (4 stars probably) but the VOID theme song bumped it up to five.
jack summner
Weird Jesus ads
Love the content—unsure if the creators have ties to a weird christian group, or if I accidentally visited the wrong page. Looking for more dice rolls and less creationism. The bible is as made up as this campaign.
hey zus
High tier
I definitely suggest this to anybody who just wants to listen to a funny laid back dnd experience the first two episodes of season one are garbage but it really picks up and if you are a fan of Pokémon the second season is a real treat and super easy to follow I highly suggest it.
my guy listen to this
These guys are awesome. The DM is very versatile and allows for a lot of very fun interactions! The players are also very inventive and it leads to some very exciting scenarios.
The beast from the mid east
Listen to season 1!!
Season 1 was amazing!! Maybe the best D&D adventure iv ever listened to/been involved in and to be honest season 2 is just too hard to follow and honestly disappointing sorry guys. Hopefully you’ll get back to your roots some day.
This podcast is funny and good for players of all levels of experience. The players are extremely talented and funny. The GM definitely knows what he's doing as the story is great and connects all the pieces. The music is great and adds a nice touch to the story. I would recommend this podcast to anyone who wants a good laugh and to listen along to a great game. It deserves so many stars.
Half Orc Barbarian
Best DND podcast
Best to listen while driving or at work. Second time listening to it.
Great podcast for someone new to DND
Some friends and I are starting a DND campaign. As someone whose never played before I wanted something to listen to to get an idea for the gameplay. Now I just listen casually as the story is engaging and the personalities are entertaining! Very enjoyable great work!
The episodes are there
The episodes are there, just in bad order. You need to look to find them. It starts at 88, goes down to 83, and then there is 106-89 under 83, then 82-0.
Great Podcast for DnD Live-Play
I just started listening to this podcast from the beginning after searching for some dnd content. As a new player, and a newcomer to this podcast, I am extremely entertained and looking forward to listening to more! You can tell that everyone loves what they’re doing and the fun-having is contagious.
Love your vids
Question why have you stopped uploading?
Preparing to run my first 5e campaign, and I have learned so much about the system and role playing from this podcast! I was intimidated by running a new system (I had run 3.5 previously) and this has increased my confidence greatly. The story is amazing and all the players are hilarious! Keep it up, I know I’m late to the party, but I am enjoying binging this and can’t wait to catch up. Great Job Joe and gang!
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I like it
This podcast is great. It jas everything I've been looking for in a DnD podcast.
Completely Humorous
I just started listening to these guys as my friends and I just started doing dnd campaigns ourselves and I gotta say these guys are great. I’m listening to the “Void” chronicles and I find myself constantly laughing out loud at work while listening. I’ve been playing Pokémon since it came out in 1998 and I’m passionate about Pokémon games. Listening to them and how they play Pokémon is great. Easy listening and easy to follow keep up the great work guys!
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I just binged these guys for like two weeks
I doubt the guys who make this podcast will see this but that’s not the point. For anybody reading this review I am someone with no d&d experience, but someone who has always wanted to play the game. And having discovered these guys my interest to play has only grown. They are entertaining and funny. And the world building that the dm’s do is really impressive. And for someone who has no prior knowledge to d&d I felt comfortable following along and all the things I didn’t understand they cleared up as they played. They sucked me into their adventures and made me invested in the characters they created. The amount of times I bust out laughing in public and in my own home, drawing strange looks from my family, happened almost every episode. The only sad thing is now that I’m all caught up I have to wait for their next episode, but I eagerly await it. Keep up the good work guys and good luck on your rolls I think you’re gonna need it!!!
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Big will 3590
1st time in need of help
I want to make a character that has the appearance and characteristics of an owl. Is there a specific race that I have to pick? If so what is it? Also I wanted to do something with a red panda and I haven’t the foggiest idea where to begin. I would appreciate it if anyone has any ideas or tips on what I could do and possibly maybe some classes or subclasses that would go well with these characters.
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Why does everyone get the monk class wrong?? As a seasoned DM I can’t finish the second episode when the class isn’t allowed to be played correctly. Maybe I’ll try to revisit later, but that bums me out
Amazing podcast!
I love this podcast so much I just found it and have listened to the first 20 episodes and my goodness it is so funny and the story is so perfect I would 10/10 recommend this podcast
Golfer dude fjfffjjbgsaghf
Wholesome yet Offensive
Which is honestly the best combination for a podcast. This group’a’dudes are absolutely golden together and their adventures are absolutely as bingable as the other big four actual play casts out there. Give these campaigns a go, I promise you’ll not be disappointed!!
Great storytelling and it’s funny how the people who play at the beginning are not experienced at all.
🧠 Brain
Thank You!
you're all a real treat to listen to! i've been listening to a few episodes so far just to jog my memory on playing D&D, and i couldn't be happier. thanks for making it enjoyable. highly recommend to all our fellow nerds!
Taylor Devon
Such a fun amazing podcast!! Just wish they were more frequent and I wish we know sortve what the schedule was. Also what happened to machop????
charles Fredericksen
Give it a listen
Do you like AD&D? Relatable character? How about recurring jokes and character names?These guys have the recipe down. Funny, entertaining, and relistenable. Warning** Do not binge! You will quickly miss the awesome characters from both seasons! Give it a listen!
Any mouse pot amid
Gripping, funny, all around great!
The DMs of both campaigns are great storytellers with well build worlds. Their narration really brings you into the world. The players are quick, witty, and fun. Well developed characters that grow throughout the stories!
This is great.
I love this Campaign. The characters were well designed, and all brought something to make the campaign interesting.
Robo archer
Gripping storytelling!
Are you looking for a D&D play session to listen into with excellent story telling, unique and memorable characters, and lots of twists? Look no further than YMIAT. Joe’s D&D story telling is unmatched. I love and emotionally invest in all of the characters he weaves into the story and can visually follow along with his exceptional storytelling and descriptions. Sometimes the rules get a little wonky (Type A personality here) but it hardly detracts from the amazing journey of Tug, Karl, and Durf. I’m writing this review after the story of Khorbai, and I’m GRIPPED! Thanks for your amazing adventures and I look forward to more!
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Last Friday Knight
It’s... fine. Extremely jokey, never felt invested in the story or characters because of it. Good if you want some very lighthearted DND fun I suppose.
Best First Podcast ever!
I want to thank YMIATravern! You guys are the best podcast by far! Making me want to play D&D with a group of my friends!
I am hoping to play D&D
I am hoping to sometime to play DnD and maybe sometime DM one and this is great for learning I love it and I like it only makes one episode a month cause they are pretty long. So no complaints.
Great learning for a newb!
I’m new to DnD and listening to this podcast starting with ep1. Gotta say, listening to the guys flail their way through the first few episodes has given me so much insight into how gameplay works. Definitely worth listening to both to learn and for the entertainment!
Awesome podcast!Hope all is well! Haven’t heard from y’all in a while.
Super amazing
Really well created
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