Those Conspiracy Guys
Those Conspiracy Guys
Gordon Rochford
Those Conspiracy Guys is a history, comedy and true crime podcast from Ireland produced and presented by Gordon Rochford and the topics discussed are varied and wide-ranging; from the speculations on the out-there conspiracy theories like aliens, time travel, and ancient civilisations to researched discussions on the more grounded, historical and provable conspiracies like political and financial corruption, scientific chicanery and secret government agency shenanigans. In long-form group discussions; interviews with authors and experts; live stage shows and streams with an eager audience; and collaborations with other conspiracy creators; Gordo examines all the wildest notions and most unbelievable theories in the ever broadening genre of 'conspiracy'. From the high-concept topics like inter-dimensional lizard men, complicated assassination plots and potential future technologies like alternative simulated universes; to the much more tangible topics like discussing serial killers and mysterious true crime cases; exploring the history of religions and cult leaders; and historically profiling the lives and times of some of the most influential people to have lived, and died. Those Conspiracy Guys brings you on a light hearted and hilarious exploration of these fantastic stories through thoroughly researched and painstakingly contmeplated production; making it easy and fun for these sometimes heavy and complicated topics to be digested, with lashings of good old irreverend Irish craic from host Gordon Rochford and a cavalcade of hilarious comedians, committed creators and fabulously interesting guests.
Charlie Manson: Revisited
On this episode we talk about one of the most notorious men in modern history; a dude whose simple and crazy face is synonymous with manipulation, mind control and murder; whose idea of family will have you thinking twice about complaining about going home for thanksgiving this year; this time we are chatting about the one and only Charlie Manson. This is a revisited episode on this topic with about 10 years in between; I wanted to give the fantastic source material a fresh outlook and using my more modernised and thorough process and higher quality treatment in the new TCG regime. Not only that but new revelations in the case itself; new media, documentaries and information about Charlie and his family members; recent prisoner releases and even a new book called Chaos written by Tom O'Neill have been released in the mean time.  We discuss Charlies rotten upbringing and his almost ubiquitous incarceration up until the age of 20 for various crimes and the psychological toll this must have taken on his psyche. This semi-permanent incarceration would also give ample opportunity to practice his innate and effective ability for persuasion and manipulation; as well as condition him to do 'what ever it takes' to get the job done. Charlie was a cultural figurehead of the 1960s hippy movement, and some say he was the bell that rang out in its last dying days to signal the end of the Free Love era. His notorious family, which at one time included famous rock stars and celebrities, were a raggle taggle gaggle of drug addled ne'erdowells whom Charlie gathered up through emotional manipulation. This crowd of crusties eventually became responsible for the deaths of 9 people in a murder spree that shook the US and Hollywood elite in particular.  Great conversations in this one with Danny and Micky and we chat about everything from how Charlie learned to meddle with minds; to the allusions by experts that he, among others in the movement, was a government agent working to destroy the cultural resistance in California to maintain status quo and military complex supremacy in the face of an escalating war. There are also rumours and conjecture that the acid and drugs the family consumed and distributed were 'military grade' and their motives and image were anything but authentic. Good times! :) Its good to be back, thanks for your patience and enjoy the show :) You can watch/listen to the video version of this episode on the Patreon Only feed that now integrates with Spotify. Just click this link and link your accounts and get Patreon Only content direct to your Spotify app! Joining me on this episode are comedians Danny O'Brien and Micky Bartlett. You can find them both here: Danny can be found on his website and he is literally touring all over the world all of the time so no matter where you are, you'll be most likely able to catch him live someplace! Keep up to date with his whereabouts on his social media such as IG and he is @dobcomedy everywhere else. Danny is touring all over Ireland and the UK for 2024 with his new show 'Sweet Child O Brien' so get tickets before they are gone! Micky can usually be found at the bar in the middle of a crowd of people having the craic; but if you want to find him for professional reasons he is @mickybartlett on all social media and specifically Instagram and the same of similar on the others. Micky is currently at the Perth Comedy Festival so you can also possibly see him anywhere in the world, and it is a treat to se the man in his personal glory, go check it out. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 30
6 hr 2 min
The Salem Witch Trials
DEEP DIVE - On this episode we discuss one of histories most enduring mysteries where accusations flew and farcical trials condemned many young women to death in the name of religious purity which was disguising political subterfuge and using fear of the unknown as a tool of control; this one is all about The Salem Witch Trials. In 17th Century Massachusetts newly settled puritans began a campaign of accusations against potential witches in their community. Largely led by the testimonies of young girls against other young girls, this crusade against the forces of darkness was a thinly veiled attempt to gain control of a newly emerging civilisation in a new country. There are many theories as to why the girls acted as they did, and mass psychosis and even hallucinogenic poisoning are cited as the cause of these frivolous and deadly claims. We discuss it all and a whole lot more. You can watch/listen to the video version of this episode on the Patreon Only feed that now integrates with Spotify. Just click this link and link your accounts and get Patreon Only content direct to your Spotify app! Joining me on this episode are comedians Ailish McCarthy and Betsy Speer. You can find them both here: Ailish can be found here and check out her podcast The Party T*ts here as well as many many live gigs all over the place including The Paddy Power Comedy Festival, Cherry Comedy, and The Craic Den among others. Betsy can be found here and check out her podcast her website here and many other live shows she does all over Ireland and beyond like Hysteria Comedy, The Comedy Crunch, and The Comedy Cellar. ___________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 18, 2023
5 hr 47 min
Randy Kraft - The Scorecard Killer
On this episode we talk about one of the most prolific and brutal killers in US history and a guy who got his moniker The Scorecard Killer from a macabre list of nicknames he had for his many victims; this episode is all about Randy Kraft. Joining me on this episode is comedian Ger Staunton; international comedy powerhouse and fellow Mayo man :) Ger and I discuss these heinous crimes and what drives someone to commit such horrific sexual attacks on so many young men. Kraft operated in the prolific serial killer atmosphere of the 70s and 80s where it seemed all bets were off for catching murderers. There is estimates of up to 70 victims that Kraft cruelly dispatched but he was only found guilty for very few of these; and we discuss the ones we know about here. Acknowledgment to Murder, Murder, Murder (dot) com and Dennis McDougal author of Angel of Darkness for the nitty gritty on this one. Not a whole lot else online on this fella but both of these sources nail it pretty well. If you want to find Ger online he is @gerstaunton on Instagram ( and Twitter ( or listen to his podcast with Martin Angolo called 'Canary in a Comedy Goldmine' which you can find here ___________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 1, 2023
3 hr 46 min
Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli - April 2023
SWAPCAST - On this episode I join Sam Tripoli, XG and Johnny on the infamous Tin Foil Hat to chat about the state of 'conspiracy theories'; what mad stuff is going on in the world right now; how hard it is having a head going around the place and a bunch of other contemporary conspiracy topics. We also talk about the recent TCG Rothschild episode and all the shenanigans that entails. There's a big ol' intro on the front of this one too, because it's been a while! If you want to skip to 00:08:10 for the start of the show instead of listening to me :) This was a great episode and I got to ask Sam some of the questions Ive been wondering about. The world looks and feels like a really weird place right now (Jerry Springer is dead) but maybe it only feels like that. There's a bunch more episodes coming now including deep dives, interviews, swapcasts and a new season 9 starting recording in the next couple of weeks. The new website is almost fully up and running too if you want to check that out Hope you are all doing great and enjoy the show! ___________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
May 5, 2023
1 hr 57 min
The Rothschild Dynasty
DEEP DIVE - On this episode we discuss The Rothschild Dynasty and the beginning to one of the most powerful and covertly influential dynastic families in modern civilisation. From the Jewish ghettos of 18th century Frankfurt to seats at the most clandestine and unimaginably powerful boardroom tables in the modern day; the Rothschild family and their immeasurable wealth has had a secret hand in the shaping of our society and, undoubtedly, a huge influence on the future of humanity. In this episode I wanted to stay away from the inevitable global elite chat and give a factual and cultural history of the Rothschild family and how it all started with the patriarch Mayer Amschel Rothschild. We discuss how his shrewd business dealings and his willingness to do work others wouldn't; made him amounts of money some of us cant even fathom. Joining me on this episode are two proper mensches Shane Brown and Tom O'Mahony for the mad craic and lacht. I really hope you enjoy this one and there will be more shows, much sooner than this one came; now that I have my head screwed back on! ___________________________ There is an extra 30 minutes in the ad-free Patreon version of this show available here ___________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Mar 14, 2023
6 hr 26 min
Michael Barrymore
On this episode we discuss one of the most famous and contentious true crime cases this century; the death of Stuart Lubbock. Now this case is still unsolved and in the UK and Ireland it was a huge deal and was covered incessantly by the news and tabloid media because of the association with celebrity tv personality and comedian Michael Barrymore. Lubbock died in the swimming pool of Barrymore's house after a drink and drug fuelled night out in the local nightclub but, as yet, the killer or killers havn't been brought to justice. The nature of Stuart's death has led the public to believe (with the help of the ghoulish reporting of the tabloids) that this was some sort of gay orgy gone wrong or some other sort of violent sexual death. The injuries Stuart Lubbock sustained were severe and undeniably sexual in nature but the focus was not really on finding actual justice for Stuart; it was on Michael Barrymore himself and it was front page news for weeks, months and years. Michael Barrymore shocked a fairly conservative nation when he came out in 1995 and was, for the most part, loved and adored for who he was and for his wonderful ability to entertain rather than his sexual orientation. His career skyrocketed and he had the highest watched TV shows in the country. This gay lifestyle and the unconscious bias and uninformed rumour of LGBT sexual practice among the wider members of society at the time was then used against him in the salacious and macabre reporting of Stuart Lubbock's death by TV and Newspapers. Even after all this reporting and attention, The Lubbock family still seek justice and Terry, Stuart's father, took up a very public campaign, against Barrymore personally, to find answers about his sons death. A Channel 4 documentary called 'Barrymore: The Body in The Pool' from 2020 revisits and details all the facts and details about the case and while we can infer who possibly could have had a hand in the violent death of Stuart Lubbock at that party that terrible night; we regrettably cannot say for certain. What we can say is; a beloved and talented celebrity had his career and reputation irreparably destroyed and was the subject of a relentless tabloid media news cycle about this case which fascinated the nation for nearly two decades. This show has some honest and serious chat in it about Barrymore and our memories of the case and the reporting from the time and I would love to talk more about this case to anyone who is willing to join a LiveChat and discuss (that includes you Michael if you're listening!) Joining me on this episode is actor and comedian Patser Murray. You can find Patser on his website and he is gigging all over the country on the regular. ___________________________ There is an extra 40 minutes in the ad-free Patreon version of this show available here ___________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jan 5, 2023
3 hr 1 min
On this episode we talk about one of the most contentious and censoriously restricted topics on the internet; admittedly on an extremely dark subject with many many potentially litigiously vulnerable points but something that has been misinterpreted, covered up and in a real sense, the true factual details forgotten about online; this one is all about Pizzagate. From the Podesta email leak and Anthony Weiners laptop showing Hillary up to be a bold pup; to a popular internet generated rumour of a blood drinking death cult and a lad driving hundreds of miles to shoot up a pizza place because of someones instagram content; this episode is pretty wild to be honest! There is so much stuff about Pizzagate that can be dismissed an noncesense and yet, so much of it is observable and real, but wholly ignored by mainstream media and disavowed and not believed by the general public. This episode is about the Pizzagate incident itself and the build up and immediate aftermath so no real chat about Epstein or even the newly popular Balenciaga scandal, but I hope this to be the full and frank account of what happened and what was exposed in those weird few months before and just after the 2016 election when it came to top level elites being accused of child endangerment (and the rest!) We examine the facts; discuss the rumours, disempower the propaganda and, even though the subject in abjectly dark and horrible, have a few laughs too! ________________________ There is an extra 40 minutes in the ad-free Patreon version of this show available here ________________________ Im joined on this episode by Claire and Edwin Sammon. You can find Claire on Instagram @tcgclaire and you can find Ed Sammon and all the details of his live shows, podcasts like 'Edwin Sammon of Knowledge' and 'Cinestream' and everything else you could want in the Sammonverse on his social medias where he goes by the name @EdwinSammon so link here or ________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dec 2, 2022
5 hr 35 min
The Menendez Brothers
TRUE CRIME - On this episode we discuss a harrowing case of abuse and revenge; two brothers who killed their parents in a brutal and meticulously premeditated manner were paraded across the mainstream media as cold hearted killers. During the televised case however, the extent of the sexual and psychological abuse they suffered was described in sickening detail and the motivations for their actions became that much more murkily motivated. This time we are talking about The Menendez Brothers. Raised in an affluent California family, Lyle and Erik Menendez were what some would call privileged; but their upbringing was anything but idyllic. Their father Jose and mother Kitty were successful but cruel, and the very thing that made the brothers a success was the thing they despised. Verbal and psychical abuse was meeted out on them from both parents and when they finally snapped and killed them both in a shotgun bloodbath, the world looked on with disgust. Lawyer Leslie Abramson, who advocated for the boys in court during their lengthy televised trial, was visibly appalled and angered at the abuse they suffered. This 1993/1994 trial called more witnesses than any other murder trial in history and ended up with no satisfying solution; going to another trial which led to the conviction of the two brothers who still reside in prison. A very strange and sad case that deserves discussion; not least to shine a light on the victims of domestic and sexual abuse; but on the voyeuristic and cruel nature of modern mainstream media. ________________________ Joining me on this episode is comedian and raconteur Danny O'Brien; now world famous, has gigged everywhere from Dublin to Dubai, from Clonmel to Costa Rica. His undeniable charm and ferocious work ethic has propelled him to the top of the Irish comedy scene and far beyond. You can follow Danny on all social media @dobcomedy or click this handy one to get tickets and updates of his live shows! Great craic on this one with Danny! ________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; buy TCG merch; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 28, 2022
3 hr 29 min
Rasputin and The Romanovs
On this episode we discuss one of the most maligned and mysterious figures from modern history; a man who is as famous for his death as for his life, and someone like him would put the willies up anyone in power because he was an uncontrollable and unpredictable force; this episode is all about Rasputin. Shambling into St Petersburg from the Siberian countryside in the early days of the 20th century; is how most people would view the tale of Rasputin; but the truth is often stranger. As part of a campaign of popularity and spectacle in a turn of the century royal socialite influencer class, Rasputin was invited to the royal court as part of some sort of esoteric oddity and was so charming he managed to become one of the Tsarinas closest advisors. Rasputins massive shlong and love making prowess is also part of the legend and this, along with his unroyal blood made the movers and shakers in Romanov controlled Russia quite nervous. Rasputin was rumoured to be utterly debauched and his strange unkempt appearance, his uncouth charm and his loose morals meant that he was a threat to the status quo. The legendary tale of the assassination of Rasputin probably over shadows anything he did in life and is itself wrought with rumour and inconsistency. Murdered by jealous royal in-laws, Rasputin's legend endures and we go deep and long on it for this episode! ________________________ Joining me for this one are comedians Tom O'Mahony and Micky Bartlett and we get deep on The Mad Monk. You should give the lads a follow and look for their live shows and their own podcasts. You can find links for Tom O'Mahony here including his podcast Buckshot and all tickets for his live shows and other cool stuff like his Patreon page or follow on instagram @tomomahonycomedy You can find Micky Bartlett on his podcast website here and there are links to all the tour dates, his Patreon page, videos, merch and all that jazz and follow on instagram @micky_bartlett I will be doing a live-chat very soon after publication of this episode and I invite you all to watch (and if you're a Patreon you can even join in) where we discuss some more of the intricacies of this story. Enjoy! ________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; buy TCG merch; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Oct 18, 2022
6 hr 13 min
The Keepers - The Death of Cathy Cesnik
On this episode the wonderful Claire joins me to talk about the horrible case of the death of Cathy Cesnik and the abuse that Fr Joseph Maskell doled out on the girls of Keough High School in Baltimore as detailed in the Netflix documentary series The Keepers. This is a rough one and we dive deep into the personalities involved including the two investigators Abbie Schaub and Gemma Hoskins who hounded law enforcement for documents pertaining to the case as well as doing emotionally harrowing interviews with some of the women involved.  We also meet Jean Werner and Teresa Lancaster who were the original accusers of Maskell. We also meet Gerry Koob and a host of other weird and inexplicably uninformed characters as we try to unravel the details of the case. Cathy's body was found in the first days of 1970 and it sparked an investigation into the cruel and methodical abuse that Maskell was a ring leader of, in Keough High School among other spots all around Baltimore in the 1960s. This case goes all the way to the top; with police and other pillars of the community seemingly caught up in the accusations. ________________________ If you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the TCG Guilded Server; watch video versions of the livestream podcast and documentaries; or even join in on live chats about current events; buy TCG merch; get notifications of tickets you can buy to upcoming live stage shows or any other way to connect with me; all the available links, info and instructions you can find by clicking this link If you want to throw a few bucks up the internet to support the show on Patreon you can get exclusive Patreon-Only content; all seasons of ad-free episodes; exclusive access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Guilded and a whole load of other stuff click here where you can get all this from just $2 per month subscription or an annual one-time payment with a month free! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sep 13, 2022
3 hr 12 min
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