The Woody Show
The Woody Show
ALT 98.7 FM
via Podcasts
Listen every single day!
Great Show!
I listen to the podcast everyday!
Matt Vidrine
You know!
Great show
I listen everyday
Love it
I miss the morning show but love listening to it immediately when the podcast is posted. I haven’t missed a show in years. Woody, and the rest of the team, do a great job putting an entertaining radio show on the air. Love all the games they play and the content Seabass provides. If they ever go away, I will be extremely sad. - Drew
Best Weekday Show
I’ve been a listener for a long while now. It’s my favorite podcast and one I look forward to M-F. Everyone on the show adds something and it’s perfectly random
Me love
The best morning show I’ve been a fan since 2016
Misophonia Help
Me Love L🥰VE LOVE you all. And can you please not chew & talk and swallow and talk. And chew then talk. It’s driving me bonkers. 🥴🤯 #AllIn #TheWoodyShow 10+ Year 5 days a week SuperFan Me love Kellee Byeeeeeeeeeeeee
So good
I have been listening to this show for years. It’s so good and I love everyone on the show.
Great show, Ravey is awful, creepy, pompous.
Been listening to this show for almost 6 years now, and it's awesome, but Ravey definitely drags it down. The show would be way bigger/more successful if they replaced her with another female. She wouldn't be that terrible if she wasn't so stuck up and delusional about her own intelligence. However, this makes her insufferable to the point of nauseam; this also might explain why she's not very good at her job; she thinks she's God's gift to earth, that everything she says is gold, that she knows everything (without actually knowing anything), so she never improves. She also epitomizes the "politically correct world", which the show is supposed to make fun of/be the opposite of. So all in all, great show, will continue to listen. But it would be even better if Ravey was replaced. I've been listening to the show for years, but Ravey is so insufferable, I'm done. I'll tune back in if they fire her (but we all know Woody won't do that). What a shame.
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All in!
#you know!!!!!! Me love My daily listen. You guys keep me company in my work van since I’m on The road a lot in Atlanta traffic.
Justo Ray
Best Morning Show Ever!
The Woody Show was the best morning show ever! My husband and I always listened and it was the greatest way to start our days! We especially LOVED “Cart Narcs!” I could write an entire essay about why I feel and believe you Need to please bring the show back to Kansas City. Also, the morning shows here are … well, they’re crap. Boring, and we never a certain one. We honestly NEED YOU BACK! Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Bring it back to Kansas City
There used to be a radio station here that used to air the woody show and it got reformatted and it was gone. I am about a day or 2 behind now days.
Shady guys
When I started noticing this show copies other shows content and some stuff they don’t event change things like the music to fake it more I unsubscribed. These dudes are funny idk why they have to be so shady.
Request, please consider
Hi woody show, I'm charlotte and my dad listens to your podcast all the time. His birthday is on November 21st and I would love to give him the present of being recognized on the show. Thank you so much!!! -P.S you guys are rlly funny
I haven’t heard this in a while
The best show ever
My favorite show; I feel like I’m listening to my friends everyday. Me love!
Love me some woody show
The whole team is super fun exciting. Specially guess who’s gas always gets me cracking up. Specially, when I hear Greg losing it. He puts a smile on my face. They are definitely a great team and different in there own ways love it and join fun .
very tasteful
I adore everything Woody Show! I listen to this show daily on my commute to work. Power ranking…Greg, Ravey, Woody, Menace, Seabas,Morgan and Sammy. I’m all in…Me love! 😊❤️
Teresa Bliss
Listener for Years
Snowflakes rating this low stars. Probably a bunch of Taylor Swift fans who have never listened to it. If this show offends you, you are what’s weak and wrong with America and the direction it’s going. Wipe your tears and become an adult with the emotional stability greater than that of a 9 year old. Are there things I don’t agree with that they say or do? Of course! But that’s life, and I am all in. Just need to bring back freak of the WEEK (not month) and more guess who’s gas segments. Glad y’all got rid of caroline/Christina who says she lived in Croatia or wherever. She was NOT authentic like the rest of the cast and needed to go.
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5 star
Would give more if the option were available. Thankful some shows exist with the integrity to not cow down to cancel culture. Things should still be laughed at. Each personality is distinct and it works without one trying to dominate over the other. Well-balanced. Easy enough to turn the channel if you don’t like it. But to flood with negative reviews because they laugh at one thing deranged fans disagree with is insane. Love the podcast.
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Love them!!
Bunch of young sensitive kids with the bad reviews is hilarious. The whole crew is solid! Could listen to these guys all the time!!
The best radio show!
LOL @ the softies in the comments here. Get out of your feelings, nobody cares. Keep doing your thing Woody Show, it’s awesome!
Not funny and kind of mean
Who even listens to this out dated misogynist crap. These idiots acting like it’s 2001.
Trash podcast
Not sure what I expected but it lacks quality.
Terrible people
They are bullies and misogynists. I’ve never heard someone with less class then the speakers on this show and it’s really disappointing as someone who has listened to this station for a while and enjoys the music they play.
fangirls rule
they made fun of someone publicly on their show a couple of days ago for having fun at a concert (laughed at them crying and made fun of their financial decisions when they don’t know anything) and further went to make fun of those that were upset by their actions and refuse to apologize. personally i don’t think that a radio show that makes fun of people enjoying music rather than fostering a community with a shared love of music is a good show. a grown man shouldn’t be given a platform where he can openly make fun of young girls having fun and get applauded for it. radio shows should be about celebrating a collective love for music and not bring down those that show their love of music differently. these actions, even though they’re seen as small, fall into a long history of female fans not being taken seriously by those around them even though they often are the main contributors to artists successes. this shouldn’t be swept under the rug since it could just lead to more instances of fans being made fun of for entertainment.
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Twitter rotted Woodys brain
Woody is consumed by the race wars and LGBT issues. Regurgitates Tucker Carlson propaganda all day. This is now the join politics show 👎
Bad show. Lacks entertainment and appeal.
The host is a sweat hog with the rest of cast being the decal matter in his hooves.
Absolutely Horrible
I started listening to the podcast again and it was horrible. I had to turn it off before one hour was over. I can’t stand it now. It used to be so much better. Sorry I don’t know how to change my nickname.
Sexy girl 456 AA
It’s consistently gotten worse
I don’t know what happened but once Randy left, the show has consistently turned into constant whining and crying about everything, especially Woody. They don’t have any chemistry anymore and you can tell. For a show that bills itself as insensitivity training, they’re really sensitive and are offended by everything. Sammi is awesome though and I wish she came on in a better time
Fix the podcast
Who’s doing the editing for the podcast now?? Menace teach them fools to do it right. The podcast is the only way i can hear you guys now and I’m tired of hearing the same segments over and over because whoever is editing them.
Too much politics now
Used to be a fantastic show that prided itself for being as far away from politics as possible. Now they jam in politics as much as possible in between conversations and segments. Secretly M vibes
Although there are still great segments, woody and Greg are too ignorant and uneducated to be as loud as they are with their politics
What happened?
This show used to be good. Now it’s the greg and woody politic show. Shut up… no one cares.
We love Woody and the Crew
This an amazing show with great variety and crazy talk!! That’s what I like the best…it’s like I’m hearing myself talk. I love the different opinions and topics. All In for Life!!! Thank you guys for the great content
Must have
Only way I can start my mornings. Gotta have the woody show going
Never missed a single episode when I was in the state. Now have to leave for a while and the podcast really keeps me going every morning.
It just keeps getting better.
My all-time favorite radio show and podcast.
Ashes Almighty
I have joined fun!
I love listening to the Woody Show! I feel like I’m sitting at a Sunday supper with family, burps, farts and lots of laughs. #melove
#1 in the Haystack from way back. Love you guys when you were in SF. I listen to the podcast and I heart radio app when I get the chance. Question : what happened to Tony?
All in!
I moved to CA from MN about the same time the woody show came back together in 2014. I found them right away and was immediately hooked. I’ve since moved away but thanks to the podcasts, I never miss a show.
Me love 🥰
My favorite show!
All in!!!
You know!!!!!
All in!!!!!
I love this show. They all crack me up
All in from day one
These are my people! I love the sarcasm, the open air digs at each other, and the no holds barred (and no hard feelings) airing of grievances. The Woody Show is a family and listening every morning makes me feel less homesick. YOU KNOW!
All in since 2014!
I’ve been listening to you guys since my senior year in high school. I work the graveyard shift and I love listening to the podcast, makes the time go by fast. You guys always make me laugh. Keep it up guys! <3
Melby G
Always been all in ! But I have a question
I’m catching up on shows yet I’m just getting to the newer shows and I’m starting to get random commercials in the middle of the show not the normal show shout outs .. anyone else getting these ? Thanks ! YOU KNOW !!
Classic Tdog
Been ALL IN since 2017!!
Love this show and this crew! I rarely miss a podcast episode!
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