American Fever Dream
American Fever Dream
Betches Media
via Podcasts
Had to unfollow
I like the hosts a lot. They’re got great energy and a lot of fun. However, they are just wrong so much of the time. The basis facts they report might be right, but the analysis and explanation is way off. For example, Sami’s explanation as to why Macron called snap elections - its not because Macron recognizes a loss of support, it’s to shore up his majority in the French parliament which has a different electoral system than the EU system. That said, the worst is their coverage of legal matters. I had hoped that this would bridge the gap between episodes of strict scrutiny and pod save america, but no such luck.
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Black Americans created Hip-Hop (as a culmination of inspiration from rhythm and blues, funk, jazz, and rock and roll which are historically Black genres as well) not “Black and brown people” Black Americans laid the groundwork so other groups ended up being able participate. If you’re going to use your platform to spread a message, please let it be accurate.
Where’s the Palestine coverage?
Long time betches fan, I’m very disappointed in the lacking coverage of Palestine and the campus protests. What is discussed on the pod is blatantly pro-Israel with an agenda. So frustrating and disheartening :(
I miss hearing information and research from Amanda. Also the fact that you’re a news podcast pretending that Gaza isn’t happening is a joke. What’s going on w betches these days?
I miss betches sup
Appreciate this podcast but just doesn’t hit the same as betches sup ❤️
Thank you!
I love this podcast. Thank you for adding timestamps!!
I’m so tired of hearing about Taylor Swift
I’ve largely been liking American Fever Dream after being a long-time Sup listener, but for the love of god, I do not want to keep hearing about Taylor Swift! I appreciate that they started putting time stamps in the show notes so you can skip ahead to the parts you actually care about…but the time stamps were completely wrong. For example, the most recent episode had them discussing Taylor Swift at the jump and according to the show notes time stamps, the main news started at 10:00 - except the main news didn’t start until 23:36 and they literally talked only about TS up until that point. Please, make a separate podcast if you want to talk about her.
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Commuter’s Delight.
Sami and V you make my Thursday commute bearable. Serious issues explained, plus good news that won’t leave you obsessing over the potentially impending apocalypse. I would love to see you tackle Project 2025 in a future pod.
PSA: Drop what you’re doing and listen to the Cowboy Carter episode
This show is a refreshing take on the chaos that is American politics. Sami and V’s conversations are fluid and funny and fact-packed. The segments (and musical intros) are unique and thought provoking. This episode (4/2/24) in particular might be one of my favorites of all time. I learned SO much beyond what I did from googling C.C. references, thanks to V’s personal accounts in the country music experience. This show had everything: music history, Black history, culture, Dolly P, Easter 101, BEYONCÉ. I hope there is a sequel because I need more analysis!!
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Mrs. Tom Brady
Love this podcast!
I have followed V News for a while now and started listening when they started hosting. I highly recommend the show as a source of news but without the doom and gloom of traditional coverage. I love their “down ballot” era segment and the hosts passion for local level politics and policies making the biggest impact on the most people.
Josie Lou
23? 23? 23?
Elsa Mednick Marie
Not news
Hot takes, vibes and feelings do not news make. It’s so difficult to listen to all the ums and “you knows”. No we don’t know, we’re here to learn something and all we can take away is your ignorance of what you’re speaking about. I really enjoyed the first few episodes but the last one has me questioning how seriously I should take information coming from this pod.
Miss the old betches sup
Millie, Elise and Amanda had such a good vibe and I loved listening every week. I started to give the new format a chance, but now Amanda is leaving too? Hmm. She was a great host and now the vibe just ain’t there with what’s left. Sadly I’m going to have to bow out.
Love the reboot!
Love the new host and reboot. Episodes seem to have more content. The segments are a great fit and more entertaining!
Good podcast
Please learn how to correctly pronounce words (for example, viscount)
Pluto’s protest
Thank you Betches
Seriously- thank you so much for your voices in these scary times. Politics can be difficult, but it is so important to stay informed. I appreciate all that you are doing for us. ❤️
What Is Going On?!
Three episodes in and Amanda is leaving? We love V, but why reboot if we’re losing a host already…
Love love love
Love this!! Smart and funny and some of the best voices in politics! V. is such a great addition to this team! And absolutely loving the new theme song! Can’t wait to see where this goes!!!!
Down Ballot Era
Highlighting and Elevating Universal Initiatives and the resources on how do it in your home state is heartwarming. Local Ballot Measures Matter regardless of politics affiliation.
Sonder Stays Are Better
Perfect timing!
One of the only current events/political podcasts I must listen to as soon as its available! Thoughtful, witty and always informative. A must listen for 2024.
Welcome Back 🥲
Love the new repackage! So excited to have this pod back for the election season *cough* survive this election season *cough*
Some intellgent ( & humorous) women with some insight on what the HE L L IS really GOING ON 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼in this insane country..
New Fav Podcast!
This podcast was a funny, refreshing break from the drone of most political podcasts. They touch on topics that are original and match it with equally original hot takes and interesting anecdotes. Their hosts’ dynamic makes the audience feel like part of the conversation and simultaneously, they bring forth a wealth of information to keep listeners up-to-date. 10/10 would recommend!🤌
Monii Ring
So excited to have V join the Betches Network!! I liked V Intetesting, but I love how fun and informative this format is!!!
My favorite podcast
V is amazing!! Love this show!
Sa ga phi
News, but make it tolerable!
My absolute favorite podcast for getting the news without getting depressed. Amanda, Milly, and Alise are awesome, and I always find myself laughing or agreeing like I’m part of the conversation. Definitely going to miss Milly and Alise; they’re so much fun. Happy to hear we’ll be hearing more of Sami again, though. Overall just a really great podcast to stay up to speed and have fun doing it.
Must Listen!
I don’t know about you all, but listening to politics has been pretty challenging, especially since Hilary wasn’t elected president. And these ladies got me re-engaged! They are witty! funny! and present various views & current events from the correct side of history, turning the volume up on voices that are fighting to be heard. Slow clap 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️
MORE NON-HUMAN BIOLOGICS TALK PLS! Do a 3-part deep dive with experts!!! Loved hearing this conversation it’s so fascinating and funny!
Laughs and news
I love this pod for my news updates, and all the ladies are super fun to listen to. Millie is my favorite!
I can’t stand Amanda not being able to annunciate to the point that half her words are complete nonsense/she skips half the word. Also she repeats half the phrases she says like: “these are the biggest, the biggest ones we have seen, we have seen.” It’s not a stutter it’s maybe from not being prepared or just reading off a sheet? Someone in post please edit that out it’s like half the pod at this point.
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Betches Sup keeps me sane
I listen to this podcast religiously, reference it daily and recommend it to all of my friends, family, coworkers and strangers because they don’t know what they’re missing. Keeps me up to date and talks about very distressing state of the world along with necessary comedic relief. I appreciate the balance of big headlines, but also smaller, local or state stories that are equally consequential. Also wonderful how intentional the group is about highlighting experiences of BIPOC, WOC, LGBTQ and other voices that are not always amplified in the political space.
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Please talk about news
This podcast has gone way downhill. It used to be my absolute favorite and now I don’t even finish most episodes because the hosts are 1) not talking about actual news or 2) being factually incorrect. Also Milly never finishes a sentence and it’s basically impossible to listen to. You girls need to regroup and figure out what the actual theme and structure of this podcast is.
Big fan! - maybe slow to the new formatting
Updating below review, was previously 5 stars but I think a few new things are tricky for me and I’m basically updating this to communicate with the network! Still love it- maybe not listening to it so much anymore? I’m considering unsubscribing just so it doesn’t automatically pop up on my dashboard and I can electively listen on my own time. This is a personal like preference… I don’t like listener mail. I always skip the episodes with other podcasts and I just don’t vibe with it, so including an episode of all listener mail… idk. I always vibed that this literally felt like listening to like 3 friends just talking about the news, but lately, there’s been an emphasis on interviews and listener participation and it’s just not what I liked about this particular podcast. Anyway below is my og review. I stand by if you don’t like Milly you’re maybe racist and if you don’t like vocal fry you’re probably sexist. Love it! Big fan! Listener since 2017... maybe 2018? Who knows. Seeing the negative reviews… Maybe if you’re specifically attacking the 2 POC hosts in reviews, you have to work through some structural racist bias. Maybe if millennial vocal fry is “grating” you’re a little sexist. Please think through your internal bias before writing reviews.
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Great job guys! Excellent guests and love your hosting style. Thank you for continuing to hold a dialogue on such important topics. 👏👏👏
Laurel Paliatina
New format review
Change is always hard, but I think it’s been long enough that I can definitively share my thoughts on the new format. I really like the hosts personally(although Sami is missed and the seriousness/background she brings to the topics while still keeping it light), but I am struggling with them in their current roles(side note, the new bio/intros each episode always throw me off! I don’t get it!) In the former format, I would download it while at work and listen to it the second I got in the car. I find myself rarely excited for the episode and I rarely listen to the whole thing. It was enjoyable before because they would share the news of the day allowing me to catch up after being at work all day. I didn’t mind times when they were unprepared, didn’t cover all aspects/viewpoints on a topic or had a limited understanding of a topic. Now that they’ve branded it as a “deep dive” into a few topics, I really find it inexcusable to not cover topics more in depth, or add additional value to the conversation. I didn’t mind the meandering run-on sentences, “you knows,” “do you know what I means” and the lack of context or background on a topic when oftentimes they were reporting on breaking news. Now, they only put out 2 episodes and I feel like they are much less enjoyable and provide less value(a ten minute conversation on shoes and another ten minutes on Taylor swift while the debt ceiling crisis is looming, new Dianne Feinstein reporting, new abortion bans are signed into law, Amanda Gorman’s poem is banned, TX AG impeachment, even the weird chapstick story is more interesting - while saying it’s a “slow news week” ??!?!). A biweekly political podcast that has 2 or 3 hosts already exists with hosts that have much more political experience, preparation and distinctive viewpoints to share. If you read this, I hope the criticism is taken as it is intended, from a loyal(since Facebook live) viewer/listener who wants to see you all succeed. And please, don’t make me abandon ship and only listen to 2 or 3 men instead! Leaving a previous review up from before the rebrand:) - Seriously the best podcast!! I don’t know what to do with myself when there isn’t a new ep. They make me feel less alone when addressing women’s issues especially lately. LOVE THEM!! I do think the tagline should be “where the *news* meets the groupchat” though.. who watches cspan??
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So good - please make bonus (subscriber) content!!
So funny and informative. One of my favorite political/pop culture pods. I want more!!!!! Would love some bonus episodes and would defo pay a couple bucks a month for them! All of the hosts are so funny. Amanda brings excellent info and laughs, Alise’s commentary is so witty and hilarious, and Milly cracks me up constantly and her discussions of fat acceptance and anti diet culture info are really, truly appreciated as someone who has long struggled with an eating disorder.
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Love the show, but…
I subscribe to the show, and listen in my car while I deliver the mail every day. I love the show, but I have one suggestion, and I hope no one takes offense. Amanda needs to stop interrupting everyone so much. It’s like she needs to be the center of the conversation-even with the guests. It’s noticeable, and kind of annoying. Nothing personal-I appreciate all the ladies and their opinions. But you don’t have to comment every time someone else makes a point.
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My comfort podcast ❤️
Thank you Betches sup for keeping me up to date on the latest news topics, Alise never fails to make me laugh and same with Milly 💕 I appreciate you ladies so much!!
Love this podcast but I’m over Milly. She brings my mood down in every episode due to her constant negativity. Her take on the Angel Reese/Caitlin Clark debacle was obviously biased based on a few hot headlines on Twitter, not from any knowledge of what actually happened. I’ll probably keep listening to the episodes she’s not on.
WBB coverage
I was so happy to see that the WNCAA tourney was being discussed, but I was very bummed by the coverage. It didn’t seem like the hosts had watched many games, and they weren’t familiar with the players. I’d love to have Betches podcast that covers sports and interviews players as this particular pod isn’t the best outlet.
Maggie Mineart
Consider the other side/not always all the facts
Giving 5 stars because I generally love the show but have felt lately like the hosts aren’t considering other sides or giving/even knowing all of the facts. Their conversation on the women’s basketball tournament proves this - they clearly didn’t watch the games closely (or at all) and just read articles/tweets/opinion pieces. As an athlete, there is a time and place for everything. Also, the stats don’t lie so a subjective “this player is better than the other” doesn’t hold up against actual data. Just because we might not like the truth, doesn’t mean it isn’t the truth. I’d like to get back to the facts!
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New Format isn’t my fav
I love the show but don’t love the new format. I don’t feel like I am really hearing about the news anymore just a few random topics. I wish they would discuss about more news not just one or two I don’t really care about.
Love the Show
This show is so interesting, informative and entertaining!
winter 5395
LOVE the new format
I love the new format! Sometimes the daily podcast were overwhelming my podcast feed so I’m glad they’re twice a week. The episodes are perfect to walk my dogs to. Also love the combo of all three hosts!
Please please remove Milly from the podcast
Purely from an information standpoint please remove Milly from the podcast. She constantly is saying things without any evidence and everything is her opinion. She ends every sentence with “you know or know what I mean” she constantly interrupts the other guests and truly adds nothing to the podcast. Everything with her is body positivity and fat positive with no understanding of what obesity is or does. She’s ruined the podcast. Wish it would go back to informative and evidence based episodes.
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The Political Group Chat You Didn’t Know You Needed
I LOVE this podcast! I didn’t start listening until the Nepo Babies series back in 2021, but once the series was over I was hooked by the podcasts various hosts. They were comforting during the peak of the pandemic and provided a perspective on politics that’s informative and enjoyable. I’ll be honest I miss the betches on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but I’ll be devoted listener regardless.
New format.
I guess this is where I stop listening to betches sup. I could handle an episode with Millie occasionally but all the time is exhausting. I’m sure she’s talented but the woman cannot speak a complete sentence or thought EVER. I literally have second hand embarrassment when she interviews guests because she just says a run on sentence that ends with, “you know”. And no, we don’t know because you didn’t actually formulate a thought or a question! Seriously, read a transcript from a show and count how many times her run on sentence goes absolutely no where. I don’t know if this is something she can be taught either because it’s been a year or so of Millie’s run on sentence that says absolutely nothing and I haven’t hear any improvements.
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Loyal listener either way
But I personally liked the daily format better!
One of the best
Looking forward to the new schedule, Milly, Alise, and Amanda are my favorite hosts!
My favorite podcast
Sad they’re going back to 2 days a week but happy that means Amanda, Millie, and Alise and they deserve more breaks!
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