Perpetual Traffic
Perpetual Traffic
Tier 11
via Podcasts
Great hosts
Appreciate Kasim and Ralph in my weekly routine
Web dev
I'm a big fan of Kasim and his expertise on the Google Ads platform (bought his book and loved it). I tuned in hoping to learn advanced strategies, hear about day-to-day ad management stories, fun moments, etc. However, all I've found is that in every episode, it seems like it's just two guys promoting themselves :(
Doa Savas
Best marketing pod out there!
I’ve learned so much from these guys and look forward to listening to every episode
I always learn something
Great to listen to, especially on my commute. I always come away with something I can use in my professional work.
Entertaining Hosts + Valuable Insights
Perpetual Traffic is a fantastic podcast that combines entertaining hosts with valuable insights. I have been listening for years, and as a real estate professional, I find the digital marketing concepts discussed by the hosts and guests incredibly relevant and adaptable to various industries. Their ability to demystify complex ideas into actionable strategies is impressive, making this podcast a must-listen for anyone keen on capturing the digital audience effectively.
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George KNJ
You Won’t Regret This
I approach this review with a blend of reluctance and admiration. The reluctance stems from a selfish concern: Perpetual Traffic, armed with its arsenal of profound insights, threatens to equip an army of marketers, potentially saturating our craft’s market. It’s a nonsensical fear, perhaps, but one that lingers in the back of my mind. However, the admiration for the work of Kasim and Ralph cannot be understated. Each episode is a masterclass in marketing, reminiscent of the timeless principles I’ve always advocated. Their wisdom doesn’t just elevate one’s professional acumen; it profoundly enriches one’s character. In the spirit of honest critique, as I’ve always believed in, I must declare that Perpetual Traffic is an essential listen for anyone serious about the art and science of marketing. Despite my initial reservations, the value it provides is simply too significant to be kept in the shadows. Kasim and Ralph, through their podcast, continue the legacy of thought leadership in our field, a legacy I’ve always held dear.
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Learned a lot
I am in sales and have still found this podcast so informative and helpful! Actionable advice provided in every episode.
Love this podcast!
I have been listening to this podcast for about a year now. I was recommended by a friend and I’ve gotten a ton of value from it! Thanks so much for all you do!
Ryan Mathews4
Have Lauren on more
I recently stumbled upon the Perpetual Traffic podcast and, honestly, it’s been a game-changer for me. The hosts have a natural way of breaking down complex digital marketing strategies into bite-sized, easily digestible pieces. Every episode is packed with actionable insights that I’ve been able to apply directly to my business, seeing real results in a matter of weeks. What sets this podcast apart is its perfect blend of expert advice, industry trends, and relatable storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this podcast is a goldmine of information. It’s become a part of my weekly routine and I can’t recommend it enough!
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My Super Honest Review
Let me start off by saying, this podcast is the LITERAL reason why I was able to break into the digital marketing industry at 18. When this exact episode, "EP225: How Molly Got A 5x ROAS By Relying On Cold Traffic Part One
Angel-Ty Lebron
Marketing Gold
Perpetual Traffic isn't just a podcast; it's a marketing masterclass! Seriously, this show has revolutionized my approach to marketing, completely rewired my thought process, and continues to teach me something new every time I tune in. This podcast has helped me advance my career and opened doors I wouldn’t have had access to without the wealth of knowledge from Ralph, Kasim, Molly and their amazing lineup of A-list guests over the years. These guys do a phenomenal job of discussing new and cutting edge strategies, thought provoking ideas, industry trends, and bringing on marketing masterminds as guests! I mean, their recent episode on The Death of Digital Marketing Agencies helped me totally rethink my approach to client needs moving forward from an agency perspective. The best part is, the value this podcast isn’t just for marketing geeks like me. Freelancers, this show will equip you with client-winning tools. Agency folks, get ready to impress your bosses and skyrocket your value within your company. Business owners, CEOs and CMOs, stay ahead of the curve with new and proven high level strategies that you can start implementing today. This podcast delivers exhilarating knowledge bombs every single episode. And I can't recommend it enough (seriously, I listen to all the popular marketing podcasts, and this is by far my number one!) P.S. A heartfelt thanks to all of you at Perpetual Traffic for crafting such an exceptional podcast. Ralph, your expertise shines through in every episode, and Kasim, your wit consistently adds a healthy dose of fun to the show (you might just be funnier than Lauren). If that T&C Summit spot is still open, I wouldn't dream of missing the opportunity to learn from you both in person (and maybe share some laughs, of course!). Looking forward to many more episodes of marketing magic! Cheers!
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Josh Garris
The OGs of marketing
Ralph and Kasim are both brilliant in their fields. As a fellow agency owner I love listening to their perspectives and tips. Huge fan, keep up the great work guys! Kill it at T&C!
Mitch Barham
Essential Entertaining
"Perpetual Traffic" is a must-listen for fresh, unique digital marketing insights. Kasim's humor adds a fun twist, making complex topics more digestible and enjoyable. It's a standout in the podcasting world, offering knowledge you won't find elsewhere. A top pick for anyone in digital marketing!
Wes McDowell
Excited I found this!
I come from the video production world and am looking to expand my skill set. The marketing world is huge and intimidating and ever-evolving, and I feel like this podcast allows me to start this educational journey with the most relevant information. Excited to be a new follower.
Baylee-studying abroad!
Best digital marketing podcast out there 10/10
Ralph and Kasim make learning the really advanced stuff entertaining. They are hands down the #1 podcast for digital marketers that want to stay on the cutting edge. I’m always suggesting this podcast for people who want to go deep! I listen religiously and love it - it keeps me sharp! Thanks guys! 🤘
5 Reasons Perpetual Traffic is the Ultimate Paid Media Podcast
1. Battling views of Meta vs Google 2. Quick knowledge bombs 3. Range of guests & topics 4. Timeliness of content 5. Engaging and conversational tone Seriously, this show deserves a lot of credit for my growth and success as a marketer. The knowledge provided by Kasim and Ralph has created countless opportunities for my agency and clients.
Kate Bosco
My husband is a super nerd about marketing and listens to y’all all the time, he got me on the train and now we’re addicted. You're the coolest nerdy people I’ve ever listened to and WOULD LOVE TO MEETUP IN VEGAS LFG 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Shelby Osborne
I liked the content so much, I’m hiring them.
Title says it all. After a long career at agencies, I switched to brand side and am in need of an agency for the largest brand in my portfolio. From what I’ve heard the last few years listening to this show, I’ve started the process of working with them.
I want the ticket 😅
My first time listening to this podcast. And lucky me you guys are giving away tickets 🥳🥳 Please pick me🤗 Thank you 🙏🏼
Digital Marketing Goldmine
I am always left absolutely blown away by Perpetual Traffic. Ralph and Kasim are just amazing. Every episode is jam-packed with mind-blowing tips and tricks in digital marketing - it's like finding a gold mine of wisdom. The value they provide is through the roof, seriously, I haven't found anything like it anywhere else. It can get a bit complicated sometimes because they operate on such a high level, but trust me, it's totally worth it. Even if you don't understand everything they say at first, just give it a go. You'll pick up so many useful bits along the way, and you'll learn heaps. The guests they bring on are fantastic! They share some of the best insights into digital marketing you'll hear. No holding back, just straight-up, valuable knowledge from the best of the best. If you're looking to take your business up a notch (or several), you've got to listen to these guys. It’s like a masterclass in making your business better and more profitable. Huge fan here, and I can't recommend it enough! From someone who has learned so much from you, thank you Ralph and Kasim, you guys rock!
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Important information
Thank you for giving out amazing ideas, content, framework, insight ALL FOR FREE!
Getting a little stale
Kasim always brings great value, but can someone give Ralph a new script so he can stop repeating the bloody waters of conversion, expand your audience rant he’s been stuck on for months? We get it, you should expand beyond conversion campaigns. Everyone worth their salt knows this and it’s all he seems to know at this point.
Funny and helpful!
Ralph and Kasim were hilarious! In their episode "Media Buyers: Why Your Job ..." When they were talking about the inflection point of watch time being their hair > influencers should have a look > but then they're trapped! Hilarious but true! Thank god I cut off my crazy hair!
Engaging, fun, and actionable
Ralph and Kasim are lighthearted hosts that feature engaging guests. They ask good questions to pull the best out of their guests. Really enjoyed episode 352 with Taylor McMaster about client happiness and setting up account managers. - Mandi Ellefson
Mandi Ellefson
Funny and Relatable
This is the most down to earth, actually fun to listen to marketing podcast I have found. I don’t have to sift through overproduced ads, peppy speeches, or overdone interviews. These guys tell it like it is and that is so refreshing. Plus I can put their advice to good use almost immediately in my own business.
This is the best growth marketing podcast
Ralph and Kasim bring the fire every time with the latest and most relevant gold nuggets distilled from the marketing industry. Every media buyer/CEO/CMO/ anyone trying to grow a business and doesn’t hate money should listen to PT. Open minded, down to earth, and entertaining. Perpetual Traffic has honestly helped me spend millions on ads and grow a bunch of brands. Definitely recommend!
Great podcast!
I love this podcast. These guys have so much great information. Even as a complete novice I have learned a ton.
They know their stuff
If Kasim says you should do something in your marketing, you do it! I love the new insights I gain here
Legit Business Podcast with a Purpose
If you’re looking to grow or scale a business without having to drop $20,000 a month to an ad agency, this is a great place to start. The knowledge on this podcast is helpful, actionable, and frequently doesn’t cost a lot of money. An absolute must listen if you’re in the online business or entrepreneurial space.
Always on the cutting edge!
Brilliant content! A well curated discussion of what works, and a detailed breakdown of what doesn’t work.
Jordan Peterson?
I’ve really been enjoying this show for months but hearing Kasim mention Jordan Peterson as someone who influences his thinking is like nails on a chalkboard. It also makes me question some of his thinking. Like if he relies on an obvious huckster and media pedant like Peterson where else is he getting information? Just read Carl Jung. Peterson openly rips off his thinking and repeats it modern language (along with a bunch of ridiculous far right wing propaganda to get views and sell books). I’ll probably still listen to certain episodes but I’m only here for marketing stuff. Not to listen to the ideas of a con artist political jackass.
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Interesting content but very cringey with how the speak about women
Come on guys, it’s 2022. They don’t seem to have any adding of speaking or including women as part of their audience.
I’ve been listening to this podcast for over a year, and I really look forward to Tuesdays and Fridays when the new episodes drop. I’ve learned so much from Ralph and Kasim. Their podcast is both entertaining and truly informative. So many marketing podcasts are mainly fluff, and frankly can be very annoying. So many times they are geared towards other marketers who are selling online marketing courses about marketing. I decided to become a solutions8 client earlier this year, and Kasim is not lying, they really do have the best Google agency on the planet. They’ve delivered amazing results for my SMB e-commerce and brick & mortar retail company, and I couldn’t be more grateful.
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Actionable insights
I listen to this when I’m stuck at work. There is always lots of great takeaways that lead to better performance.
Best Guidance
In a rapidly changing media buying landscape this podcast delivers the most insightful advice as to exactly what is happening NOW. If you are an ad manager or business owner I highly recommend this content, unless you simply enjoy burning cash.
Goldmine of knowledge ⚒
This is by far the best podcast about digital marketing out there… Every episode is packed with relevant and applicable information. Definitely recommend it for all agency owners and digital marketers. I’ve been listening for more than a year now and it has made a great positive impact. Keep the great chemistry going guys!
Rafa Vite
💰podcast for marketers
This show talks about both in the weeds tactic/actions along w/ covering bigger picture marketing topics. I listen as often as my schedules allows.
Mike K, MKG Marketing
Was better with molly
New cohost is a hack that only runs google shopping ads yet on podcast acts like he is so much more sophisticated.
ecommerce junky
Very educational
I come to this show regularly to learn the latest tips and strategies on digital marketing
This is a must listen podcast for all advertisers
Hey so I’ve been listening for 2+ years and these guys have the best tactical and strategic marketing ideas. They really make what they say easy to implement. It has given me so many ideas and campaigns that I’ve run that have brought in great results! Thank you guys!
Jesse 1246289525
Kasim is a GENIUS
This show is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It is the epitome of awesome. Adding Kasim to this already impactful gem was the greatest decision DigitalMarketer ever made. This dynamic duo is not only some of the smartest dudes on the planet, their quirkiness and insights hit home and keep you wanting to come back and listen each week. You two don’t know how much you’re helping the industry, and inspiring us to all be better everyday. Shoutout from your biggest fan, Melisha (:
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The Source of Truth for Direct-Response Advertising
For almost 3 years now, Perpetual Traffic has been my go-to for the latest on what’s working today in digital marketing. We rely heavily paid social channels like Facebook, which are constantly changing. The extensive experience of Ralph, his co-hosts and guests provide some of the best and most current insights from across the industry. As a direct-response marketer, their shows has proven invaluable to the growth and direction of our brands. Most importantly, I’ve grown to trust just about everything I hear from Ralph and his crew, since I’ve seen it work so many times. Perpetual Traffic is one of the only podcasts I listen to regularly - it should be part of any digital marketer’s toolbox and a resource to any business leveraging direct-response advertising.
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The Best Digital Marketing Podcast For Small Businesses
I’ve been listening to Perpetual Traffic since around episode 100. This is the only podcast that stays on the cutting edge of digital marketing tactics while reinforcing the need to stick to the basics of marketing. Most podcasts in the digital marketing niche stay super high level or regurgitate the same topics. Not PT. There is a level of depth in each show that gives me new tips to become a better marketer. If you aren’t listening to this you should.
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Looking for solutions and I found my people
I have been binging on this podcast and I am so pleasantly surprised and excited when there is a new episode. Ralph and Kaslam - you are speaking to my soul when you talk about finding solutions and innovating vs anything else. I am learning so much from you, I’m iterating on my own ideas and I’m growing in my knowledge of SEO and ads. I’m still a small business, too poor for ads kind of girl right now but SOMEDAY I hope to tell you I’ve implemented your advice and I’m taking over my industry. ❤️ thanks guys!
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Team Waddell
This podcast makes me a pro!!
I look forward to this podcast each week because it keeps me updated on the best/current strategy for my ads. Each week I walk away with actionable tasks. They also give the 30,000 foot view as well.. I need it in my life!!
Karma Fishing
Excellent hands on advice
The show is great! Love the balance between higher level marketing strategy and talk of specific tactics. You can tell that these guys practice what they preach and actually do this stuff for a living! I like that I can go one place to get an update on what’s working now.
nothing great.
You will learn so much
This is been a valuable resource for me. I’m a solo entrepreneur running an e-commerce brand with my family so this podcast has been very valuable for me. I’m grateful for the knowledge that Ralph and Kasim have shared to help me better understand digital marketing. Thanks guys! I Highly recommend this great podcast.
Kyle and Jamie
Excellent resource - Grateful for the insight shared
My partner and I are artists and small business owners and this podcast is really helping us cut a pathway through the brambles of online marketing. Episodes share a ton of information in a succinct and relatable way that probably wouldn’t have easily shown itself to us otherwise. Thanks for sharing your personal and professional experiences and techniques so that we can have a chance to continue to be supported in the work that we love to do.
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Hands On Advice
This podcast is always in my rotation for super hands-on, actionable marketing advice, particularly in the paid traffic realm. Love when they have a case study that breaks down a real strategy.
Up to Date Content that Moves the Needle
Love listening to these guys as they help me decided on what I need to do and try in order to move the needle in my business. Highly reccomend!
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