Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters
Marissa A. Ross and Adam Vourvoulis
via Podcasts
A Great Surprise
I started off disliking this podcast viscerally. Two natural wine aficionados talk about anything other than wine for 45 minutes then end the episode with the opposite opinion from the one they started with. The more I listened, though, the more I began to understand and love it. There are many reasons—like the joy these two have for wine and for each other or the focus on what the natural wine movement means for community or accessibility to people who have not historically been allowed into the conversation. The biggest reason to listen to this podcast, though, is because it matches most closely what wine is: a dialogue. It is endlessly up-in-the-air. Its definition, golden calves, and trends are in constant flux. It is an object worthy of a lifetime of messy conversations, good-spirited tribalism, and humor. Adam and Marissa are at their best when they're being generous with one another, with a guest, or with an imagined listener (like in episode 26 when they walk you minute-by-minute through your first wine fair). Definitely worth the listen.
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Very funny and very informative. From a new employee at a 100% natural wine bar and 70% female vintners, I thank you for helping me connect dots on different subjects in a intriguing, funny and non-boring way. Cheers!
Very good
Very good and informative buy could benefit from a little more structure to the episodes.
Great content and a fun listen
Funny and relatable people with a lot of useful knowledge Thanks doods Also vin de California zin is booommmb
Love! ❤️🍷
Thank you! I love learning about my newfound obsession in such a laid back manner. Informative and relatable and hilarious!
Love you guys!
Thanks for making this podcast! Very good if you’re learning about wine, or if you just enjoy listening to podcasts about wine. Super fun! 🍷
In to it!
Adam and Melissa’s natural rapport is infectious and entertaining. Part structured, part stream of consciousness style podcast in the best way. Relatable to both wine community newcomers and seasoned wine industry peeps. Love their focus on highlighting the many facets and falsehoods surrounding both conventional and natural wines. On the whole... educational, fun and bound to make you thirsty!
Great listening!
Ive never loved wine because it was trigger for my migraines, but I LOVE wine. Do you see my dilemma? I recently nose dived into natural wines because guess what, NO MIGRAINES. Not only are these wines not giving me crippling headaches, but they are making me look at wine in a whole different light. The farming practices, the fermentation process, the makers behind the wine, the grapes themselves.... this podcast has been incredibly entertaining. Im gaining more knowledge about all of the things I just listed and then some. I really love that it does feel like your sitting around a table sharing a glass with Adam and Marissa.
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Hosts lack expertise/mastery of material
Have nearly a decade of wine production experience and had this recommended as I'm researching natural wine for the WSET Diploma. I get that it's formatted to be silly, however, each episode has had pretty bad errors ranging from misleading, usually vague opinions passed off as truths to completely, unashamedly incorrect facts and statistics. I've done ten episodes and both have misprounounced very common industry words like baumé, refractometer, genus, pied de cuve, etc. and they both seem to lack a mastery or in some cases even a grasp of basic winemaking concepts. From what I've heard it does not seem to me that these are professional winemakers or wine journalists - they're Instagramers.
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Longtime lurker here: came out of the shadows to give my five stars after the pure happiness that very unexpected SLO Madonna Inn goblet bit gave me :) This pod is a piñata full of wine wisdom (for uneducated folk like myself), fun facts, and “quick” anecdotes. The meandering, informative, loosely tied-together format and style is so enjoyable (though drives my partner crazy, so there’s that). Still not exactly sure how I got here, but I love it.
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Awesome and informative!
Thanks to Natural Disasters I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at a glass of wine again without paying special attention to its ‘rim variation’!
Like Hanging Out With Your Friends...
...if your friends never let you get in a word edgewise. I want to like this podcast. So much so that I tune in every week. But time and time again I find myself getting frustrated at the topics and the hosts. Pretentious. Erratic. Confusing. Contradictory. These are some of the words that come to mind if I were asked to describe Natural Disasters. The two hosts constantly step on each other, half finishing sentences, half finishing thoughts, half finishing the actual point to whatever subject they’re touching on. I’m not even finished with the episode on ordering in a restaurant, and it takes one host what feels like an eternity talking about scanning the wine list before she tells you just to buy her book—something she hits you over the head with in season 1, and I thought we’d escaped by season 2... PROTIP: People will buy the book if they like what they’re hearing. Telling us you’re going to withhold information just because you have a book out feels chintzy and cheap. I’m bummed to leave a 3-star review because the book (Wine. All the Time) IS informative, but this podcast is just infuriating. All I’ve learned is that the hosts love Kanye, one is obsessed with natural wine to a fault (she might say it’s okay you like Charles Shaw because everyone has to start somewhere, adding, “we’re not all perfect.”), and the other host is a certified sommelier who at once seems to both love and despise everything about wine and the industry. Switch out your rage driving music for an episode of Natural Disasters.
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I’ve listened to almost every episode. It’s not polished or structured and that’s kind of the point. The first few episodes are rough sound quality but oh well, I still listened to them more than once. It’s the sort of language I wish more people would use with wine. If it’s not your thing, that’s cool, there’s dozens of other podcasts about wine.
fred dame
yes to growth + next step
i’m loving the changes to the format of the show this season. the format considers that we are learners, and fills in some of the informational gaps, while also maintaining the casual/ comical steez y’all have. THANK YOU the only element i have to offer up at this point is maybe including photos of the labels or listing of the wines discussed after the show- maybe on IG. i want to follow up and try so many of the wines, and after a show I end up skimming through for the names.
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You guys are dope
Love it, keep rocking those natural wine vibes. You speak my language. Keep doing what you do!
One of my favorite podcasts
I always look forward to the new episodes. Marissa and Adam are so fun, provide so much information in an easygoing down to earth way. The podcasts are very entertaining. I like hearing about their views on various wines, terroir, as well as information about winemakers, winemaking, sulfur, fermentation, malolactic, etc. I am also looking forward to new episodes coming soon. I would like to know why in “Managing Expectations” Adam, especially, as well as Marissa feels free to stereotype “boomers” and what kind of wines they like to drink. In fact, in NYC most people I know who favor “natural wines” are boomers. The younger people I know who are not in the business are not at all knowledgeable about natural wines vs. conventional mass produced wines. I don’t understand the stereotyping at all. I think what kinds of wines one prefers goes by the person’s tastes, interests and experiences, not by age.
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Easy to be negative
We live in a time where it’s easy to be pretentious and pick out flaws in others. Truth is you guys are making a great show with fun consumable content. You make me want to drink and explore, too bad I’m usually listening at work. Also, can you do a pod on your fave frizzante reds and also how to change a horrendous username on the apple podcast app? Thx!
I love this podcast
I’m starting to get into the wine world as a career and this podcast is one of a few I listen to that is educational but also just straight up fun! Thank you guys for making this and I hope to see much more in 2019!!!!
Frank, Approachable, Hilarious
I’ve recently started to explore the world of natural wine and after reading Marissa Ross’s book, I was stoked to learn she ALSO has a podcast. I work at a restaurant that has an accompanying wine bar and this podcast has really helped expand my knowledge of wine in a way that has been *fruitful* (lol) at my job. Talking about wine (to me) is most engaging when it’s unfussy and allows those who aren’t deep in the wine world to get on board with quality wines, as well as learn to put a name to what they find pleasurable. Can’t wait for the next iteration of the show! I miss you guys!
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Funny and informative. Just two funny, friends- talking over each other and to us about wine and wine culture. Boo haters:)
Amazingly informative and entertaining
This show is packed with so much information about natural wine, and is a great place for a beginner like myself to dive deeper into the understanding of the natural wine world. It’s easy enough to understand if you’re just getting started like me but also if you’re a seasoned natural wine drinker. Much like natural wine itself this is a much more fun/easy going experience and less stuffy than its conventional wine counterparts. Can’t wait for the next episode.
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F the haters.
This podcast is what the wine world needs. People need to know how accessible wine is and these guys do it justice. People can hate, but I love the real ness of it.
Got me in to Natural Wine
I just want to say thank you — honestly never considered “natural” vs “non-natural” wine before. Started listening to just learn more about wine in general, and learned there was so much I didn’t even know I didn’t know!! Appreciate the casual approach y’all take because it makes the wine world way less intimidating. Two thumbs up.
Natural Disasters
This is a great way to learn more about a unique part of the wine world and the associated culture/community. Also a good podcast for those who like hearing burps here and there. Fun intro to natural wine.
Not Pod-Bots
This podcast has definitely gotten me pumped about natural wine. Unfortunately I run a wine program in Kentucky so we have very little access to natural wine and I just end up being jealous more than anything. I love the hosts; they are super relatable, fun and actually act like real people. They are definitely not pod-bots. I do wish the topics of each podcast were explored a little deeper. I know these two are super knowledgeable so I'd love to see them geek out a little harder and throw down some hard facts. All in all, a super enjoyable podcast about natural wine!
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This is a good show
I like it. Seriously though, where you at? I miss you guys.
Wine tastes cool
Love the pod, I’m newish go natural wine and this is a huge help! Anytime you describe a wine as tasting like sweet Jane then you got me.
It feels like hanging out.
Listening to Marissa and Adam is like being part of a conversation which I love. I’m happy they’ve put this podcast together. It’s just so much fun
Patrick Andrew O
Super knowledgeable peeps with no idea how to make a podcast. Hard to list to. Rambling and really repetitive. Would love it if there was more structure / more usable info. Exceedingly amateur. Like listening to two drunk snobs in the back of an Uber. Will continue to check back with it as both people have a lot to teach. Hoping it will get better.
Steve Winters
2 eps in👍👍
Fought against podcasts for so long but decided to jump into this one. EP 19 & 20 felt just like listening to brohz on an enjoyable tangent. That may be the case since I just finished Wine All The Time.
A great balance of entertaining and educational, and who doesn’t love natural wines!!
Natural disaster
I love this pod, very informative and fun. Only drawback is sometimes Adam and Marisa can take a long time to make a point. They can really beat a dead horse, they just talk and talk and talk and talk about a point they already made 5 or even 10 minutes ago. They’ll make a point, and then keep talking about it, and then make the point again in a slightly different way. Kind of beating a dead horse. They just keep saying the same thing over and over. Repeating themselves. Like Marisa will make a point, and then Adam will make the same point in a slightly different way, but still making the same point. Just kind of beating a dead horse, saying the same thing a bunch of different ways. They just kind of keep repeating themselves over and over and over and over and over again. We get it Marisa, move on to your next point! We get it Adam, move on to your next point! Quit beating a dead horse! Know what I mean?
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great memes don’t translate to great podcast
Edit: listen to Ep 20 and you can play a fun little game called “How Many Times Do They Reference This Review VS How Many Times Do They Confirm Everything In This Review” Both host are very knowledgeable and passionate about wine. This would be a great podcast if they spent more time diving deeper into their knowledge, but instead they are constantly trying to force “unnatural” and unneeded humor. If you see an episode about a particular topic that you are interested in, give it a listen. But certainly not worth subscribing or wasting your time listening to two hipsters interjecting, interrupting, and talking over each other about IG post and really edgy 20/30 year old topics (cartoons! hip hop! junk food!). Marissa seems self-obligated to name drop any winemaker she’s ever had any interaction with, similar to a 60 year old douchey rich guy that owns a wine store who chases you throughout the store audibly assaulting you with his meaningless memories. If I could bare to listen to the pet nat episode again I would love to count how many times she started a statement with “For me....” in a whiny, condescending valley girl accent. Thank you for enlightening us that your upcoming statement is indeed your opinion. She’s constantly cutting everyone off, if you could swap the genders of the host it would be a textbook example of Mansplaining. I love wine, and I have a passion to learn more about it. My least favorite thing about the industry is having to listen to pretentious turds bloviating about their futile thoughts. I was hoping this would be my refuge to learn in a laidback environment, but unfortunately this is more “SULPHITES ARE WORSE THAN MY INTERNET BEING DOWN, REMEMBER THE 90s?!? LULZZZ” Overall, these are two condescending snobs trying too hard to not be condescending snobs.
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Unpolished, raw, and always entertaining.
Rather than over-produced and scripted, Natural Disasters feels like a spirited conversation among three friends: Marissa, Adam, and the listener. I find myself speaking aloud while listening, trying to insert myself into the conversation. Magically, these are the moments Adam interjects, knowing that the “folks listening at home” are all thinking the same thing. The podcast is fun and informative, both for the wine novice and the wine nerd. The conversation is never intimidating, and I expect most of their listeners are now the go-to “expert” amongst their friends.
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I’ve been following Marissa for a while now, glad to meet Adam. I’ve learned boat loads from Marissa through her witty writing and am so excited to be able to listen to this duo every Friday. Can’t thank you all enough for putting natural juice in the spot light!
Remi Rose
This pod rocks bruh
Love love love this podcast! Marisa’s instagram definitely upped my of the moment wine game- and listening to these episodes you feel like you’re right in the room being able to approachably nerd out about wine!
Exactly what I’ve been looking for
Been wanting to learn more about natural wine in the convince of a podcast, and this is it! A lot of wine education is boring, overly technical, and all-science with no sense of humanity or acknowledgement of the art aspect of winemaking. Marissa and Adam are deeply knowledgeable and passionate about natural wine, and they convey A TON of information while keeping it interesting, entertaining, and sharing their perspectives/experiences. Thank you Marissa & Adam, and keep it up! My favorite thing is listening to this pod on the subway home from work Friday and getting geared up to crack open a bottle of wine :) One piece of feedback: sound/audio needs adjusting (sometimes it’s too quiet even with the volume way up).
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Chemistry is Lyfe
I love this pod! I’m a PhD student in chemistry and this pod is so fun. I love nerding out about the biochem behind all things wine making and wine tasting. I’ve learned so much and I look forward to it every Monday. I listen while doing my experiments and it gets me through the day. I’ve checked out Lou wines and psychic wines thanks to the pod and im having so much fun exploring this new world! Thank you!!!
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Wow such great job
Making wine fun, not stressful
I don’t know about anyone else, but I get stressed out when picking or drinking wrong. It has had a right and wrong mentality for so long. I love this podcast because they break the pretentious character of the wine industry. This podcast is fun, chill and informative.
Bri from Portland
Fun and Educational!
I didn't know anything about wine when I downloaded this podcast but wow! I'm learning so much thanks to these two! Love their banter, stories, and views on the wine world. Keep it coming !
Fun and informative
So being a hip young(ish) person who is obsessed with Bon Appetit I originally heard Marisa Ross on a BA podcast and was like this girl is cool I like her vibe. Bought her book, crushed it, followed her in social media. I dig her content. Started listening to this podcast since the beginning. It’s a fun podcast. It’s very informative but if you’ve read her book or any wine book most of the stuff isn’t new but now being in the industry and just loving wine it’s cool to refresh on things and just become more knowledgeable. I legit look forward to every podcast. They have great chemistry and makes for a fun hour listen. Keep it up. Also, I’m Portuguese(living in the states) and would love to hear about Portuguese natural wines!
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Phillip Tx
“... bad wine I’ll give to my housekeeper”
“... bad wine I’ll give to my housekeeper” -marissa ross. Ew
Really enjoy this pod
I personally really enjoy the wild tangets, burps, and in depth conversations about Rick and Morty that break up the wine talk. I dig the flow.
Fun Show
I love your show. Keep up the good work. Marissa, it is ‘anyway’ not ‘anyways’. ;-) <3 ya
New favorite
I look forward to the podcast every week! None of my friends care about wine so at least there's someone out there who will nerd out about all this stuff and let me listen to it. Love it.
Amazing and getting better with age
Love love love this cast. It helped to have some basis in wine beforehand, but Marissa seems cognizant enough of the fact that her listeners may be entry level when it comes to wine, and I love the stripped down definitions of various jargon and practices. As other reviewers noted, sound quality can be rough but is definitely improving. The shouting directly into the mic after a moment of silence is a little painful, but it would be a shame to stop listening given the super high quality of content and information. A great way to passively learn a lot more about winemaking, wine generally and how to talk about wine.
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I looove this Podcast! Adam and Marissa are hilarious and also super informative, especially for someone like me, who is new to natural wine. I just started learning about it after stumbling across Marissa’s instagram account. I immediately ordered her book and am already almost done with it! I really appreciate that they and the natural wine community is trying to take the elitism out of wine and their podcast is just another entertaining step in that direction. Thanks y’all!! Elisa
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Opinionated, Lively, Authentic
Perfect for listening in the car during your commute, so you can yell back at them, tell them they’re wrong, they’re full it (or themselves). Then, Marissa or Adam will say something hilarious or inspired or truly insightful. Entertaining for sure and you might even learn something!
Yes! Finally a perspective I can relate with
Wine should not be pretentious or intimidating. It should be enjoyed, especially good wine with Integrity and On the forefront of the industry as Marissa and Adam explore in this podcast. Highly recommend. Highly entertaining. I feel like I know them. I look forward to listening every chance I get.
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