Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten | Audios | DW Deutsch lernen
via Podcasts
Fantastic podcast! Helps my German skills.
Great learning tool
I try to listen daily to keep ear tuned to German. When I’ve missed a few days, I’ll do a “deutsche news” binge. However I do miss the text that had previously accompanied each episode. That was a huge help when I would read along with the announcer’s presentation. Since I’ve seen that comment a lot on the review side, I am hoping they bring the text portion back. However, well done all the same. Thank you Deutsche Welle for keeping this podcast going
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BD Earl
Written transcript
Please return the written transcript of the news. I like to read first and then listen. Why did dw get rid of that??
pink meg
Wo finde ich den Text?
Es sagt “ als Text und als verständlich gesprochene Audio-Datei”. Aber wie kann ich den Text auf meinem Handy finder?
Return the text!
Return the text! Seeing as well as hearing is very important!
Bring Back the Text!
This program used to be part of my weekly German class. We would listen and read the text to fully understand. Now we can no longer do this. Please restore the text so that the program is again useable.
German Class Instructor
Entferne bitte die Doppelgeschwindigkeit
Bitte nicht mehr spiele die Aufnahme auf Doppelgeschwindigkeit am Ende des Programms. Es gibt man einen Kopfschmerz. Wenn ein Zuhörer das Hörverstand auf normaler Geschwindigkeit üben will, kann er einfach nach normale Rundfunk suchen.
Missing the transcript
I miss the written transcript of the spoken podcast. Please return it.
Great practice
Been listening for years off and on to help remember German after living there nearly 20 years ago. The announcer is a legend - same guy, every day for years!
SC Germanistik
What has happened to the accompanying text
I am so dispirited by the sudden loss of accompanying text content with the podcasts. They were incomparably helpful with learning pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension. Please return them!
Great podcast
Great podcast. I’m taking German in school, so I’m now trying to immerse myself in the language. 👍👍👍
Wow!! Great little news
I love your podcast
Sehr nutzlich!
Ich lerne Deutsch.
Really enjoy this!!
I am in the process of learning German and this is such a helpful tool in that journey! Thank you
Don’t use it, you lose it.
Lived in Germany many years. Moved back to the States and quit speaking it. This has made it possible for me to keep up with the language and the current news. It’s a win, win. Herzlichen dank!
I agree with the separate suggestion.
Great podcast but separate sections would be fantastic.
Please separate the written sections. Seems pretty simple to do. Thx.
Mein Lieblingsprogramm
After my intermediate German classes ended, I needed a way to keep up my level, so after each newscast, I have a spirited discussion of current events in German with my pro-Trump friend (he’s to be excused since he’s an evangelical and Trump is ‘der Auserwählte’). Anyway, to hold my own I have to have a firm grasp of events and vocabulary. This show is perfect for that. BTW, I own him on climate change.
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Love keeping my German fresh.
While the way I listen to this podcast, it is anything but slow (2x speed) I like being able to listen to German.
Ottawa Rotarian
Thank you so much for this podcast! You’ve helped me improve my German listening skills a lot in just over a month of listening to this podcast. I set the speed of my player to 1.5x so it’s not too slow. Weekdays’ voice can get a bit monotonous. Saturday’s voice is perfect as it has a fluent speaking rhythm even when speaking slowly. Listening to this everyday all the way from Brazil. Thank you again!
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Sprach Speed
Please don’t change the spoken speed. It’s perfect for learning.
Five Stars
I love this podcast. My German has improved a lot. Great topics are covered.
Sehr hilfreich
Wenn es auch die Sendungen mit normaler Geschwindigkeit anbietet, wird es vielleicht praktischer :-)
This is a great way to get a little German practice in It is very helpful that the transcript is in the notes. It would be better if the sections could be separated to follow a little easier. Thank you!
Great for learning German
This is my go-to place for learning German. I might skip something else for a day or two, but I try to listen to this broadcast every day that it appears. My one request is: Please, please separate the paragraphs so that each new topic is on a new line! If I look away for a moment, it is very difficult to find my place again. When the paragraphs are separated, I can scan the topic titles and get back on track again.
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News plus German!
This is exactly what I was looking for. I've listened to Slow German and others for awhile, but they get stale. This current events podcast (with slow speaking so I can learn) is perfect for me. Interesting and so helpful.
More stories about Germany please.
Fun to listen to, but please read more stories about German news and less about American.
super learning resource
and living in the US, it's fascinating to hear the news from another perspective
Sehr gut
Ich höre es jeden Tag an!
Great resource
This is the best thing ever. DW are saints to keep it up. I wish more news organizations did this.
Vielen dank!!
Sowohl aktuell als hilfreich
Great way to get back into language learning after a long hiatus while keeping abreast of current events
This is an amazing resource!
Thank you so much for making these recordings available. This is *so* helpful.
Painfully boring
This podcast killed my motivation to learn German. It shouldn't just be slow. It should be interesting. It sounds like a machine is reading these stories.
The best!
This is amazing, thank you! It's exactly what I was looking for: news in German that I can actually understand! =)
Langsamgesprochene Nachrichten
This is simply excellent. To think that it is without cost to us is amazing. Thank you so much.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for this podcast!!! I really appreciate your effort to help us who are trying to learn German better :-) You have made a very smart solution!
Are L
This has been a great tool for working on my German!
Gar niicht zu langsam!
I'm seeing complaints that this broadcast is being spoken too slowly. I completely disagree. The whole point of this program I to help non-native German speakers improve their understanding of spoken German. Langsamgesprochene is in its very title. There are dozens of other programs available that are spoken at a normal pace. Please don't speed up this broadcast.
Extremely helpful!
Vielen Dank
Das ist toll!Es ist sehr nützlich für uns ,die Deutsch Lernen. Danke schön!
Sehr hilfreiche Sache! Aber es muss manchmal ein bisschen schneller gesprochen werden!
Valentin Bondaruk
Perfect to practice my ear
Bob Prue
Zu langsam..
Exactly what I needed
This is what every student of German needs. Daily training of the German ear as well as practice of the vokab already learned. I wish they would do this with more topics and not just news. But this is great enough too.
Great way to keep the language fresh!
Thank you very much for this podcast. I just finished up my univerisity studies of the German language nearly a year ago. This is a great way for me to keep the language fresh!
Thank you DW!
This is a wonderful asset for learning German. It's so helpful to be able to hear current events being read slowly, so that one has a bit more time to digest, infer meaning, or note a new word. The iPhone also has a half-speed playback option, and sometimes I even use that with the slow Nachricht, to make sure I'm really catching everything. Thanks again, DW!
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