The Kris Vallotton Podcast
The Kris Vallotton Podcast
Kris Vallotton
Kris Vallotton is the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding California and has served on Bill Johnson’s apostolic team for more than thirty-three years. He has written seven books including the best-selling, Supernatural Ways of Royalty. Kris Vallotton’s revelatory insight and humorous delivery make him a much sought-after international conference speaker. Kris is the co-founder and senior overseer of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, which has grown to more than thirteen hundred full-time students in thirteen years. He is also the founder and president of Moral Revolution, an organization dedicated to cultural transformation. This podcast is a collection of his sermons that he's made available to the public.
Live Q&A - How To Be A Present Father
In today’s Live Q&A replay, Kris will be answering some very practical questions about being present as a father. He discusses a father’s role to provide, promote and protect as well as sharing personal stories of becoming a father himself. He shares how to stay connected, engaged, and present with your kids from their younger years into adolescence. Join us to be encouraged and equipped with practical next steps toward being amore present father with your children! 0:49 - What do you mean when you say fathers protect, promote, and provide? 8:31 - What was your experience as a new dad when your first kid was born? Was it easy to know what to do or did you have to learn how to be a good father? 11:37 - What if I don’t feel bonded to my kid? Is it too late to build that emotional connection? 13:11 - How can I be a present father with so many responsibilities? 16:12 - How can fathers build strong relationships with their teenage children? Does it look different when they were younger? 20:22 - Do you have any input on how fathers should navigate co-parenting after divorce or separation? Get the Book Uprising here: Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
Jun 3
26 min
Cultural Catalyst With Dan Ferriera || Grow Your Business by Developing Your People
In this week’s episode of Cultural Catalysts, join us as we delve into the journey of a man who has not only built successful businesses and homes but also empowered individuals. Dan Ferreira is Founder and CEO of US Offsite, a company that manufactures prefabricated homes and buildings all across California. During the conversation, we discuss the challenges of innovating in the manufacturing industry, explore strategies for overcoming obstacles, and impart invaluable business advice exemplifying the principles of compassion and integrity. Connect with Dan Ferriera: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Youtube: Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
May 22
38 min
Live Q&A - Navigating Fatherlessness
In today’s live replay, Kris shares about his book, Uprising: The Epic Battle for the Most Fatherless Generation in History. Join us as Kris talks about the origin of this parental problem, how it unfolds in culture today, and how we can discover the role we play in this fight. Kris shares how a father’s role is to provide, promote, and protect, but society is challenging this noble call. Listen in as Kris shares how we can help boys become men, men become fathers, and fathers become great fathers! Get the Book Uprising here: Click here to learn more about BraveCo: Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
May 16
16 min
Cultural Catalyst with Elijah Vallotton and Alley Vallotton || Christ In Crisis
In today's episode of Cultural Catalyst, hear an inspiring conversation about the extraordinary work of Bethel Global Response (BGR), a disaster relief team that's changing lives around the world. From war-torn Ukraine to the Tijuana border crisis, BGR is bringing hope and tangible support to those in their darkest hours. In this episode, I sit down with Elijah Vallotton, BGR Director, and Alley Vallotton, a BGR volunteer. They share firsthand accounts of BGR's recent missions and the incredible impact they're making in communities in crisis. From distributing aid to offering compassionate support, BGR exemplifies the love of Jesus in action. Don't miss this powerful conversation filled with stories of resilience, restoration, and the transformative power of supernatural love. Together, let's make a difference and be the hands and feet of Jesus in a world that desperately needs hope. Learn more about Bethel Global response here: Website: Instagram: Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
May 8
35 min
Live Q&A - Answering All Your Questions About Morality
In this week's Live Q&A Replay, Kris answers your questions about morality! When it comes to sex and sexuality, culture is very different now than it was 20 years ago! If parents aren’t active in teaching their kids about healthy, biblical sexuality, then kids will learn from what culture says about it! Kris answers questions about how we can learn about healthy sexuality for kids, as well as for people who are single, dating, and married! 1:43 - How do you think the church should be approaching purity today? 4:43 - What does the Bible say about healthy sexuality? 10:21 - How do you live a life free of porn? 11:39 - How do you deal with moral sin in the church? 13:02 - What are soul ties? 14:53 - When do I cross the line into making a soul tie with someone? 16:57 - When do you start teaching your kids about sex? 20:34 - How can we help individuals who were sexually abused as children reshape their first understanding of sexuality? 21:22 - What would you say is the key to shifting the culture of immorality in the world? 22:13 - How do you know if you’re called to be single? 25:27 - Is there a book parents could read to teach their children about sex? 25:43 - What is considered a healthy sex life in your marriage? Get the book “Moral Revolution” here: Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
May 6
28 min
Live Q&A - Identifying as a Child of God
In this week's Live Q&A replay, Kris talks about what it looks like to be a child of God. When Jesus died on the cross, he didn’t just pay for the penalty of our sins; he actually came to invite us into His family. Because of what Jesus did, we can be called sons and daughters of God! What happens when believers start to understand the power of the cross fully? We start to grow in our understanding of our identity. We are no longer sinners, but children of God! Get Supernatural Ways of Royalty: Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
Apr 29
22 min
Cultural Catalyst with Ross Johnston || The Gospel and Sexuality
In this week's episode of Cultural Catalyst, I was joined by Ross Johnston, a man whose unlikely beginning could hardly hint at his future. Ross was birthed through invitro fertilization to a lesbian couple and grew up in a home without God, and without a father in his life. It wasn’t until he was 15 years old that he heard the gospel for the first time and immediately gave his life to the Lord. His decision to follow Christ changed everything. Today, he is leading one of the largest evangelical movements in California. Against all odds, Ross heard the Gospel, and the Lord has been using him all across California to bring people into the Kingdom Connect with Ross: Instagram: Connect with California Will Be Saved: Instagram: Website: Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
Apr 24
30 min
Live Q&A - The Power Of Love In Family
In this week's Live Q&A replay, Kris talks about building a healthy family. Raising kids can be one of life's most challenging yet rewarding experiences, but what does it look like to intentionally create a healthy and fun family culture? Kris shares about his and Kathy's experience raising their three kids! Proverbs tells us to "Raise up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Listen in as Kris answers questions and shares stories of success and failure with raising kids! 1:26 - What does it look like to partner with the Holy Spirit in raising your kids 5:21 - How did you and Kathy raise your kids to love God? 8:42 - How did you create family culture? 9:57 - How do you incorporate prophetic activations with your kids? 11:03 - Do you have any tips to help kids discern worldly deceptions and Holy Spirit truth? 17:50 - How do you pray for grown children who have wandered from the Lord? 19:19 - How do you teach grown kids about picking a spouse? 22:17 - Any advice for a mom when the father isn’t a believer? Click this link to express interest in Regis Summit: Check out the book, Loving Your Kids on Purpose by Danny Silk: Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
Apr 22
25 min
Sermon - Love Looks Like Something
On April 14, 2024, Kris Vallotton preached a sermon on the power of God's love. As Believers, we have the privilege of receiving God's love, but in this message, Kris challenges our ability to show love to other people. It isn't hard to love those who are in our circle,the ones we enjoy being around, but do we show that same love to those we dislike or disagree with? Jesus takes it one step further and tells us to love our enemies! Kris walks us through scripture and impactful stories that clearly demonstrate Jesus’ call for us to love everyone! Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton:… About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
Apr 19
42 min
Live Q&A - Protect Kids Act 2024 with Kris Vallotton and Elizabeth Woning
In this week's Live Q&A Replay, Kris sits down with Elizabeth Woning to talk about the Protect Kids Act 2024. The truth is, sexuality in culture is much different than it was 25 years ago. In today's culture, we face a crisis of sexual identity like never before, as the tension of biological facts clash with societal norms of the current decade. Elizabeth shares the reality of the LGBTQ+ movement and how it impacts our kids. Later on in the episode, they talk about the Protect Kids Act of 2024, a piece of legislation that takes measures to protect children from some of the ramifications of this movement! Connect with Kris Vallotton: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Additional Resources by Kris Vallotton: About Kris Vallotton: Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
Apr 15
25 min
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