Dark To Light with Frank & Beanz
Dark To Light with Frank & Beanz
Tracy Beanz
via Podcasts
Omg who are you!!!! LOVE IT!!
Who are you??? You’re so awake! Thank you so much for talking about vaccine lies, vaccine injury, and pHarma evil! So refreshing! Just discovered this show!
Mississippi girl in Alaska
They say Klinesmith got a lawyer and turned himself in he got scared. I hope wiseman is the next to get charged.. Love and Peace !!!!
cozy in alaska
Love your show!!
Tracy, thank you so much for all that you do! I truly appreciate your coverage of the Missouri v Biden case. It’s been very enlightening.
Easier to donate
Tracy and Frank. Fantastic podcast. I look forward to every episode. Top notch journalism…… which is so rare these days Tracy…… the uncoverDC support tab is a bit annoying to jump thru the hoops. The “ link” sign up is slow and kicked me out twice. May wanna make that much easier. Many people would ve just stopped i think. I wanted to support the work you are doing on the Missouri v Biden case. And i did. Keep it up. You are doing very important work. God bless you
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Don malbec
Get Off Your High Horse!
I used to love this podcast. The banter between Frank and Tracy was great. But whenever Frank is gone, the show has become unbearable to listen to. Tracy can come across as arrogant because she tends to speak with a “matter of fact” tone and constantly argues with commenters that don’t fall in line. Stop wasting our time on petty emotional arguments with trolls and give us the content for which we have subscribed.
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Truth by Tracy
Great show. You are amazing & thank you for your work. Heard you on Steve Deace show & so glad found you. God bless & wish were more of you & us. Prayer to you & your family
Sainthood Candidate
I know in my soul that Tracy Beanz is a candidate for sainthoood. Granted Tracy’s language would get her mouth washed out by Sister Bernadette, but many known Saints were sinners. There are more saints in heaven than are known by the church. Tracy will be one of them😇 on earth she Is God’s left hand. So am I ! Many Years Tracy Beanz ☦️
Beans is the Light!
Great show, especially like the energy Beans brings
You need help.
I used to love this show, now not so much.You ought to bring Mike Opelka back.
It’s Good
Good show. I’ll give it a little more time. A little too much estrogen at times, but still informative. It seems like most pcasts are coming from an excited moment for a mostly excitable situation. Frank really fits in. He seems excited.
Love the show but…..
Your misinformed about RFK and the libertarian party Tracy! Love your show love Frank and respect you greatly but RFK jr is now shunned from the libertarian party after he 1000% supports Israel’s genocide going on right now. He’s got IDF people running his campaign so no absolutely not going to be endorsed under the libertarian party. Angela must of said that before he openly supported genocide
TDS Tracy
The TDS is so strong, I can’t even listen anymore. Tracy blames Trump for the vaccines. But, guess what? Trump didn’t grant you liberty, Tracy. And, he didn’t take it away from anyone either. Sometimes I think she is just tucking tail so she doesn’t get targeted by the Biden DOJ, which is almost more shameful. Have a spine and stand up for TRUTH. Switched to “Quite Frankly”, Frank’s podcast.
Why use foul language?
I have a hard time listening to important issues when the host uses language more suited to the locker room. I always try to select my vocabulary carefully so as to maximize chances of convincing my listeners.
Frank is great
I’ve listened to every episode of this podcast from the start. It’s always been my first podcast in the mornings as I start three times per week . However, since Tracy has become a Ron Desantis supporter and no longer supports Trump, I can no longer support the podcast. She says she can’t get past how Trump handled the vaccines. We’re in a war and Trump has sacrificed everything (maybe including his life) to save the country. The only person in politics sacrificing anything for this country. Desantis is part of the system and will be another puppet like Bush, Obama, Clinton etc. So in this war for the very soul of our country, if you’re not for us then you’re against us. Her attitude has become extremely defensive and degrading to her listeners and at times Frank. So as she can’t get past Trump and the vaccines, I can’t get past her support of Desantis and her not so masked anti-Trump stance. I love her and Frank but just can’t continue to support the podcast.
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On of my Favorites
My sister turned me on to this show about 2 years ago and it's definitely one of the best in my library. Love you guys. Thanks for all you do. Keep it coming!!
Sundrop 32
Great show!!!
I love listening to these 2!!! They tell it the way it is!!! Also extremely entertaining. Thank you for all the great content guys, keep it coming.
Rosario in nj
Absolutely love this show.
There aren’t any shows I religiously listen to. But this show, I have listened to every episode for the last 2 1/2 years. The hard work and dedication shines through. No matter the subject, it’s an unbiased coverage. Keep rockin Frank and Beanz. And btw I love the way Tracy says “BEANZ”! It always puts a smile on my face!
Only here for Frank! I actually felt bad when her grandmother died and wrote her a nice message… never heard from her! She only answers the big accounts! I’m just a peasant! I can’t stand her voice either. Wish Frank would move on! His show is superior!!
The Nurse Penny interview was literally an OMG moment for me. Thank you to you both.
Tracy Beanz has a voice for print media
Tracy’s hypochondria is so tedious. I’m here solely for Frank. I wish Frank would recognize that Tracy sinks far below his level of professionalism and competence, and move on to someone worthy of his insight and talent.
Fudgy Fiddler
Excellent interview with Jennifer Sharp
Amazing interview with , Jennifer Sharp , director, writer of Anecdotals movie.
Great info
Full of great information
Tracy and Frank brilliantly mock this maniacal world
If you want the latest news with a snarky twist and down to earth insight, this is your podcast. I don’t miss an episode. You will be entertained!
Flaherty Directing Censorship
Jill Biden gets social media to remove jokes she doesn’t like? Maybe she can model her latest outfit she had made with the drapes from Motel 6 in El Paso when her potato head was visiting the tacos at the border?
Franky Val & Beanz
Thank u for the all the laughs in the last five minutes!
@darick on GETTR
Funny Trump part
actually it was Shawn Farash doing a President Trump impersonation and not President Trump, LOL, he nailed it ;).
Best podcast ever
My only complaint is I can’t figure out what the FLOWERBED Frank said, Tracy said Frank had said a naughty word. In the parlance of our time I don’t know words or combinations of words that are more offensive than what our elected officials are lobbying for. Js
Love your broadcast keep up the good work !
Kyle Seraphim is not trustworthy
He obfuscated too much when it came to Jan 6th. The FBI was too heavily involved. Don’t trust him. Liked the rest of the rest of the interview but he’s a liar. I think he was trotted out to make us trust the new Gestapo. You’re still awesome but Kyle is a lowlife double agent douchebage.
Doug in Natchitoches
Beanz & Franks
Where is Wednesday’s show? Why even Have a show if you’re not consistent? Frank phones it in, clearly. What are you guys doing?
doc lock
Great show
Thanks for always being on top of the news Tracy. I really appreciate your research. It was a terrific interview with Dr McCullough.
Green moon rising
Love them!
Tracy knows the dirt!
Sending immigrants north from Texas
Sorry you northerners are not wanting Texas and Arizona sending the illegal migrants to DC. So I suppose they should just stay down here? You don’t like that Abbott is sending them north? Sorry about the inconvenience. Maybe we should leave them all here for you to sit up there and not feel the burden. Get a grip. The feds control immigration. Not state governments. Maybe if the non border states join in then something can be done about this national problem. I am sick of hearing how we should keep all of the migrants in Texas. You should know better. But fake northern conservatives just don’t want to share in the responsibility of this invasion. This is a NATIONAL PROBLEM that requires a national response. So get on the right side of this instead of saying we need to keep them here. Abbott started this and now it’s getting a response. So it obviously was the right thing to do. It is costing us billions of dollars. We need help. Get off the we aren’t a border state so it’s not our problem mantra.
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Always informative and fun, lots of fun
Tracy and Frank are pure podcast gold. Enjoy hanging out with them during the week. Only wish it was every day. Thank you both for making the news worth listening to again.
Today was special! MBLV
Hi just adore Tracy and Frank. Today about her feeling good with a song after being so sad about life.I went to Citizen free press and found Tracy beans article. I love the way they discuss things full of heart and humor and intelligent and sincerity! Love you guys
Hot garbage
If you want to lose braincells this is the podcast for you.
Frank & Beanz!!
Yay the show is back!!! So happy to hear you two again as a duo!! Love you guys!
Good solo Tracy.
This was hard to listen to but I cannot imagine how hard it was to deliver the message. You are 100% spot on. Demonic, deliberate and well planned. God help us. Thanks for your work.
Keto Tony
Thank God Frank is returning all days.
Thank goodness Frank is going to be there all days not just some Friday shows. Now I can return to watching the Monday and Wednesday show which I stopped watching the second week of having ‘Mike’ on. I FFW’d through most of the few with him I listened to because he is obviously closer to a Lindsey Graham type who just loves all the Bush globalists and seemingly all the ‘Republicans’ we call rinos. Couldn’t take him. Happy Frank is returning so I can watch again.
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Great show!
I really enjoy listening to this podcast. The team is informed and real. I had quit listening to Mike Opelika a while ago, but I'm glad he's on this podcast. He has a very open mind and I should not have tuned him out so quickly. Tracy's laugh cracks me up and Frank adds so much knowledge. Thank you all for what you do!
Sharing God's word
My RELIABLE Go-To for all things Truth
Dark to Light and Uncover DC are always the first places I go to get real, HONEST news and updates. I can always rely on them to provide truthful reporting that is well-sourced and vetted. Tracy, Frank and the UDC team are part of the very small group of journalists left that actually have integrity. Thank you for the immense VALUE that you bring to me and all of your listeners!
Go listen to Robert Barnes comments on Durham investigation. I believe he spoke, most recently, on The Duran. His insight has given me great pause. I’m most definitely watching Johnny Depp… are you kidding? Nick Rekieta with Andrew Bracca, because they make me laugh. This trial is not unimportant. It shows how society is swayed by headlines and will ruin someone completely, on a lie. It’s happening with Gen. Flynn and, by association, yourself. I’m so glad I think of myself as an individual.. I am stunned by the numbers who only follow group-think.
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My favorite podcast along with Lou Dobbs, Warroom, & Monica Crowley. Pretty great company!
Warming up to Mike
Thank you! Great show as always!
James Wesley Blues
Mike is lame
Seriously- mike has to go. He’s so wrong on so many issues.
The real Ukraine story
Tracy, what an excellent job you did walking us through these events. You are the best!
Bethany Michele
Tracy Needs A New Cohost
Opelka is too annoying and egocentric; Frank is too mumbly and uninformed. The show requires someone who can keep up with Tracy's sharp well-read intellect.
Bobby WG.
Can’t stand new guy. Unlistenable.
Need more of frank.
I'm smarter because I listen to this show!
Tracy Beanz, Frank Val, and Mike Opelka make me feel smarter every time I listen to this show. Y'all are so fun and informative. I like this show even more now that you've added Mike Opelka. I had no idea who he was until I listened to him on this show. He's SUPER smart, clever, and funny! LOVE! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Where’s Frank?
I love’d your show so much. Beanz and Frank have given me so much fantastic information and insight since I started listening. I have been an avid listener but do have to say the two shows I listen to with Mike weren’t focused and didn’t have the same impact. I miss the old show! Frank and Beanz had great chemistry and provided so much knowledgeable content. Please get the show back on track!
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