Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast
Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast
Earwolf and Scott Aukerman
via Podcasts
Glen plapinger hahaha
Please have glen open the tour šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Boy Birdman
Long Live CBB!!
I forget how many years Iā€™ve been listening to this podcast and it has always just turned my frown upside down. I owe Hot Saucermab a debt of gratitude for bringing so much joy to my life on a weekly basis.
Comedy Bang! Bang!? There was just a new one last week!
Dr. Sweetchat
Anniversary show was insanely good. #GrandmaForSNL. I must request the return of Power Wheels Beth though. Quiet the Mime is excellent, but I need Beth and Grandma on the same show.
Iā€™m so wet
This has got to be wettest podcast since Joe Rogan
Comedy Bang Bang Saved My Life
Scott has cultivated a safe and silly place for the most ridiculous and hilarious comedians to play together. Thank you Scotty D!
I miss the plane breaks
ā€¦especially while baking a plain cake
procol harem cover band
Please listen to the 850th ep for all relevant and recent cultural references!! I love this podcast so muchā€¦
This is often a fun pod, with the exception of when Scott bogs it down, dragging funny people down to his level with his ā€œScott Plays Dumbā€ character. These are the episodes I really dislike. Otherwise I love me some CBB, especially when itā€™s got all stars like Andy Daly, Paul F Tompkins, Jason Mantzoukas, Jon Gabrus, Lily Sullivan, or Bennie Schwa on. This would be 5 stars if it werenā€™t for Scott
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Not Tom Selleck
Scott ā¤ļø Hentai
Scott needs an intervention for his debilitating hentai addiction.
Ya gotta laugh
CBB is the best podcast out there! I listen to it as a treat to myself when I have to do awful chores. Thanks to Scott and the Scrooge Gang, my house is spotless and Iā€™m laughing so hard Iā€™m crying while scrubbing toilets.
Funny guests, terrible host
Scott makes the show almost unlistenable but the guests make up for his lack of talent or humor.
Every nickname is already take
Awesome show. Great job!
Bravo, Scotterick. Bravo.
Another laki-laki
More Gil Ozeri plz!
I love CBB and will continue to listen regardless, but we need more Gil. He is A-block material.
Dana Murphyyy
Always insane. Always funny.
So much of my mental and emotional effort is spent in anticipation of the next episode. Thank you for existing. PS Whereā€™s the hentai at?
Itā€™d be great butā€¦
The editing of this show has a just bad. It used to be good but now the show skips around so much that itā€™s disorienting. It will jump back two minutes or skip forward multiple times per show and you just have to figure out what the heck is going on. Funny guests and Scott is pretty good but itā€™s almost become unlistenable.
So so good
Daddy likes milk
More Gabrus
Love that guy
Sunshine is my name
We need more of him. Thank yooooouuu, thank yoooooouuu. Gimme that wheat!
Many Graphic Sexual References
In many episodes a man, and woman talk about his penis. Sometimes you put a guest person name on Google and write topless next to it you get reward.
The first time in a year and the only time we
The first thing that was a good app was to use and it would have to have the same thing as the same app I had on
ndndjudi United
Very funny.
Makes all other podcasts less funny :P
Seriously, the guests on this podcast are unbelievable. The host Scott Aukerman is a beast at directing the madness and playing along. Sometimes if you avoid looking at the guests you will be surprised to find out it's someone you know because they do such a great job in character. The show is easy to get into for the new listener as well. You must try this one out if you haven't already!!!
Duh dha duh duh duh duh da da
Is the best character Ever Tears šŸ¤£
It Doesnā€™t Matter
Scott was great on the It Doesn't Matter Patreon podcast. Really funny dude
Oscar Santana Lies
Sometimes it feels like the funniest podcast ever made, sometimes itā€™s nightmarishly unlistenable (Iā€™m looking at you January 1st 2023). I guess that averages to a perfect 5/5 stars?
Special Guests
I love how they have a picture of the real Andrew Lloyd Webber in the description. Heā€™s one of the best guests.
Letting you know
You are a pencil police. Squares!
Itā€™s Not Hentai
But how do you balance work and family?
More Dickie Donnelley
Tiny shirt big belly sharp teeth big gust of wind
Absolutely funny!
Iā€™ve been a longtime fan of just about everyone affiliated with this podcast/show. From back when Me. Show was on air (Scott A wrote and performed as well as frequent guest P.F. T). The improv is always interesting and almost always funny. Itā€™s such a unique brand of comedy and itā€™s pretty great to just listen and roll with it. The ā€˜best ofā€™sā€™ are a great intro into some really funny bits of you havenā€™t listened before. I totally appreciate the lack of seriousness(I mean theyā€™re pretty serious about being funny!) which provides such a relief to listen. I highly recommend this podcast/the tv show version as well! Love CBB!
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Swilley; yet amusing
A fascinating podcast that explores the history & exploits of movers & shakers from a variety of backgrounds. Hosted by some dude with good enunciation.
Consistently Funny
If you listen to one of the great episodes, which is guaranteed if the guests include Paul F Tompkins, Lilly Sullivan, or Lisa Gilroy, and it fits your sense of humor, then you can count on enjoying 99% of the other episodes.
Improv and absurdist heaven
Take it from a stranger on the internet! This show is improv and absurdist heaven!
Wellā€¦ goodā€¦ more songs by Benny boy though
not Lennon
Need to Change the Host
The problem I have with this show is the host Scott Aukerman. For a show that is primarily improv based, he has absolutely zero improv talent. When he attempts to interact with one of his guests, it usually brings the show to a grinding halt when his jokes fall flat. Love Paul F. Tompkins. Maybe he should take over host duties?
Lily Sullivan is the best!!
I love this podcast but can we please have more Lily Sullivan??
Have the podcasters who play Paul and Sasha on the podcast Community News with Paul and Sasha on comedy bang bang. They are 2 of the FUNNIEST podcasters and their episodic, serial show is so unique. Please book them so we can learn more about who they really are. itā€™s like a show within a show.
I like
This podcast
I love this podcastā€¦I always listen as soon as itā€™s released and always look forward to the next episode. Always great when PFT is a guest!
Jersey Girl 1980
Itā€™s funny every single time. Not much more you can say.
Please make fun of Muslims
I wanna hear some funny Mohamed jokes!!! Come on Scott and Tom Pumpkins you guys can do better than the old Jesus jokes right? Enlighten us with ur funnies on Islam brobeans!
Bing bong
I love it!
Cordial Savage
Listen to best of episodes first
My only complaint is that the improv bits inevitably tend to go for cheap butt hole jokes. Love PFT
5 star diarrhea
Listen to the best of! Then wait a year
I happened to listen to one of tge Best of episodds last year and loved it! Then I started listening to the weekly podcast, and itā€™s not so great.
Turns Work into Fun
Iā€™ve had so many back breaking hard days on the job where Scott and his guests were able to make me cry laughing. Iā€™m so appreciative of Scott and his team for over 15 years of keeping me entertained for FREE. Love you Scott & Kulap and CONGRATULATIONS
7th Evan
Spark-a-lonius NEEDED youuuu
Spark-a-lonius WANTED YOUUU!!!
Eee Em Bee
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