Big Brains
Big Brains
University of Chicago Podcast Network
via Podcasts
More Dr. Doty
Manifesting intentions was riveting! More of his research and thinking please. Shauna Hill
Shauna NI
What a gem!
Ever curious about ANYTHING and want to learn about that topic from the leading researchers or experts on that field? Well this has been such a true gem and a fun listen. Kudos!
On Personalized Law through AI tools.
Archie Bunker would love this idea — as long as the Christian cannons are the criteria. How an academically serious person can make the many suggestions that the professor provided is ridiculous. Now, … I have not read the book. If it is satirical in theme, Norman Lear would approve.
August 10th issue on AI with Rebecca Willett
The contents of the podcast (based on the transcript) would not be essentially altered if every use of the term “AI” were to be replaced by “statistics” (or perhaps “computational statistics”. The current state of the AI research field is that it is dominated by “statistical” methods, such as “machine learning” and “neural nets”. It is debatable whether “intelligence” is involved or is relevant to this work. There has clearly been a major “breakthrough” in modern statistics where the use of data structures and algorithms (e.g. neural nets and their training) has overshadowed the classical methods based on analytic functions (distributions). The use of “AI” in science should amount to use of these new, modern methods of statistical modeling. Use of “Large Language Models” and chatbots based on them should definitely be discouraged, in science as in medicine, law, or any other field where truth and accuracy and judgement are valued.
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Must subscribe podcast
Big Brains podcast is an absolute must-listen for anyone interested in gaining insights into the minds of some of the most influential people in the world today. Each episode features in-depth interviews with top academics, experts, and researchers who share their expertise and experience on topics ranging from technology, science, politics, and much more. The podcast host, Paul Rand, is an incredible interviewer who knows how to ask thought-provoking questions that stimulate engaging and informative discussions. The guests are experts in their fields and share their knowledge in a way that is both accessible and fascinating. One of the standout features of Big Brains is its ability to make complex topics easy to understand. Whether you are an expert in the field or a curious listener, you will leave each episode with a better understanding of the topic and its relevance in today's world. Overall, I highly recommend the Big Brains podcast to anyone who wants to expand their knowledge and stay up to date with the latest trends and ideas in various fields. It is a must-listen for anyone who wants to engage in intelligent discussions and gain valuable insights from some of the brightest minds in the world."
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How the Food Industry Created Today’s Obesity Crisis, with Marion Nestle
Thank you for a very funny (I hope not unintentionally) podcast interview with Marion Nestle. I had forgotten what prima donnas college professors could be. I loved it when the interviewer posited that nutrition advice had changed over time, only to be met with her answer, “I completely disagree”, followed by a reference to a 1950s study that said we should eat more fruits and vegetables and get enough sleep. Yep, conclusive proof that absolutely nothing has changed. So ridiculously funny. I also laughed when she suggested that the Internal Revenue Code should not allow food companies to deduct their marketing costs as business expenses. Hilarious. Wouldn’t we all be better off if food companies could only take tax deductions for expenses that Marion pre-approved? But my favorite was the interviewer’s last question when he asked Marion what we would see in her shopping cart if we could follow her through a grocery store. And she completely ignored the question other than to mention that she is entertained by the nutrition labels on food packages. Not as entertained as I was by her know-it-all haughtiness. Marion’s certainty in all things and disdain for others was for me, and I’m sure for many others who see the world as a place that is not starkly black or white, nothing less than comic genius. Thanks again.
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LOL listener
Time well spent
Since listening to one of the earliest podcasts on human evolution to a more recent one on the Good Life, I’ve consistently benefited from Big Brains’ meaningful curation and understanding of thought-provoking content and guests - and you will too. Thank you!
So refreshing to here novel ideas so clearly explained
bradlet hh
Fun show, good and thoughtful host
I enjoy the breadth or topics this show covers and the thoughtful questions asked about the guests’ topics of expertise.
TDS Strikes Again
Unfortunately the first episode I listened to had Zingales, who as usual was thoughtful intellectually honest and well informed and a political scientist who was clearly suffering from Trump derangement syndrome which came through in his blatantly biased and intellectually dishonest views and opinions. And…today mass incarceration w/o the data
UofC Optimistic Sceptic
Great podcast, inspired me to apply to UChicago
I had been listening to Big Brains for a while and I always liked their focus on research. It exposed me to professors and areas of focus of the University of Chicago and helped me develop a sense of belonging, that ultimately was a factor that motivated my application for a Master program at the Harris School of Public Policy. I really recommend this podcast!
Digestible Learning!
Love short podcasts that give a lot of info and bring experts to share their experiences.
Inspired me to continue my education
I was one of those smart high school student with no particular interest because I was interested in EVERYTHING but was depressed because I struggled to think of a possible career for myself. I remember the first time I was listening to this podcast in 2019. I was actually writing my college applications, one was for UChicago, and listening to experts on a variety of subjects excited me so much that I got even more confused on what I wanted to major in. At the same time, the interviewees were even more curious than me, and that was a reminder that it is a personal choice to explore outside of one’s career field, rather than limitations existing. So while Iearning about research that isn’t in textbooks yet, I was also getting a weekly reminder that I need to go further in education. Big Brains promotes reflection and limitless curiosity beyond the episodes. It is inspiring, informative, but also engaging. It treats bewilderment not as a weakness but as a renewable fuel. So, thank you, Big Brains, as you have changed my life.
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Big Brains Podcast
The different topics are very educational and interesting! The engaging of discussion of each topic has my attention! Please keep this going Paul Rand you are doing an amazing job!
Lady BeBe04
Excellent content on Big Brains!
Love listening to this podcast during my daily walks!
Outstanding content, brilliantly presented
Each episode is filled with a genuinely novel idea that is presented by a genuinely brilliant thought leader. It is a joy to listen to and learn from and Paul Rand is a gifted host.
Great Podcast
I always learn something new.
Bellow Chicago
Great podcast
Love this podcast; I never miss an episode
Supreme Court podcast
Not a thoughtful or academic podcast, but entirely political. It would be appropriate for a university to look at both sides of an issue like appointing Supreme Court Justices - or to have the intellectual integrity to acknowledge a bias. Disappointing.
This podcast is always so thought provoking: it’s like quintessential cocktail chatter and helps push conversation always love the topics chosen.
Fantastic ideas that make you think!
I adore the Big Brains podcast because the storytelling makes the research from Uchicago faculty come alive. The topics are often counter-intuitive and always illuminating! Joanie
Well produced and dynamic
I really enjoy Big Brains because of its content but also because it’s dynamic and plays clips and recordings that are relevant to what the speaker is talking about. It is very well produced and I appreciate that it is not just hearing two people talk.
Informative, thought-provoking, approachable
This is a great podcast that gets you thinking on a range of topics. The host has an approachable manner that gets his expert guests to open up like they are having a cup of coffee together. He also asks the questions that I would want to ask. The result is that listening to this podcast puts you on the campus of one of the world's leading education and research institutions.
Top podcast
Amazing guests. Thought provoking topics. A must-have on my playlist. Highly recommend Big Brains!
Fresh insights
For the last few years as a student at UChicago, I have listened to the Big Brains podcast and really enjoyed the freshness of the insights which the conversations bring out.
If You’re a Curious One...
... then this is the podcast for you. Each episode discusses the research of a different UChicago faculty member. The host Paul Rand has an incredible way of making the guests feel comfortable. Unlike in other academic podcasts, the research is described in a way that makes sense to the public, minus the jargon and minutiae. Even if you have no affiliation with the University of Chicago, this podcast is smart, fun, and interesting, and it satisfies my hunger for new ideas during my 30-minute drive to work.
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A Cure for Boredom
I like listening to podcasts when I’m bored or while multitasking and I have to say Big Brains has some of the best content I have come across. The podcasts are like surprises because they jump into all sorts of topics - many of which I have seldom thought of but that now make my brain tick.
Listentome cuzimgood
Great podcast! So many interesting topics! Anyone can find something!
Fabulous podcast for the inquisitive mind
This podcast is wonderful! Lots of different and interesting topics, by movers and shakers in the field.
Alchemy 1
Great source a knowledge from a trustworthy source! Keep up the good work!
Would recommend
Great content and great production.
Big Brains
Thanks Uchicago for the great content.
Ron Schwieters
A really informative and engaging listen
Big Brains covers a lot of topics, so it’s a really great way to get insight into a number of interesting issues. I feel just a tiny bit smarter after listening.
Spooky Jones
Great Series
I love these podcasts. The diverse range of thoughts and speakers are truly enlightening and should inspire anyone who listens regularly.
Interesting podcast!
I am fascinated with this podcast. Very informative!
My favorite to listen to
So interesting! Well put together
Love this podcast!! Thanks for highlighting UChicago science :)
I love it!
I absolutely love this podcast! It is very informational.
Ride to School
My 10 year-old and I listen on the way to school. We listen, we hit pause for questions, and by the time I drop him off he’s a little bit smarter. Intriguing topics and engaging guests. Perfect morning radio.
Great podcast
Very informative! 10/10
Love this podcast
Great podcast! It’s a must listen!
Incredible show and even more incredible merch!
Fantastic Podcast!
Hands down my new favorite podcast! I love the diverse range of topics, expert guests and the way they distill incredibly complex information into an enjoyable and educational podcast. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone looking to expand their knowledge, and if you are anything like me, you will become a dedicated listener after episode one!
Eye Opener
Insightful commentary on some very interesting topics. Paul Rand helps listeners understand and really get to know a wide variety of expert guests. Whether it's a subject of interest or not, it's well worth your time to give each podcast a listen as you're likely to hear something new that you might not have given thought to before. Keep up the great work!
Fantastic talks given by experts!
UID 1926972
Varied topics with UChicago expert insight, great for those who want to learn about anything and everything!
Listener and Learner
What a great find! The content here is a great mix of social commentary AND how the university staff and students are trying to make a difference. Some really cool stories that show how their research and studies get applied to real world solutions.
Critical conversations
I was thrilled to find this podcast. I’m learning a lot from the diversity of knowledge on here. Can’t wait for new episodes!
Breaking It Down
Honestly, it's difficult to find podcasts that can share academic research in a compelling and interesting way. But this show manages to pull it off. Excited to see what's next for this show!
Vietnam and the Rise if White Power
An eye opening analysis of the effects of war and specifically the Vietnam way have on energizing white supremacy.
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