Ask Altucher
Ask Altucher
James Altucher: Your daily dose of inspiration on how to Choose Yourself /
Ep 286: Help, I'm Homeless
13 minutes Posted Jun 8, 2015 at 3:47 am.
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Last Thursday on our Ask Altucher Episode #283:
James said: "How many homeless people do you know? It's harder to become homeless than you think."
And while he still believes that to be true, James had a long-time listener write in to tell him and Claudia that the listener is homeless and living in an airport.
You'll hear the pain in Claudia's voice as she talks about this.
This person has been sending James and Claudia his daily 10 ideas for a while now, but something is missing from them. Claudia says she believes she knows the reason.
The listener doesn't have a roof over his head. And that's where he should begin.
To come up with 10 great ideas a day, James says you have to have the four legs of a complete daily practice: You have be physically healthy, emotionally healthy, mentally healthy and spiritually healthy.
Being homeless is robbing this person of all four legs.
David Newman
P.S. "James' Hack" – How to Make Money Without a Job
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James Altucher's favorite books from The James Altucher Show podcast.
This giveaway includes over 30 hardcopy books, written by some of the most successful entrepreneurs, marketers, celebrities, and all around choose-yourselfers, including:
When to Rob a Bank by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner (authors of Freakonomics)
What to Do When It's Your Turn by Seth Godin
The Game by Neil Strauss
Bold by Peter Diamandis
Finding Ultra by Rich Roll
Ready. Fire. Aim by Michael Masterson
Plus 24 additional hardcopy books.