Podcasts – Extreme Health Radio
Podcasts – Extreme Health Radio
Justin Stellman
Weekly Natural Health Radio Show To Improve Your Life!
Vulnerable Pregnancy Twins Update, Supplements We’re Taking & So Much More!
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> In this episode of the show Kate and I discuss our pregnancy. We're having twin boys that are due sometime in June of 2018. Many people thought we were not healthy or able to have kids, which was quite the opposite actually. We would get so many emails from people giving us advice for how to get pregnant. We always thought that was rather strange because we were never really trying to get pregnant. There were a couple things going on in our lives that prevented us from trying to get pregnant. The first one was we wanted to setup a life and lifestyle that would allow us to continue pursuing our business (this radio show!) rather than having to get a regular job in corporate America. It takes a long time to build and audience and a viable business that you can live off of to support your lifestyle. So I wanted to make sure that we were ready financially. I know a person never really feels "ready" to have kids but part of what I'm good at is looking at the way other people live and modeling that. I can learn from how other people live and know exactly what I *don't* want. For example, I don't want to be in debt and working 2 full time jobs (unable to pursue my dream of helping people improve their health) to support my family. As long as we put off having kids to build a more stable income, I could do that. I also wanted to make sure we were able to control our time and schedule. There are so many health practices I do daily that I would never be able to do if I worked in a corporate office doing marketing for example. I like to take "sun breaks" every hour, I like to stop working when I'm tired and jump in my Relax FAR Infrared sauna (link below) if I need to. Sometimes what you want comes from knowing what you don't want. I knew I didn't want to live the kind of life most people live. I wanted to love my work and help people get healthy in the process, so that took time to build a business around that. With that said, waiting so long to have kids (I'm 42 now) was a necessary evil for us. On the flip side, Kate has had a lingering fibroid (about the size of a baseball) in her uterus for 10 years. My guess is that it developed as a result of being exposed to plastics, estrogen forming foods (before she knew better), xeno-estrogenic chemicals from working 19 years in a hair salon and the kicker....birth control pills. We tried multiple ways to shrink or get rid of the (not her) fibroid naturally. We were running out of both time and money. It is my belief that if she were 20 years old with endless resources we could have shrunk it naturally but we were running out of time and money. We even visited a surgeon to see what his thoughts were, which we discussed in our show. With no luck shrinking the fibroid naturally and no surgery, we had to take the leap at some point. So this is where we are now. I'm incredibly excited to have twin boys, it's going to be so much fun. So we talk about taking the fear out of pregnancy, protecting ourselves from negative and fear driven people and what vitamins and supplements we're taking for giving birth to two healthy babies. One Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) <a target="_blank" href="http://www.
May 6
1 hr 36 min
Evan Folds – How To Grow The Healthiest Food Possible In Your Home Garden Through Soil Mineralization
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> Evan Folds joined us today for the second time! He is the man behind Microbe Makers. To be honest he's such an interesting guy that I could have him on multiple times. He really is passionate about and understands growing food from a holistic perspective. Anybody that follows the work of Rudolf Steiner and Viktor Schauberger really knows what they're talking about. Evan is deep into this work. We talked about vortex energy, implosion vs explosion technology as well as more practical subject matter like soil ph and more. We specifically talked about soil microbes and how these microbes need to be in the soil (which is also true of our gut considering that we are basically infolded gardens that can ambulate) in order for other substances like rock dust and ocean minerals to really work correctly. If we can pick fresh foods from our gardens (that are grown with manure, composting, ocean minerals, rock dust and soil microbes) and eat them, juice them or blend them right before eating them, than that is where the magic is on a physical level. Imagine picking all your fruits and vegetables from your garden that are grown this way and making a fresh vegetable juice with it? Can you imagine the amount of minerals, electricity and ormus that could be in a drink like that? I simply cannot imagine a food or supplement any more powerful than that. Since we are "extreme" we want to offer you the most cutting edge technology for growing your own food. Heck if you get even more into it you could add something like Sonic Bloom to the mix! :) We hope you enjoy this show with Mr. Evan Folds and if you do please pass it on to your friends and family who want to take their health to the next level. Since our current soils in America our depleted in vitamins and minerals, it would be in our best interest to start growing our own food with love. We appreciate each and every one of you and thanks for listening and sharing! Sponsors For This Episode: Mountain Rose Herbs Living Libations Q-1000 Laser BARF World Raw Dog Food Complete Bone Health Program Good Morning Good Evening Qigong Show Notes For This Episode: Click here to download the show notes for THIS EPISODE.
May 5
1 hr 40 min
Jay Gutierrez – How He’s Using Low Radiation Stones To Heal The Body From Disease
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html]Jay Gutierrez joined us today from Pritchett Colorado. Jay discussed something called radiation hormesis. He's described as a medicine man and is working with people that are suffering with all kinds of diseases. He mainly works with cancer but if you go on his website you can see all the different types of health conditions he's working with. And apparently he's having lots of success. He actually goes deep into the mines and caves himself and extract these rare earth stones from the ground that give off a certain low level radiation. We're taught that radiation is bad. But that's just because typically when people are exposed to radiation it's in adulerated high frequency forms. If you think of an X-ray or radiation that you'd get along with chemotherapy and surgery for cancer then you need to protect your body from it. But radiation in very low dose forms that are naturally being emitted from stones is a different thing all together. It's like comparing apples to oranges. Jay seems like a humble man doing some pretty interesting work. He has these water stones that you can put into your water and be able to drink in this low level radiation. He also has green stones that can be used on the eyes for macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma and other eye diseases. The green stones can be used for many other purposes as well. It just depends on how creative you can get with them. Also he's got mud packs that are made from the crushed up radio active stones. Normally mud packs have to be used fresh every single time and can add up over years. But his mud packs are something you only buy once because the mud actually stays inside the plastic itself. So you can look at it as a one time investment. Mud packs are something used to remove toxins, chemicals and poisons from different areas of your body. They are extremely effective and I can't imagine how much better they'd be if they were made from mud that has low level radio activity in it. I think Jay Gutierrez is doing some very interesting work and if you're sick or simply want to take your health to the next level I would definitely call him up and see what happens. I hope you enjoy this interview with Jay as much as we did! * Why radiation is good for you * What happens if you're radiation deficient * How he uses his stones to promote health and healing * Where he mines his stones * How to use the stones for different health conditions * And so much more! Turns out radiation (according to Jay Gutierrez) is actually good for you. Find out why... - Click to tweet this! - Get Notified:[ois skin="Show Page2"] - Commercials: - Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! -
May 4
1 hr 5 min
Atom Bergstrom – The Cosmic Egg, Heart Health, How Light & Sound Affect Our Health & Much More!
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> Atom Bergstrom is the author of Yes No Maybe, Chronobiotic Nutrition. Like I said at the beginning of the show, Atom Bergstom is one of our most unique guests. I've you've stumbled across this page and this is your first exposure to Atom Bergstom or solar nutrition, you're in for a treat. Atom doesn't get his knowledge of health and nutrition from everybody else. His knowledge about minerals, color, vibration, health and longevity seem to come from some other dimension. This is why we love Atom Bergstrom so much. He's so darn unique and you will not find is information anywhere else on the internet. On this particular show we talked about the cosmic egg (we were going to talk about whole body dowsing as well as developing super human powers). We also jumped around a few topics at the beginning of the show where we discussed how to improve heart health and even why heart cancer isn't something that's talked about very much. Is it because the heart has a different frequency or voltage that it runs on? Is all healing based upon frequency and vibration? Why doesn't the heart get cancer? We also talked about how organs reflect to one another. For example if somebody dies of a heart attack, perhaps it was some other organ that caused the heart to shut down. Maybe it was their gallbladder or their stomach that caused the heart to stop working. He also mentioned in passing that the heart is not a pump which is a concept that most people have never heard. We've been taught all our lives that the heart pumps blood. Oh are we so wrong! Anyway I hope you enjoy this show with our good friend Atom Bergstrom! Show Notes Dr. Jerry Tennant Healing Is Voltage Mucusless Diet Healing System Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential Show With Dr. Bob Marshall Jay Kordich The Juiceman http://qnlabs.com/ http://www.sota.com/ http://www.bobbeck.com/ On Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Sponsor For This Episode:
May 3
1 hr 37 min
Dr. Robert Rowen – How Decreasing Toxins, Eliminating Stress & Increasing Nutrition Can Increase Your Energy & Impact Every Area Of Your Life
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> [include file=get-in-itunes.html]Today we had a great conversation with Dr. Robert Rowen. Dr. Robert Rowen is a titan in the natural health world and it was a great honor to have this conversation with him today. We talked about how he got started in natural medicine and his story is extremely interesting. I find it fascinating the gentlemen like him can have their eyes open to the extent that he did, even after having gone through the traditional Western medical industry. He's doing such amazing work with patients from all over the world with diseases such as heart disease, cancer, fatigue, arthritis and back pain, diabetes, autism, and more. I made the distinction during the show that Dr. Rowen obviously doesn't cure anybody of anything. In fact he even made the distinction on the show that he doesn't even treat diseases. He works on helping patients create healthy bodies and as a result their body along with God is what actually does the internal healing. If you watch his Youtube channel (see the link below to that) you can actually see him interview his patients before and after treatments and it's nothing short of amazing. Sometimes when we interview people like Dr. Rowen doing this kind of work I wish I could shake people and tell them they don't have to pursue intense, radical and aggressive treatments for their health conditions. I consider, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, drugs, and antibiotics to be extremely aggressive and in my opinion should only be used if every other healing modality on the earth has been attempted and has not got results in the patients. Unfortunately because people simply don't know about alternative and holistic health treatments they go for the most aggressive treatments first and then go for natural treatments after the drugs and surgery don't work. Unfortunately (in my opinion) the order in which you select these treatments is one of the most important factors in whether or not healing can occur. Think about it, how can the body whose immune system has been destroyed by antibiotics (anti-life) or chemotherapy actually heal itself? Personally I think that if you reverse the order in which you go for treatments you give yourself the highest chance of healing. What disease heals by using poison for its treatment? Your body isn't lacking drugs or lacking chemotherapy. You don't get headaches because your body is deficient in Tylenol. The same goes with any other chronic degenerative disease. What Dr. Robert Rowen is doing is nothing short of amazing. He uses treatments such as Intravenous vitamin C, Hydrogen peroxide, Ultraviolet blood irradiation, Ozone therapy, Oxidative medicine, prolozone injections, Energy medicine, Chelation therapy, Acupuncture and so much more. The healing modalities that he uses is so much more than you're going to receive at a traditional doctor. He's light years ahead of the standard treatments we've all learned about growing up. We hope you enjoy this show with Dr. Rowen and don't forget to comment below and share this interview with your friends using the buttons above! :) - Get Notified:[ois skin="Show Page2"] - Please Subscribe: Subscribe To Our Radio Show For Updates! - Other Shows:[include file=show-links.
May 1
1 hr 10 min
Morley Robbins Iron Toxicity, The Root Cause Protocol And How To STOP IT!
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> ANNOUNCEMENT: SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP REPAIR MITOCHONDRIA TO REDUCE OXIDATION & MAKE ATP * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet * Purely K - Reduce Calcification * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy! * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins! * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food * Use discount code EHR15 :) Morley Robbins (aka. “Magnesium Man”) is the founder of the MAGNESIUM ADVOCACY GROUP, and the creator of The Root Cause Protocol. Morley had been a hospital executive and consultant for 32 years when, several years ago, he developed a condition called “frozen shoulder.” His family doctor quickly recommended surgery as the only hope for Morley if he wanted to be able to lift his right hand above his waist ever again. Friends who owned a health food store intervened and encouraged Morley to try chiropractic care. His initial response: “Thanks guys, but I don’t do witchcraft.” This was a truly fascinating show with a man who understands minerals and the role they play in our health like nobody else! Talking points * Physicians only focus on thyroid, calcium and iron when they should be thinking about the adrenal glands, magnesium and copper * The vitamin D craze is out of control * How our dietary recommendations have destroyed our copper intake and absorption * High fructose corn syrup destroys copper and raises iron levels thus creating doctor’s offices filled with sick people * How can a person’s copper be off the charts while eating a good diet? * Getting tested for mineral levels through www.requestatest.com * Magnesium, zinc and copper are the main minerals we need to run our body properly; how stress affects our mineral levels even if we’re eating a great diet * Morley explains the role of copper in the methylation process * Morley shares his opinion of colloidal copper * What kind of numbers should we be seeing on an iron test? One Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going.
Apr 30
2 hr 19 min
Heather Jackson – How Cannabis Helped Her Son Go From 500 Seizures A Day To Almost None
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> I first heard about Heather Jackson and the Realm Of Caring a couple of years ago when I was researching on Youtube. I saw the work that she was doing and immediately added her to my "guests to contact" file. It took a couple of years go finally hook up and I'm glad we did. She's doing some pretty amazing things with cannabis and helping people learn more about their healing options through The Realm Of Caring. It was really amazing having her on the show to learn more about not just her incredible story of helping her son with epilepsy but also what she's done after learning about cannabis. Heather used cannabis (aka marijuana or hemp - she explains the differences in the podcast below) on her son with all those seizures and the results were pretty astounding. One of his worst days was 500 seizures in a single day. Now he has just a couple because he's consuming cannabis. Because of how much cannabis helped her son with epilepsy she started The Realm Of Caring. The Realm of Caring is an organization that helps bridge the gap between the doctors, traditional (or holistic) care and the patient. It's pretty amazing the work that she's now doing as a result of witnessing first hand the power of cannabis. I hope you enjoy the show! Please share if you think it's good. :) Thanks, Justin Show Notes http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/07/health/charlotte-child-medical-marijuana/ https://www.cwhemp.com/ http://www.procon.org/ One Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Sponsor For This Episode: * Extreme Health Academy * Qigong Moving Meditations * Bellicon Rebounders * Crystal Biomats Recommended Products For This Show * Oxy Powder * Shop Our Store * BARF World Raw Dog Food * One World Whey * The Relax Far Infrared S...
Apr 26
1 hr 25 min
Justin Stellman Featured on Mitolife Radio!
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> ANNOUNCEMENT: SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP REPAIR MITOCHONDRIA TO REDUCE OXIDATION & MAKE ATP * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet * Purely K - Reduce Calcification * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy! * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins! * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food * Use discount code EHR15 :) I was recently on the Mitolife Radio Show with Matt Blackburn. I remember years ago trying to encourage him to start a podcast and I'm glad he did. His show is by far my favorite so it was an honor he asked me to be on. Thank you Matt! Enjoy. On Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Thank you all! Sponsors For This Episode: Extreme Health Academy Use code EHR14 for a free 2 week trial! Colostrum Dissolve It All Enzymes - Use Code EHR15 to Save Relax FAR Infrared Sauna Bellicon Rebounders Vitamin E Pufa Protect - Use Code EHR15 to Save Featured Products For This Episode: AquaCu...
Apr 24
2 hr 46 min
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez – Why Individualized Diets Are Critical For Cancer Patients, High Dose Pancreatic Enzyme Therapies, Coffee Enemas & Much More!
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> ANNOUNCEMENT: SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP REPAIR MITOCHONDRIA TO REDUCE OXIDATION & MAKE ATP * Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification * PUFA Protect - Eliminating a lifetime of a high PUFA diet * Purely K - Reduce Calcification * NAD Power - Allow Your Mitochondria To Create Energy! * Probiotic Endotoxin Reducer - Lower Endotoxins! * Oyster Extract - Bioavailable Copper, Selenium & Zinc * Resilien-C - Whole Food Vitamin C * Panacea - Pure Shilijit 84 Minerals + Chelate Iron * Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food * Use discount code EHR15 :) It was a true honor to have Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on the show today. We've been very familiar with his work for a number of years now so it was a real joy to have him on so he could share his cutting edge research with all of you. He's the author of a number of books and his website is http://www.dr-gonzalez.com which contains lots of really helpful information. He's known for treating people with pancreatic cancer (which happens to be one of the more dangerous varieties of cancer and one of the most difficult to treat) but he also sees patients with all forms of cancer among other health challenges. He was saying on the show that he's been seeing a lot of women lately with breast cancer. It's interesting because I asked my conventional doctor about 13 years ago where cancer came from and why there seems to be so many younger people diagnosed these days. His answer was that we don't know where cancer comes from and the reason why "it seems" like cancer is more prevalent these days is that there are more people and we have the internet so news spreads fast. He does have a couple of points there. The sheer number of people in a population will create more diagnosis of cancer and yes the internet does make information more instant and wide spread. So those two things do have merit (in my opinion) but the fact that he said we don't know where cancer comes from is either a complete lie or total ignorance of the science. Even Otto Warhburg said in the 1920's that when a cell is deprived of 30% less oxygen for a specific amount of time, the cell then starts the process of differentiation which could lead to cancer. How could my doctor not know this? Well there are many reasons but the main reason in my opinion is that he's been com...
Apr 23
1 hr 16 min
Adam Marafioti – Methylene Blue – How It Works, What It Is, Why You Should Use It, How It Was Discovered & Where To Get It!
Check out and purchase my individual protocols here >> Some time ago I read a book called The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue and began learning and researching this magical substance. I was really excited to have on Adam Marafioti from LifeBlud on the show today. In this episode we talked specifically about methylene blue and its effects on the body. We talked about how it works, what areas of the body it impacts, why you should use it and where to get it. We also talked about how to nebulize it, put it on topically and even inject it for back pain. What methylene blue seems to do is carry electrons across the electron transport chain in the mitochondria. It's a surrogate for oxygen and can transform ferrous iron into ferric iron which has PROFOUND impacts on mitochondria respiration, oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production. Methylene blue is a very powerful product that I highly suggest you keeping on hand. For a limited time you can use the code EHR15 for a significant discount. If that code doesn't work, try EHR10. I like to use it to restore overall health, prevents flus and colds as well as it can be used in acute situations as well. On Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Thank you all! Sponsors For This Episode: Extreme Health Academy Use code EHR14 for a free 2 week trial! Mitolife Supplements Use code EHR145 to save! Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters Relax FAR Infrared Sauna Colostrum Joovv Red Light Therapy Featured Products For This Episode: Bellicon Rebounders Aloe Vera Blue Blockers Rapid Release Technology Pro 2 <a href="http://shop.extremehealthradio.com/product/barf-world-pet-food/" target="_blank...
Apr 22
1 hr 29 min
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