Bloomberg Surveillance
Bloomberg Surveillance
Surveillance: Trade War Is Unquantifiable Force, Normand Says
31 minutes Posted Aug 7, 2019 at 7:34 am.
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Conrad DeQuadros, RDQ Economics Senior Economist & Founding Partner, hopes the Fed realizes their role in driving the markets. David Pearl, Epoch Investment Partners Co-CIO and Portfolio Manager, says monetary policy in Europe has run out of gas. Fred Bergsten, Peterson Institute for International Economics Founding Director, thinks the Chinese have been quite careful not to manipulate in the sense of "driving their currency down." John Normand, JPMorgan Head of Cross Asset Fundamental Strategy, calls the risk of a trade war an "unquantifiable force." And Gina Martin Adams, Bloomberg Intelligence Chief Equity Strategist, says until a China-U.S. trade breakthrough is accomplished, the markets are going to remain very volatile. 

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