Generations Radio
Generations Radio
Kevin Swanson
The newest sermons from Generations Radio on SermonAudio.
Entertainment and Your Child – A Diet of Cotton Candy?
Kevin Swanson and Adam McManus address how difficult it has become to parent children in our world today. The world is doing badly, with many children spending over eight hours every day in online entertainment. Christians should have a purpose outside of video games and movies, redeeming the time, for the days are evil.--This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Muslims set fire to Christians' homes in Egypt, Teen suspended for -Only Two Genders- t-shirt, God's meteor shower---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 26
35 min
The Man / Woman Employment Conundrum - How Character Breaks Down
Employers are facing the toughest labor market in our lifetime. Men have lost reason and faith, character and stability. Men aren't getting married, and they aren't growing up. But each successive generation gets worse because they lack both fathers and mothers. The mothers of the next generation of children have rushed into the marketplace to fill in for the economy, and children are left home alone. Only 47- of grown men are married and stabilized in life, down from 73- in 1960. Meanwhile, the ratio of men to women in the workplace has increased from 91- to 34- -a 57- difference- to 89- to 78- -an 11- difference-. But how is that going to help-- Absent parents are the common denominator of many recent epidemics, including obesity, STDs, attention deficit disorder, and the use of psychiatric medications on even very young children. This thing is spiraling in the wrong direction. The solution will be found in the restoration of mothering, manhood, fathering, mentorship, and relationship. --This program includes- --1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -House Majority Leader gives glory to God- Tennessee bans discriminatory de-banking- Supreme Court hears another abortion case---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 25
29 min
Real Religion, Tough Religion, Christ Religion – Ministering Through Adoption
Visiting the orphan and widow. Adoption. It's real religion. It's tough religion at points. But it has to be a religion filled with faith and Christ, the whole journey. Here is a realistic, down-to-earth, loving, thoughtful, informative, wise, courageous, faith-filled, hopeful look at adoption through the eyes of a mom who has walked the journey. Kevin Swanson interviews Shari McMinn, author of her book called Adoption - Encouragement and Advice for a Hopeful Journey.--This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Scottish buffer zone around abortion mills, Florida greenlights volunteer school chaplains, Sudanese Muslim militants have damaged 150 churches---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 24
43 min
When The Purity Movement Fails - Celibacy vs. Marriage
Purity rings, purity vows, purity ceremonies, and dances were popular for a few decades among Christian groups. But, problems developed when the little boys didn't grow up and girls couldn't get married. Immaturity dominated, on-line porn took the boys down- and combining vows of celibacy with a delay of marriage -and a reputation of young marriages- was a killer for evangelicals. Why aren't our young men getting married-- Why aren't our girls getting married-- The just will live by faith, and they will marry by faith. The breakdown of faith involves the breakdown of family. We give some practical advice for young people on getting married in this short segment. --This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Pastor to Tucker Carlson- We need to repent of our sin, Capitol Bible Reading Marathon begins, Japan, Singapore and America guilty of growing debt the most---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 23
33 min
Satanic Worship in Pop Concerts - Five Satanic Devices to Be Aware Of
Satan worship has moved from Iron Maiden and Marilyn Manson to Madonna Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift Concerts. What started in the closet works its way into the bedroom . . .then on into the living room, and then it moves into the front yard, and now into the middle of the street. We provide a little historical background for revolutions. The French Revolution as the prototype for all future revolutions of the 19th and 20th Centuries, we review the spiritual-occultic preparation that came by the Illuminati and other secret societies early on. We list 5 strategies Satan uses to deceive Christians and non-Christians alike.--This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Former Congresswoman- U.S. Democrats have joined Team Hamas - Iran, Kennedys endorse Biden over RFK, Jr, Australian bishop forgives his Muslim stabber---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 22
32 min
Lapse in Moral Leadership - Does Moving to the Center Help
Moral leadership lapses as -democratically-elected- leaders are more likely to sway with popular opinion than stand for principle-- Republicans in swing states are fast moving away from a pro-life stance. But, does moving to the center really help to win elections-- Can you really count on the squishy 30-40- in the center to vote one way or another-- Who controls the winds----Who controls the center votes-- --This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -North Korea's hatred of Christians, High school student suspended for -illegal alien- phrase---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 19
30 min
Handling the Incorrigible Teen - The Matthew 15:4 Scenario
For the first time in American history, parents must serve serious prison time for the crimes committed by their teen kids. What should parents do if they are dealing with the Matthew 15-4 kid-- Jesus deals with the worst case scenario situation, affirming Old Testament law as God's standard of justice. But how does this apply today-- --This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Senate Democrats dismiss charges against Homeland Security Secretary, Ugandan Christian convert likely killed by Muslim son, Martin Luther- -My conscience is captive to the Word of God----2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 18
35 min
Indoctrinating Our Children - Government’s War on Faith, Family, & Our Children
Was it a conspiracy-- That's the question today. We follow the order here. First, governments gained absolute control of the schools, then they enforced godlessness in the schools, and then moral chaos. But is this really a conspiracy of the highest order to bring about this revolution-- Alex Newman follows the thread on for us on this edition of the program.--This program includes- --1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Christian golfer gives glory to God, 50,000 Polish march for life, 54- of Gen Zers- Bible transformed my life---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 17
36 min
The Rise and Fall of the East - Shall We Trust the UN. . . or China?
The Rise and Fall of the East comes just a tad bit after the Rise and Fall of the West.--All that to say that the next 20-30 years is going to get real interesting. China is losing 800,000,000 people in the largest population bomb in the history of the world.--Will the population bomb yield to the other bomb, as tensions rise in the east-- Why did our federal government fail to do the one thing it was supposed to do, since Reagan suggested Star Wars Defense--- --This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Nigerian Muslim kidnappers are increasingly bold, TSA intercepted 1,503 guns since January, Americans not getting enough sleep---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 16
30 min
Permissive Parenting on the Rise - Eli’s Problem
Apathy and permissive parenting is on the rise.--Parents less and less love their children enough to discipline them. And, parents less and less love God and honor God enough to correct them. This was Eli's problem, and God brought an end to Eli's household, entirely.--They all died. Here, we present a practical guide to discipline and teaching your children to obey their parents and to honor God.--This program includes---1. The World View in 5 Minutes with Adam McManus -Iran attacked Israel- Fox - Friends co-host Lawrence Jones is unapologetic Christian---2. Generations with Kevin Swanson
Apr 15
32 min
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