The Creative Exponent
The Creative Exponent
Marian Parsons & Shaunna West
2.8 Turning Your Creativity Into A Business
42 minutes Posted Mar 10, 2020 at 6:40 am.
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You make things. You create this art for people in your life. Maybe it began as a hobby; maybe it was a work you wanted to pursue and you had children, or started a 9 to 5 you cannot walk away from just yet. And you hear it: “You should sell these.” Turning your creativity into a business is often worth the risk, but the choice to take something you love and turn it into an income producing machine does come with responsibility and even pressure.
This week Shaunna and Marian talk through questions to ask yourself before you take the leap. To help you evaluate how ready you are, the negatives that might come along, and the positives that can outweigh pressures that do arise. This is not a checklist. This is a conversation to have with yourself before you step into the world of creative business or encouragement for you as you continue to grow the business you run.
You can find Marian and Shaunna at where they continue their passionate conversation around all things creative.