The Creative Exponent
The Creative Exponent
Marian Parsons & Shaunna West
18. Bouncing Back From Burnout
49 minutes Posted Nov 19, 2019 at 4:00 am.
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It is just simply difficult to truly unplug and give ourselves enough rest creatively. Pressure, stress, the to do list...all of these things eventually lead to some form of burnout. Doing creative work we love is no exception. This week Marian and Shaunna talk about their own seasons of extended burnout, and how often it can be tied to turning the creative work we love into an income producing business, lack of rest, lack of unplugging from the “audience” before us. They talk about how unplugging is a choice long before it becomes a habit, and how we can try to avoid burnout and how we often brush over the real issues causing it. They talk about how to truly deal with burnout as it inevitably comes, and how to try to navigate through it as quickly as possible.
You can find Marian and Shaunna at where they continue their passionate conversation around all things creative.