The Investor Mindset - Name Your Number Show [$]
The Investor Mindset - Name Your Number Show [$]
Passive Income Media, Steven Pesavento, Name Your Number Show, VonFinch Capital
E52: Getting Clarity: What Do You Really Want? - Steven Pesavento
18 minutes Posted Oct 9, 2019 at 11:05 pm.
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Finding your “why” starts with narrowing down the “what”. What is that thing you want? (a sports car? Your first house? An apartment building? To raise a certain amount of money? You get the picture)

The next step isn’t more difficult, but it’s the one that often gets left out...and it’s the one absolutely crucial for success. You’ve got to get below the surface and dig deep into the emotional reason behind the why. 


  1. Figure out WHY you want what you want 
  2. Connect with that why emotionally! (it won’t happen otherwise)
  3. Take CONSISTENT ACTION. Consistent action is the secret weapon
  4. Get hyper-focused
  5. Learn to say NO if the opportunity isn’t in alignment with your focus

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