Not So Wimpy Teacher Podcast
Not So Wimpy Teacher Podcast
Jamie Sears
Tips for Spiral Review
32 minutes Posted Sep 23, 2019 at 9:02 am.
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I am just going to come right out and say it...

I HATE worksheets.

I don't just dislike them. I literally hate them.

I didn't always have a choice. I was required to use certain worksheets. And in the past, I would give more worksheets than I should have. I used to print a spiral review worksheet for my kids to work on as morning work every day.

But I have learned and grown as an educator. I am going to challenge you to ditch those spiral review worksheets.

Why ditch the spiral review worksheets?

-They are boring and do not keep our learners engaged. -They almost never match your pacing guide. -They can be a huge time sucker.

How should I spiral then?

-Build spiral review into your small group time. -Give students review activities that are more engaging than a worksheet. I love to use centers and menus. -Keep the task cards handy. -Look for natural times to review during lessons. Use

What do you think? Are you up for the challenge of eliminating those spiral review worksheets?