The Sanctus Podcast on Mental Health
The Sanctus Podcast on Mental Health
#17: Sanctus Expert Reflections - Masculinity & Mental Health
1 hour 1 minutes Posted Jul 12, 2018 at 11:00 pm.
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After the podcast around masculinity on our roundtable on masculinity, we invited two incredibly knowledgeable and exciting guests onto the podcast to explore the issue in more detail.
Vic opens up the conversation around masculinity and mental health with:
Sharif H Joynson - an embodiment coach specialising in working with men and regularly facing masculinity as an issue in his clients.
Mel Cox - a psychotherapist and TRE Practitioner who works with many male clients on the issue of masculinity.
This detailed and exciting discussion is particularly advised for those who want to learn more about the topic or people that are struggling with it in their own mental health.
Music Credit:
Great Days by Joakim Karud
Music promoted by Audio Library