The Durenda Wilson Podcast
The Durenda Wilson Podcast
Durenda Wilson
Parenting With Confidence In A World Gone Mad (Podcast 44)
1 hour Posted Feb 26, 2019 at 9:56 am.
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As parents, it can be easy to become disoriented in our parenting...even more so for homeschooling parents!  We are with our kids 24/7 and in the daily busyness of trying to educate our children, we can forget that we are called FIRST to make disciples.  But what does that look like?  What tools do we need to orient our families toward that?

We are called as Christian parents to hold out the Gospel to our children.  What does that look like? What are the most important things to remember as we disciple our kids?  What does it mean to bring up our children in the "training and instruction of the Lord"? BECAUSE we spend so much time with our kids, we have a unique, God-given, opportunity to do just that!  Listen in to hear some simple principles from God's Word that will help you parent with confidence! (Free audiobook offer listed on the notes to this podcast at