This week is a quick down and dirty show as Marc scrambled to put a show together, after it was discovered that the show Marc, Rachel, and DeWayne recorded didn't upload properly. This is just a basic rundown of the show, Strangers, that Marc did...with some basic thoughts.Also, DeWayne just might be right about Bob "eating" it this season!The Zombie Defense League is a part of the Screeching Dog Netowrk,
Oct 27, 2014
20 min
In honor of the month of Halloween, Marc breaksdown the classic "Night of the Living Dead"...the movie that created the Zombie Genre and inspired the "Walking Dead" television show.This episode is chock full of behind the scene facts and what happened in the movie...including the only zombie in history to pick up a rock and use it!This the first of several movies that will be reviewed this month, leading up to the grand finale on Halloween. This episode is also on our how, "Movie Central", so you can catch it there if you want.Zombie Defense League is on the Screeching Dog Network, which you can find at
Oct 17, 2014
36 min
Season 5 Episode 1 was awesome! Can they keep it up the whole season?Listen as Marc, DeWayne, and Rachel discuss this and just how badass Carol is. They also decided that they need to drink before each show, so get ready for a wild ride!Also, hear there picks for who won't make it to the end of the season.Zombie Defense League is on the Screeching Dog Network.
Oct 14, 2014
39 min